Severian Silk
Here's a list of squad-level tactical games for the (mostly) personal computer. Please correct any mistakes, update with additional info, etc., etc..
Invasion 2021: Last Line of Defense (????) [dead link]
OpenXcom (TBA) [faithful open source implementation, there exist mobile ports too]
Pocket UFO (2003) [very faithful conversion for the PPC, dead link]
Talon (2005) [open source]
Taskforce (????) [dead link]
UFO: Aftershock, UFO: Aftermath & UFO: Afterlight (2003, 2005, 2007) [RTwP]
UFO: Alien Invasion (TBA) [open source, has multiplayer, my favorite so far of all the clones]
UFO: Extraterrestrials & UFO2Extraterrestrials (2007, TBA) [so-so reviews]
UFO-2007: Unknown Project (????) [dead link]
UFO2000 (TBA) [in development, open source, very faithful multiplayer update]
UFOLoader [fan-made patch for X-COM]
XCOM: Enemy Unknown, XCOM 2 (2012, 2016) [recent remakes by Fireaxis]
Xenonauts (2014) [good reviews]
XenoSquad (????) [Adobe Flash, browser, free to play]
Xenowar (2011) [Android mobile]
ALFA: Antiterror - Advanced War Tactics (2006) [phase-based]
Brigade E5: New Jagged Union & 7.62 (2005, 2008) [RTwP, have multiplayer, mixed reviews]
Cold Contract (2014) [roguelike/JA2 clone]
Fallen A2P Protocol (2015) [buggy, bad reviews]
Fallout: Tactics (2001) [has multiplayer, optionally RTwP or TB though not sure how each works]
Gorky 17 (1999) [a.k.a. "Odium"]
Ground Zero: Genesis of a New World (2006) [real-time]
Hired Guns: The Jagged Edge (2007) [a.k.a. "JAZZ: Hired Guns", RTwP, was supposed to be JA3 at one point]
JA: Back in Action, JA: Crossfire (2012, 2012) [a.k.a. "JA2: Reloaded", 3D RTwP and somewhat dumbed-down remake of JA2]
JA2: Deidranna Lives, JA2: Renegade Republik, JA2: Urban Chaos, JA2: Vietnam SOG'69 & JA2: Wildfire (various) [JA2 total conversion mods, Wildfire has the best maps IMO]
JA2 v1.13 (under continuous development) [community update, huge number of changes to the original, multiplayer under development]
Jagged Alliance: Flashback (2013) [buggy/incomplete, bad reviews, Kickstarter]
Marauder (2009) [real-time, by the makers of 7.62, aka "Man of Prey"]
Metalheart: Replicants Rampage (2005) [bad reviews]
Night Watch & Day Watch (2005, 2007) [bad reviews, based on the Russian novels by Sergey Lukyanenko, uses the Silent Storm engine]
Paradise Cracked (2002) & COPS 2170: The Power of Law (2005) [bad reviews]
Planet Alcatraz (2006) [crap game]
Shadow Company: Left for Dead (1999) [RTwP]
Shadow Vault (2004) [bad reviews]
Shadow Watch (2000) [mixed reviews]
Silent Storm, Silent Storm: Sentinels & Hammer & Sickle (2003, 2004, 2005) [all set in the same universe, maybe the best TB implementation so far, but Panzerkleins suck!!]
Ascension to the Throne (2007)
Banner Saga, The, Banner Saga, The: Factions (2014, 2013) [Vikings, Disney-style cartoon animation, Factions is multiplayer only]
Battle Brothers (TBA) [bobbleheads]
Birthright: The Gorgon's Alliance (1996) [based on the DnD franchise]
Blackguards (2014) [TB hex-grid strategy/RPG in Das Schwarze Auge setting]
BrikWars (2009) [open source, LEGO minifig battles, could be for any setting not just fantasy, multiplayer only?]
Call of Cthulhu: The Wasted Land (2012) [based loosely on the pen-and-paper game]
Chaos (1985) [Gollop bros.]
