Best story for glowstick wielders is the Sith Warrior. It was Bioware's pet project and it shows. Playing it as a lightsider makes actually sense instead of just added flavor. One companion even has a two different versions (light/dark) depending on your choices. The 'quisitor would haved really benifited from that mechanic, but they chickened out halfway into the story.Just downloaded this shit. Which classes have theleast derpybest storylines?
You mean you... ever subscribed?I got to about half way through the Imp Agent storyline before unsubscribing. I didn't see quite what everyone else was seeing.
You mean you... ever subscribed?
I completed the Sith Warrior storyline. For a sci-fi MMO, the storyline is pretty good. For a Star Wars game, especially one that follows KOTOR and KOTOR 2, it isn't very good.
I got to about half way through the Imp Agent storyline before unsubscribing. I didn't see quite what everyone else was seeing.
That's why I consider the LS SW story among the best. Let the others play their stereotypical "hulk smash! lol I am evil!" story, as a lightsided SW your goal is to end the senseless infighting that errupts the empire and make it strong again. Sparing people is also not just a pussy weakling option, but realizing that their potential would be wasted as a corpse. Same is true towards alien characters. (Some of them even appear as a cameo ally before your final fight, nice touch)Sith storyline is ok only when you play as a light side Sith IMO.... Dark Side one is everything what is wrong about people writing stupid villains.
F2P restrictions are really a slap in the face in this game. From level 20 or so onwards you get so few xp you end up horrible underleveled all the time. 350k money cap also means you have to buy useless junk once you turn 40ish, or the money is lost to you.well, i know being a freebie doesn't help, but still...
You guys joke, but I was a total moron and bought the game when it was new. So I had to pay around 50-60 dollars for the game alone. The hype got to me and to this day I feel like an agent of decline. The game at launch had so many problems it was unplayable at times. And trying to play with friends was pointles, becaue you couldn't hear over half of their quests and vice versa. Don't know if it changed.
You guys joke, but I was a total moron and bought the game when it was new. So I had to pay around 50-60 dollars for the game alone. The hype got to me and to this day I feel like an agent of decline. The game at launch had so many problems it was unplayable at times. And trying to play with friends was pointles, becaue you couldn't hear over half of their quests and vice versa. Don't know if it changed.
F2P restrictions are really a slap in the face in this game. From level 20 or so onwards you get so few xp you end up horrible underleveled all the time. 350k money cap also means you have to buy useless junk once you turn 40ish, or the money is lost to you.
Really? Because I was always overleveled for the next planet after I was done with the current one. Then again, I didn't skip all the "kill X of Y" multi-stage zone missions that popped up, and I added dungeon runs and crafting to my leveling because I felt like doing them sometimes. This was way before Galactic Starfighter update which I assume gives you even more experience if you bother doing that so I have no idea how you would end up underleveled unless you were purposefully skipping content. Money problem was real, although from what I gather they've removed skill training cost now which was a real money drain as you leveled up and tried to save formountspeeder training and actualmountspeeder itself.
Really? Because I was always overleveled for the next planet after I was done with the current one. Then again, I didn't skip all the "kill X of Y" multi-stage zone missions that popped up, and I added dungeon runs and crafting to my leveling because I felt like doing them sometimes. This was way before Galactic Starfighter update which I assume gives you even more experience if you bother doing that so I have no idea how you would end up underleveled unless you were purposefully skipping content. Money problem was real, although from what I gather they've removed skill training cost now which was a real money drain as you leveled up and tried to save formountspeeder training and actualmountspeeder itself.