anus_pounder: You are the broest of bros. Prepare to be fisted whenever you post.
I've been playing this over the last week and my experience has been mostly positive. How did that happen? I don't know. I'm not an experienced MMO player, having basically only played F2P MMOs - apart from EVE and Wizard101 - so the WoW comparison doesn't really mean anything to me.
The quest flow and design is certainly the best I have seen in an MMO and better than single-player games like Skyrim. It's Biowarian of course, but it has its appeals - if only because of the polish. The reactivity is what you'd expect from Bioware. It's of course not a story that's going to make or break a person, but it certainly is more of the same KotOR feel. I can also totally see replaying it with different classes, since they all have their own storyline - that's pretty cool in anyone's books. The flashpoints are actually really really entertaining. I know there has been a lot of complaints that there aren't enough, but I'm not at that point yet.
The skill system is far better than my previous experience with MMOs. In LotRO you're running around bashing the same skill over and over for most of the game, here I have multiple skills I can use. What I would have liked is a way to queue skills and not interrupt them when I click to use another. Is there a way I can do that? I digress. Advancement certainly feels better than any other MMO I've played, with the continuous expansion of the skill tree.
The F2P component of the game is hilariously broken and it's clear that they want to frustrate F2P gamers into subscribers. The lack of character slots is pretty standard, but I don't know how well it works in a game that's so heavily based on story-mode. You also get only two ability bars, which is not a problem right now. Both of these are circumvented with your first purchase and I can see myself spend some cash on this, but it's a bad start. Not able to use a rare (artefact) item? That's okay but will be hilariously broken in late level PvP. Customization I can live without. The problem is even subscribers have to cough up cash for customization these days. Account-wide unlocks are also ridiculously priced, but I might be tempted to go for artefact unlock later on. It's pretty clear they still want subscribers - not pay to play; will have to wait and see if that will change over the years - they have already lowered some prices permanently. Certainly would have liked to gain more coins through the achievement system (which is actually pretty great).
It's actually pretty good and I'm not sure why it has such a bad rep. I'm pretty sure its biggest loss and still the biggest detractor is their commitment to the subscription model - yet in the process of testing other waters fucking over the subscribers as well. I don't really know what the business side is thinking, but the dev side is pretty solid.
Where the fuck are the Codex guilds?
All? Just none would admit it.Exactly how many codexers do you think are willing to play a biowarian mmo?
In Neverwinter.Where the fuck are the Codex guilds?
All? Just none would admit it.Exactly how many codexers do you think are willing to play a biowarian mmo?
13. Level thirteen. The ultimate level.All? Just none would admit it.Exactly how many codexers do you think are willing to play a biowarian mmo?
What level is your jedi now btw? Thinking I might as well start a repub alt. Though, after having reached 55 with one char I'm not sure how much more swtor i can take...
Jedi? you chose poorly...13. Level thirteen. The ultimate level.All? Just none would admit it.Exactly how many codexers do you think are willing to play a biowarian mmo?
What level is your jedi now btw? Thinking I might as well start a repub alt. Though, after having reached 55 with one char I'm not sure how much more swtor i can take...
Jedi? you chose poorly...13. Level thirteen. The ultimate level.All? Just none would admit it.Exactly how many codexers do you think are willing to play a biowarian mmo?
What level is your jedi now btw? Thinking I might as well start a repub alt. Though, after having reached 55 with one char I'm not sure how much more swtor i can take...
I can tell you right now that the most interesting story arcs occur on the sith side. The Imperial agent in particular is a surprisingly well written story of espionage and political intrigue and the 2 Sith force user storylines are interesting in the way they delve into aspects of the dark side of the force as well as the upper echelons of Sith society.
Jedi stories, indeed the whole republic story is just regurgitated BioWare hero bullshit with the Consular probably being the most yawn inducing of the bunch, the Knight being the most 'epic' and the smuggler being the most humorous.
I found the Bounty Hunter storyline meh (often wondering why the Sith lords he would piss off didn't just snap his neck) and the Republic commando downright tedious.
I have finished Trooper, JK, and SW.
Trooper chapter 1 was great. Revenge story, personal, and fun. Chapter 2 and 3 is are not nearly as good because you are just doing general things for the republic, cool, but not personal and it makes you not care as much.
Jedi Knight. Solid throughout. Epic, fun, but dumb :D. I hate the freaking voice actor though, sorry solid snake fans. Also, the JK responses are too generic for my taste, if you go for the goody 2 shoes route it gets really annoying. Final fight though is very epic.
Sith Warrior. BY FAR my favorite of these three. God damn, it was like playing a whole different game. I manipulated Jedi behind my masters back, I ruthlessly killed people like Darth Vader, and the voice actor and responses are fucking high quality and great. No matter what you choose to say your character says something intelligent and relevant rather then the JK's rather dull responses.
On to the Imperial Agent next, which is considered to be the best story. It also has like 7 endings or something, so it is much more varied and C&C is done very well. This is because the writer is Alexander Freed.
Having sex with your padawan.Yeah, I actually wonder. What's playing the dark side like for a Jedi Knight? I'm obviously being a goody-two-shoes.
Oh, right. That's obvious.Having sex with your padawan.Yeah, I actually wonder. What's playing the dark side like for a Jedi Knight? I'm obviously being a goody-two-shoes.
Yeah, I actually wonder. What's playing the dark side like for a Jedi Knight? I'm obviously being a goody-two-shoes.