Chaos Reborn (TBA) [Gollop bros., Kickstarted]
Chroma Squad (2015) [Power Rangers spoof]
Drums of War (2014) [bad graphics, has castle sieges and shit]
Dungeons & Dragons Tactics (2007) [for the PSP, D&D]
Evie and Erebus (2008) [made with Game Maker]
Hovendall Tactics (2007) [made with Game Maker]
Legends of Eisenwald (TBA) [TB Strategy, a mixture of King's Bounty exploration and Disciples-like combat, with cRPG elements]
Lords of Chaos (1990) [Gollop bros.]
Paladin & Paladin 2 (1988, 1992) [by the same developer as the "Breach" series]
Phoenix Point (TBA) [by the original developers of X-COM]
Red Crystal, The (1993) [bad reviews]
Red Mists (TBA) [made with Game Maker, in development]
Spellcross: The Last Battle (1997)
Styrateg (2007)
Telepath Tactics, Telepath Psy Arena, Telepath Psy Arena 2 (2015, ????, ????) [by Sinister Design]
Warmachine: Tactics (2014) [based on the pnp game]
Zatikon (2008) [online multiplayer, free to play]
101: The Airborne Invasion of Normandy (1998)
All American: The 82nd Airborne in Normandy (????)
ArmA Tactics (TBA) [in development for nVidia's new handheld console]
Avalon Hill's Squad Leader (2000) [bad reviews, no demo]
Combat Mission series (1999-present) [phase-based]
End State (TBD) [counter-terrorism, detailed combat]
Frontline Tactics (2012) [iOS, PC]
Hard West (2015) [wild wild west, kickstarter, HoMM-like strategic layer]
Legends of War: Patton's Campaign (2013) [has some tanks, but seems mostly focused on small unit tactics]
Omerta: City of Gangsters (2013)
Sabre Team (1992)
Soldiers at War (1998) [good & bad reviews, no demo]
Team Assault (2012)
Twilight 2000 (1991) [good review]
Typhoon of Steel (1990) [phase-based]
Wages of War: The Business of Battle (1996) [ugly prelude to "Soldiers at War"]
Xconq (1987-2005) [open source strategy game engine, there could be a tactics game somewhere amongst the dozens of modules that come with it, if not you can develop one]
Alien Assault (????) [Space Hulk clone]
Breach & Breach 2 (1987, 1990)
Dead State (2014) [a.k.a. "DoubleBear's Zombie RPG"]
Frozen Cortex (2015) [futuristic sports]
Frozen Synapse & Frozen Synapse Prime (2010, 2014) [WEGO, has multiplayer, Darwinia meets X-COM, good reviews]
Galactic Insomnia (TBD) [kickstarter]
Halfway (2014) [awesome retro graphics, mod support]
Incubation (1997) [has multiplayer, kind of puzzly]
Invisible, Inc. (2015) [espionage-themed game on Steam early access]
Laser Squad (1988) [no unit advancement or inventory, Gollop bros.]
Laser Squad Nemesis (2002) [phase-based, has multiplayer, no unit advancement or inventory, Gollop bros.]
Legion of Steel (2015) [complexified Space Hulk clone, PC, iOS]
MegaMek (TBA) [open source, BattleTech-inspired game, in development]
MissionForce: Cyberstorm (1996) [mecha]
NetHulk (TBA) [multiplayer Space Hulk clone, in development]
Rebelstar series (1984-1988) [no unit advancement or inventory, Gollop bros.]
Rebelstar: Tactical Command (2005) [Gollop bros., for GBA]
Shadowrun Returns, Shadowrun: Dragonfall & Shadowrun: Hong Kong (2013, 2014, 2015) [includes a toolset for making your own modules]
Space Hulk (????) [dead link, computerized clone of Games Workshop's table-top game]
Space Hulk (2013) [accurate re-creation of the board game by Games Workshop]
Star Sentinel Tactics (2010) [bad reviews]
Stellar Forces (2010) [open source, PBEM]
Templar Battleforce (2015) [Space Hulk clone]
Titans of Steel & Titans of Steel: Warring Suns (1999, 2003) [mecha, the latter is freeware, mirror]
Ultimate Space Commando (2015) [has multiplayer, let's wear camo in space!]
