Admiral Rimjob POOBUM
Lord Chambers said:Am I wrong or are the Epic Creatures in the Creature Stage impossible to kill unless you're willing to spend 2+ hours shooting it and running away? The game says they're not to be taken on without a pack of serious motherfuckers, but even the special rogue creatures die in two in two hits. I've also tried with a pack of my own species which have level 5 of every attack, ability, health, speed, and 4+ diplomacy, but even the alphas die in one hit and can't drop it more than 100 health before all dying.
Yeah, no fucking idea on that one either. I had about the same luck as you.
Goddammit, Jimbob. Those aren't multi-headed dicks. They're just giant dick shafts with four other giant dicks sticking out of them but none of are multi-headed.
It was a compromise between look and ability okay
You do better
So is the game terrible or what? I'm downloading it now and it's at 90% or so, should I keep going? :aiee:
It's not bad, just average and incredibly shallow. Might as well keep going.