Warhammer: Chaos Gate (1998) [has multiplayer]
Warhammer 40,000: Deathwatch - Enhanced Edition (2015)
Aarklash: Legacy (2013) [RTwP, story is meh, combat has good reviews]
Battle Bugs (1994) [RTwP, conquest of your kitchen floor]
Confrontation (2012) [based on the Games Workshop series of table top games]
Myth: The Fallen Lords & Myth II: Soulblighter (1997, 1998) [RTT classic]
Robin Hood: The Legend of Sherwood (2006)
Commandos series (1998-2010)
Deadline (1996)
Desperados: Wanted Dead or Alive (2001)
Divided We Fall (TBA)
Eric Young's Squad Assault: West Front (2003)
Korea: Forgotten Conflict (2003)
Police Quest: SWAT 2 [other titles in the series range from interactive novels to first-person shooters] (1998)
Tegel's Mercenaries (1992) & Strike Squad (1993) [no unit advancement or witching inventory]
XIII Century: Death or Glory (2008)
Abomination: The Nemesis Project (1999)
Blade Thrust Tactics (TBA) [in development]
Breach 3 (1995) [real-time sequel to "Breach" and "Breach 2"]
Conquest Earth: First Encounter (1997) [no info]
Freedom Force & Freedom Force vs. The Third Reich (2002, 2005) [Super Hero comics, RTwP, has multiplayer, good reviews]
FreeSynd (TBA) [GPL cross-platform remake of Syndicate, in development]
Phase: Exodus (TBA) [in development]
Satellite Reign (2015) [kickstarter, spiritual sequel to Syndicate]
Soldiers of Anarchy (2002) [post-apoc]
Star Wolves, Star Wolves 2 & Star Wolves 3: Civil War (2002, 2006, 2010) [RTwP, outer space, mixed to poor reviews, the first is the only one that's good IMO]
Starship Troopers: Terran Ascendancy (2000) [slightly larger squads than usual]
Syndicate (1993) [RTT classic]
There Came an Echo (2015) [uses voice recognition, starring Wil Wheaton]
Trapped Dead (2010) [zombie horror theme]
Urban Legend (2007)
// CRPGs
Age of Decadence, The (2015) [single-character, multiple solutions, Codex GOTY runner-up]
Antharion (TBA) [kickstarter]
Betrayal at Krondor, Betrayal in Antara & Return to Krondor (1993, 1997, 1998) [CRPGs, very light tactics]
Chaos Chronicles (TBA) [d20, in development]
Copper Dreams (TBA) [kickstarter]
Dark Sun: Shattered Lands & Dark Sun: Wake of the Ravager (1993, 1994)
Disciples of Steel (1994)
Divinity: Original Sin (2014) [good reviews, kickstarter]
Dungeon Craft (TBA) [open source FRUA remake, in development, intends to support existing FRUA modules]
Expeditions: Conquistador (2013) [TB Strategy/RPG hybrid, based in XVI century New World]
Fall, The: Last Days of Gaia (2004) [real-time, mixed reviews, not released in America, by the developers of "Soldiers of Anarchy"]
Gold Box series (1988-1993) [Pool of Radiance, Champions of Krynn, etc., D&D, first-person exploration]
Helherron (2003) [Nahlakh clone]
Heroes of Jin Yong (1996) [Chinese-language, single character/AI controlled party]
Knights of the Chalice, Knights of the Chalice 2 (2009, TBA) [OGL 3.5 Edition, good reviews]
Nahlakh (1994) [graphical roguelike]
Omega Syndrome, The (2006) [single-character/AI party, good reviews but short, difficult]
Natuk (1999) [by the same developer as Nahlakh]
Prelude to Darkness (2002) [freeware, good reviews, buggy]
Realms of Arkania: Blade of Destiny, Realms of Arkania: Star Trail & Realms of Arkania III: Shadows over Riva (1992, 1994, 1996)
Realms of Arkania: Blade of Destiny HD Remake (2013) [ugly, low production values, kill it with fire!]
Realmz (1994)
Tactica: Maiden of Faith (TBA) [in development]
Telepath RPG Chapter 1, Telepath RPG Chapter 2, Telepath RPG: Servants of God (????, ????, 2012) [by Sinister Design]
Temple of Elemental Evil, The (2003) [very faithful port of D&D to the computer, starting town is boring]
Some early titles in the Ultima series
Underrail (2015) [single-character, very atmospheric, Codex GOTY]
Wasteland 2 (2014) [kickstarter]
Winter Voices (2013) [French anime, no offensive skills]
Wizard's Crown & The Eternal Dagger (1985, 1987) [CRPGs]
Zaharia (TBA) [middle-eastern setting]
Zero-Projekt (TBA) [in development, FIFE engine]
Dungeon Monkey Unlimited [by the creator of GearHead]
Enemy (TBA) [tactical roguelike Minecraft/Zelda/Mario-clone in development, kickstarter]
Fishguts [tentative title of a tactical roguelike/Gold Box clone in development for the PSP]
GearHead & GearHead 2 [single-character/AI-controlled party, has a "tactics" mode but it needs some work, has both ASCII and graphical modes, GH2 is unfinished]
Lost Labyrinth [single-character graphical roguelike, has an action point system supposedly]
Mysterious Castle [party-based roguelike loosely based on D&D, iOS and Windows desktop]
Renowned Explorers (2015) [graphical party-based roguelike]
Steam Marines (2013) [in development, steampunk tactical roguelike in space, can't attack diagonally]
Stellar Tactics (TBA) [in development, squad combat and Space exploration]
Voxel Quest (TBA) [kickstarter, procedurally generated voxels, no updates since 2016?]
Battle for Wesnoth, The [anime, open source, Master of Monsters clone]
Exit Fate [anime, switches between tactics and standard JRPG combat modes depending on where you are in the story]
Gadget Trial [anime]
Grotesque Tactics: Evil Heroes (2010) & Grotesque Tactics 2: Dungeons and Donuts (2011) [dumb German humor]
Hellenica (2017)
Power Dolls (1994) [mecha, no English translation]
Regalia: Of Men And Monarchs (TBA) [in development, Kickstarter]
RPG Maker [there are several TRPG scripts for RPG Maker, dunno much about them though]
Skyshine's BEDLAM Redux! (TBA) [uses the Banner Saga engine, kickstarter]
Vantage Master Online [anime, freeware, Master of Monsters clone]
Unsung Story (TBA) [Yasumi Matsuno]
Zion (vaporware) [anime, in early development, made in Australia, last update 2010]
// MMOs
Atlantica Online [player-controlled parties of up to 9 characters each, freemium, little character customization]
Dofus (2004) & Wakfu (2012) [anime, single-character]
GUNROX [anime]
Jagged Alliance Online (TBA) [in development]
Neverwinter Nights [Gold Box circa 1991, free servers available]
Strugarden [anime, Japan/Korea only]
Total Influence [Russian only]
AntiSquad (2014) [has PC, iOS and Android versions, dumb dudebro art style]
Blackwinter Demo, Curse of the Wailing Death Prelude, The Elderin Stone, Hearkenwold (????) [four IceBlinkBasic modules]
Cyber Knights RPG (2011) [Android, tactical cyberpunk sandbox game]
Door Kickers (2014) [mobile game]
Dungeoneers (TBA) [single character, browser game, simple rules]
IceBlinkBasic (????) [FOSS Gold Box-style engine and toolset, works on PC too]
utland 17: Void of Liberty (TBA) [Tactical RPG - in development]
Squad Tactics (TBA) [Flash-based browser game, very early development]
Tactical Soldier: Undead Rising (2011) [iPhone, zombie horror theme]
Templar Assault RPG (2011) [Android, 4-character squad game inspired by Warhammer Space Hulk]
Bourgeoisie (DOA) [dead link]
Dark Triad: Akhazal Quest, The (DOA) [in development, 3D-isometric turn-based, story driven cRPG]
Dreamland Chronicles, The (DOA) [cancelled remake by Julian Gollop]
Outcome (DOA) [real-time, dead link]
PARPG (DOA) [in development, FIFE engine]
Project Xenocide (DOA) [open source, discontinued]
PSG RebelSquad (DOA) [in development]
S.C.O.U.R.G.E. [party-based graphical roguelike, action point system can be enabled in config IIRC, development stalled]
Tactica Online (DOA) [MMO, cancelled]
Tangut Prophesy, The (DOA) [a realistic cRPG on FOnline engine set in XII century China by CrazyLoon]
UFO: The Two Sides (DOA) [freeware, multiplayer remake, in development]
What Remains (DOA) [FOnline engine post-apocalyptic game by Surf Solar]
X-Com: Project Colonisation (DOA) [dead link]
X-Commandos (DOA) [in development]
X-Force: Fight for Destiny (DOA) [in development]
Invasion 2021: Last Line of Defense (????) [dead link]
OpenXcom (TBA) [faithful open source implementation, there exist mobile ports too]
Pocket UFO (2003) [very faithful conversion for the PPC, dead link]
Talon (2005) [open source]
Taskforce (????) [dead link]
UFO: Aftershock, UFO: Aftermath & UFO: Afterlight (2003, 2005, 2007) [RTwP]
UFO: Alien Invasion (TBA) [open source, has multiplayer, my favorite so far of all the clones]
UFO: Extraterrestrials & UFO2Extraterrestrials (2007, TBA) [so-so reviews]
UFO-2007: Unknown Project (????) [dead link]
UFO2000 (TBA) [in development, open source, very faithful multiplayer update]
UFOLoader [fan-made patch for X-COM]
XCOM: Enemy Unknown, XCOM 2 (2012, 2016) [recent remakes by Fireaxis]
Xenonauts (2014) [good reviews]
XenoSquad (????) [Adobe Flash, browser, free to play]
Xenowar (2011) [Android mobile]
ALFA: Antiterror - Advanced War Tactics (2006) [phase-based]
Brigade E5: New Jagged Union & 7.62 (2005, 2008) [RTwP, have multiplayer, mixed reviews]
Cold Contract (2014) [roguelike/JA2 clone]
Fallen A2P Protocol (2015) [buggy, bad reviews]
Fallout: Tactics (2001) [has multiplayer, optionally RTwP or TB though not sure how each works]
Gorky 17 (1999) [a.k.a. "Odium"]
Ground Zero: Genesis of a New World (2006) [real-time]
Hired Guns: The Jagged Edge (2007) [a.k.a. "JAZZ: Hired Guns", RTwP, was supposed to be JA3 at one point]
JA: Back in Action, JA: Crossfire (2012, 2012) [a.k.a. "JA2: Reloaded", 3D RTwP and somewhat dumbed-down remake of JA2]
JA2: Deidranna Lives, JA2: Renegade Republik, JA2: Urban Chaos, JA2: Vietnam SOG'69 & JA2: Wildfire (various) [JA2 total conversion mods, Wildfire has the best maps IMO]
JA2 v1.13 (under continuous development) [community update, huge number of changes to the original, multiplayer under development]
Jagged Alliance: Flashback (2013) [buggy/incomplete, bad reviews, Kickstarter]
Marauder (2009) [real-time, by the makers of 7.62, aka "Man of Prey"]
Metalheart: Replicants Rampage (2005) [bad reviews]
Night Watch & Day Watch (2005, 2007) [bad reviews, based on the Russian novels by Sergey Lukyanenko, uses the Silent Storm engine]
Paradise Cracked (2002) & COPS 2170: The Power of Law (2005) [bad reviews]
Planet Alcatraz (2006) [crap game]
Shadow Company: Left for Dead (1999) [RTwP]
Shadow Vault (2004) [bad reviews]
Shadow Watch (2000) [mixed reviews]
Silent Storm, Silent Storm: Sentinels & Hammer & Sickle (2003, 2004, 2005) [all set in the same universe, maybe the best TB implementation so far, but Panzerkleins suck!!]
Ascension to the Throne (2007)
Banner Saga, The, Banner Saga, The: Factions (2014, 2013) [Vikings, Disney-style cartoon animation, Factions is multiplayer only]
Battle Brothers (TBA) [bobbleheads]
Birthright: The Gorgon's Alliance (1996) [based on the DnD franchise]
Blackguards (2014) [TB hex-grid strategy/RPG in Das Schwarze Auge setting]
BrikWars (2009) [open source, LEGO minifig battles, could be for any setting not just fantasy, multiplayer only?]
Call of Cthulhu: The Wasted Land (2012) [based loosely on the pen-and-paper game]
Chaos (1985) [Gollop bros.]
Chaos Reborn (TBA) [Gollop bros., Kickstarted]
Chroma Squad (2015) [Power Rangers spoof]
Drums of War (2014) [bad graphics, has castle sieges and shit]
Dungeons & Dragons Tactics (2007) [for the PSP, D&D]
Evie and Erebus (2008) [made with Game Maker]
Hovendall Tactics (2007) [made with Game Maker]
Legends of Eisenwald (TBA) [TB Strategy, a mixture of King's Bounty exploration and Disciples-like combat, with cRPG elements]
Lords of Chaos (1990) [Gollop bros.]
Paladin & Paladin 2 (1988, 1992) [by the same developer as the "Breach" series]
Phoenix Point (TBA) [by the original developers of X-COM]
Red Crystal, The (1993) [bad reviews]
Red Mists (TBA) [made with Game Maker, in development]
Spellcross: The Last Battle (1997)
Styrateg (2007)
Telepath Tactics, Telepath Psy Arena, Telepath Psy Arena 2 (2015, ????, ????) [by Sinister Design]
Warmachine: Tactics (2014) [based on the pnp game]
Zatikon (2008) [online multiplayer, free to play]
101: The Airborne Invasion of Normandy (1998)
All American: The 82nd Airborne in Normandy (????)
ArmA Tactics (TBA) [in development for nVidia's new handheld console]
Avalon Hill's Squad Leader (2000) [bad reviews, no demo]
Combat Mission series (1999-present) [phase-based]
End State (TBD) [counter-terrorism, detailed combat]
Frontline Tactics (2012) [iOS, PC]
Hard West (2015) [wild wild west, kickstarter, HoMM-like strategic layer]
Legends of War: Patton's Campaign (2013) [has some tanks, but seems mostly focused on small unit tactics]
Omerta: City of Gangsters (2013)
Sabre Team (1992)
Soldiers at War (1998) [good & bad reviews, no demo]
Team Assault (2012)
Twilight 2000 (1991) [good review]
Typhoon of Steel (1990) [phase-based]
Wages of War: The Business of Battle (1996) [ugly prelude to "Soldiers at War"]
Xconq (1987-2005) [open source strategy game engine, there could be a tactics game somewhere amongst the dozens of modules that come with it, if not you can develop one]
Alien Assault (????) [Space Hulk clone]
Breach & Breach 2 (1987, 1990)
Dead State (2014) [a.k.a. "DoubleBear's Zombie RPG"]
Frozen Cortex (2015) [futuristic sports]
Frozen Synapse & Frozen Synapse Prime (2010, 2014) [WEGO, has multiplayer, Darwinia meets X-COM, good reviews]
Galactic Insomnia (TBD) [kickstarter]
Halfway (2014) [awesome retro graphics, mod support]
Incubation (1997) [has multiplayer, kind of puzzly]
Invisible, Inc. (2015) [espionage-themed game on Steam early access]
Laser Squad (1988) [no unit advancement or inventory, Gollop bros.]
Laser Squad Nemesis (2002) [phase-based, has multiplayer, no unit advancement or inventory, Gollop bros.]
Legion of Steel (2015) [complexified Space Hulk clone, PC, iOS]
MegaMek (TBA) [open source, BattleTech-inspired game, in development]
MissionForce: Cyberstorm (1996) [mecha]
NetHulk (TBA) [multiplayer Space Hulk clone, in development]
Rebelstar series (1984-1988) [no unit advancement or inventory, Gollop bros.]
Rebelstar: Tactical Command (2005) [Gollop bros., for GBA]
Shadowrun Returns, Shadowrun: Dragonfall & Shadowrun: Hong Kong (2013, 2014, 2015) [includes a toolset for making your own modules]
Space Hulk (????) [dead link, computerized clone of Games Workshop's table-top game]
Space Hulk (2013) [accurate re-creation of the board game by Games Workshop]
Star Sentinel Tactics (2010) [bad reviews]
Stellar Forces (2010) [open source, PBEM]
Templar Battleforce (2015) [Space Hulk clone]
Titans of Steel & Titans of Steel: Warring Suns (1999, 2003) [mecha, the latter is freeware, mirror]
Ultimate Space Commando (2015) [has multiplayer, let's wear camo in space!]
Warhammer: Chaos Gate (1998) [has multiplayer]
Warhammer 40,000: Deathwatch - Enhanced Edition (2015)
Aarklash: Legacy (2013) [RTwP, story is meh, combat has good reviews]
Battle Bugs (1994) [RTwP, conquest of your kitchen floor]
Confrontation (2012) [based on the Games Workshop series of table top games]
Myth: The Fallen Lords & Myth II: Soulblighter (1997, 1998) [RTT classic]
Robin Hood: The Legend of Sherwood (2006)
Commandos series (1998-2010)
Deadline (1996)
Desperados: Wanted Dead or Alive (2001)
Divided We Fall (TBA)
Eric Young's Squad Assault: West Front (2003)
Korea: Forgotten Conflict (2003)
Police Quest: SWAT 2 [other titles in the series range from interactive novels to first-person shooters] (1998)
Tegel's Mercenaries (1992) & Strike Squad (1993) [no unit advancement or witching inventory]
XIII Century: Death or Glory (2008)
Abomination: The Nemesis Project (1999)
Blade Thrust Tactics (TBA) [in development]
Breach 3 (1995) [real-time sequel to "Breach" and "Breach 2"]
Conquest Earth: First Encounter (1997) [no info]
Freedom Force & Freedom Force vs. The Third Reich (2002, 2005) [Super Hero comics, RTwP, has multiplayer, good reviews]
FreeSynd (TBA) [GPL cross-platform remake of Syndicate, in development]
Phase: Exodus (TBA) [in development]
Satellite Reign (2015) [kickstarter, spiritual sequel to Syndicate]
Soldiers of Anarchy (2002) [post-apoc]
Star Wolves, Star Wolves 2 & Star Wolves 3: Civil War (2002, 2006, 2010) [RTwP, outer space, mixed to poor reviews, the first is the only one that's good IMO]
Starship Troopers: Terran Ascendancy (2000) [slightly larger squads than usual]
Syndicate (1993) [RTT classic]
There Came an Echo (2015) [uses voice recognition, starring Wil Wheaton]
Trapped Dead (2010) [zombie horror theme]
Urban Legend (2007)
// CRPGs
Age of Decadence, The (2015) [single-character, multiple solutions, Codex GOTY runner-up]
Antharion (TBA) [kickstarter]
Betrayal at Krondor, Betrayal in Antara & Return to Krondor (1993, 1997, 1998) [CRPGs, very light tactics]
Chaos Chronicles (TBA) [d20, in development]
Copper Dreams (TBA) [kickstarter]
Dark Sun: Shattered Lands & Dark Sun: Wake of the Ravager (1993, 1994)
Disciples of Steel (1994)
Divinity: Original Sin (2014) [good reviews, kickstarter]
Dungeon Craft (TBA) [open source FRUA remake, in development, intends to support existing FRUA modules]
Expeditions: Conquistador (2013) [TB Strategy/RPG hybrid, based in XVI century New World]
Fall, The: Last Days of Gaia (2004) [real-time, mixed reviews, not released in America, by the developers of "Soldiers of Anarchy"]
Gold Box series (1988-1993) [Pool of Radiance, Champions of Krynn, etc., D&D, first-person exploration]
Helherron (2003) [Nahlakh clone]
Heroes of Jin Yong (1996) [Chinese-language, single character/AI controlled party]
Knights of the Chalice, Knights of the Chalice 2 (2009, TBA) [OGL 3.5 Edition, good reviews]
Nahlakh (1994) [graphical roguelike]
Omega Syndrome, The (2006) [single-character/AI party, good reviews but short, difficult]
Natuk (1999) [by the same developer as Nahlakh]
Prelude to Darkness (2002) [freeware, good reviews, buggy]
Realms of Arkania: Blade of Destiny, Realms of Arkania: Star Trail & Realms of Arkania III: Shadows over Riva (1992, 1994, 1996)
Realms of Arkania: Blade of Destiny HD Remake (2013) [ugly, low production values, kill it with fire!]
Realmz (1994)
Tactica: Maiden of Faith (TBA) [in development]
Telepath RPG Chapter 1, Telepath RPG Chapter 2, Telepath RPG: Servants of God (????, ????, 2012) [by Sinister Design]
Temple of Elemental Evil, The (2003) [very faithful port of D&D to the computer, starting town is boring]
Some early titles in the Ultima series
Underrail (2015) [single-character, very atmospheric, Codex GOTY]
Wasteland 2 (2014) [kickstarter]
Winter Voices (2013) [French anime, no offensive skills]
Wizard's Crown & The Eternal Dagger (1985, 1987) [CRPGs]
Zaharia (TBA) [middle-eastern setting]
Zero-Projekt (TBA) [in development, FIFE engine]
Dungeon Monkey Unlimited [by the creator of GearHead]
Enemy (TBA) [tactical roguelike Minecraft/Zelda/Mario-clone in development, kickstarter]
Fishguts [tentative title of a tactical roguelike/Gold Box clone in development for the PSP]
GearHead & GearHead 2 [single-character/AI-controlled party, has a "tactics" mode but it needs some work, has both ASCII and graphical modes, GH2 is unfinished]
Lost Labyrinth [single-character graphical roguelike, has an action point system supposedly]
Mysterious Castle [party-based roguelike loosely based on D&D, iOS and Windows desktop]
Renowned Explorers (2015) [graphical party-based roguelike]
Steam Marines (2013) [in development, steampunk tactical roguelike in space, can't attack diagonally]
Stellar Tactics (TBA) [in development, squad combat and Space exploration]
Voxel Quest (TBA) [kickstarter, procedurally generated voxels, no updates since 2016?]
Battle for Wesnoth, The [anime, open source, Master of Monsters clone]
Exit Fate [anime, switches between tactics and standard JRPG combat modes depending on where you are in the story]
Gadget Trial [anime]
Grotesque Tactics: Evil Heroes (2010) & Grotesque Tactics 2: Dungeons and Donuts (2011) [dumb German humor]
Hellenica (2017)
Power Dolls (1994) [mecha, no English translation]
Regalia: Of Men And Monarchs (TBA) [in development, Kickstarter]
RPG Maker [there are several TRPG scripts for RPG Maker, dunno much about them though]
Skyshine's BEDLAM Redux! (TBA) [uses the Banner Saga engine, kickstarter]
Vantage Master Online [anime, freeware, Master of Monsters clone]
Unsung Story (TBA) [Yasumi Matsuno]
Zion (vaporware) [anime, in early development, made in Australia, last update 2010]
// MMOs
Atlantica Online [player-controlled parties of up to 9 characters each, freemium, little character customization]
Dofus (2004) & Wakfu (2012) [anime, single-character]
GUNROX [anime]
Jagged Alliance Online (TBA) [in development]
Neverwinter Nights [Gold Box circa 1991, free servers available]
Strugarden [anime, Japan/Korea only]
Total Influence [Russian only]
AntiSquad (2014) [has PC, iOS and Android versions, dumb dudebro art style]
Blackwinter Demo, Curse of the Wailing Death Prelude, The Elderin Stone, Hearkenwold (????) [four IceBlinkBasic modules]
Cyber Knights RPG (2011) [Android, tactical cyberpunk sandbox game]
Door Kickers (2014) [mobile game]
Dungeoneers (TBA) [single character, browser game, simple rules]
IceBlinkBasic (????) [FOSS Gold Box-style engine and toolset, works on PC too]
utland 17: Void of Liberty (TBA) [Tactical RPG - in development]
Squad Tactics (TBA) [Flash-based browser game, very early development]
Tactical Soldier: Undead Rising (2011) [iPhone, zombie horror theme]
Templar Assault RPG (2011) [Android, 4-character squad game inspired by Warhammer Space Hulk]
Bourgeoisie (DOA) [dead link]
Dark Triad: Akhazal Quest, The (DOA) [in development, 3D-isometric turn-based, story driven cRPG]
Dreamland Chronicles, The (DOA) [cancelled remake by Julian Gollop]
Outcome (DOA) [real-time, dead link]
PARPG (DOA) [in development, FIFE engine]
Project Xenocide (DOA) [open source, discontinued]
PSG RebelSquad (DOA) [in development]
S.C.O.U.R.G.E. [party-based graphical roguelike, action point system can be enabled in config IIRC, development stalled]
Tactica Online (DOA) [MMO, cancelled]
Tangut Prophesy, The (DOA) [a realistic cRPG on FOnline engine set in XII century China by CrazyLoon]
UFO: The Two Sides (DOA) [freeware, multiplayer remake, in development]
What Remains (DOA) [FOnline engine post-apocalyptic game by Surf Solar]
X-Com: Project Colonisation (DOA) [dead link]
X-Commandos (DOA) [in development]
X-Force: Fight for Destiny (DOA) [in development]
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