Who feels like what? Your warrior recruited Vette because you need her skills, and she agreed to follow you around. If she doesn't like you (and I myself dislike her, and find her ridiculously annoying), then suck it up or else play without a companion until you can recruit someone who likes you.Vette feels like she would belong with an Imp Agent. She dislikes almost everything that comes out of a Sith Warriors mouth besides getting paid. While Kaliyo would have fit quite well with a Sith since she disagrees with everything coming out of the Agents mouth and likes the violence a Sith warrior can often do.
Or... don't pick a crafting skill until you hit the endgame. Get a mission skill, two gathering skills, and then switch over to a crafting skill later. Crafting is not meant to craft stuff for yourself. Crafting is meant for making items to sell to other people and make money. Crewskills are tradeskills. Well, all of the skills are tradeskills. It's a trade market where one person may buy materials others have gathered and craft items using those materials, or vice versa gather material and selling it to crafters.Speaking of rerolling. I'm giving serious thought to scrapping all the work I have put into armour crafting and going with artificer. Or perhaps synthweaving. Right now I'm outstripping anything I can craft just by leveling and buying items with what was commendations.
All your characters on one server are part of the same Legacy. They all contribute to the same Legacy level, achievements, etc.Makes me wonder why its even called "Legacy" when it has next to nothing to do with it.
As Weevil said, those cartel weapons are moddable. Which means you can use that same weapon until you hit level cap as long as you upgrade its slots regularly. This does not just apply to weapons, but any piece of orange/fully-slotted equipment.Only a collection of cartel weapons that appear to be about as useful as the weapon you are given after character creation.
Don't buy items with commendations. Those orange items you can buy with commendations are infinitely upgradable, identical to the cartel equipment, so spend your commendations on buying new mods for them. And on that note, because you can buy orange equipment, don't you dare spend commendations on green/blue un-slotted gear.buying items with what was commendations.
Please do invite Codexia as well if you find the time, so I know whereI'll invite you to the (imperial) guild when I'm not lazy enough to log onto my main.
Sounds like a cost saving measure, the VA doing the PCs have most likely a higher salary each than the rest of the actors combined. Not going to miss the femquis VA though, she was such a large ham.Because they actually CUT voice acting from the player character, obviously to save resources to work on other aspects of the game (and soooo many people are complaining).
Slicing is either buggy or got severly nerfed now, the max rank missions cost some 3k and the boxes pay out 800? Rank 7 isn't much better. I burned some 20k while listening to my companions whining. I guess one is supposed to stop running missions at r6 and open boxes on the map instead to level now. Or hope for crit rewards to even the losses.Tradeskills stuffz
Patch changed the commendation bought mods to being green instead of blue to bolster demand for player crafted. Thankfully I logged in prepatch and burned my coms on blue 55s. Not with all chars though. Stupid past me.Commendashun stuffz
Took ages to find a sniper rifle back then that made BAM instead of sounding like some paintball weapon.The main nice thing about upgradable gear is that you can use the same weapon throughout the game. A cosmetic thing. But it's a cosmetic thing that does make a difference because different guns have different sounds and for me, PEW PEW PEW sounds annoying as shit.
Who feels like what? Your warrior recruited Vette because you need her skills, and she agreed to follow you around. If she doesn't like you (and I myself dislike her, and find her ridiculously annoying), then suck it up or else play without a companion until you can recruit someone who likes you.
You think I enjoyed being forced to party with Atton in KOTOR2 in the beginning?
Deal with it. You didn't pick a friend, you picked a party member..
Or... don't pick a crafting skill until you hit the endgame. Get a mission skill, two gathering skills, and then switch over to a crafting skill later. Crafting is not meant to craft stuff for yourself. Crafting is meant for making items to sell to other people and make money. Crewskills are tradeskills. Well, all of the skills are tradeskills. It's a trade market where one person may buy materials others have gathered and craft items using those materials, or vice versa gather material and selling it to crafters.
She is supposed to be your moral compass, give you a reason to stay/become LS instead of the expected HULK SMASH LOL EVUL personality. She does get annoying later though, sometimes I wished I could shock in conversations like the SI...What I mean is. Its odd to have initial companions that are the pole opposite of your classes character and goals.
There is no way you will ever get enough mats to level crafting by just picking up what's there along the way. At least it didn't work back then. Especially with the faster leveling and therefor fast change of planets you are on now. You will end up running gathering missions or just buy the shit from the GTN anyway.I'm still in the WoW mentality of leveling crafting skills as I go to avoid backtracking. I don't look back fondly at doing the great Fel iron and Northrend Cobalt farming circuits. So I like to pick up the stuff lying around as I level and make use of anything I can build. Armour crafting helped for a while in outfitting both the agent and warrior since for the warrior at least no new armour or weapons dropped in my entire time on Dromund Kaas.
It would be odd if you went up to them and said HEY BUDDY OL PAL WHY DON'T YOU JOIN ME ON THIS AWESOME ADVENTURE?What I meant was that its odd to have initial companions that are the pole opposite of your characters class and goals.
Or you could have picked up the stuff lying around, kept it, and then crafted using those materials later on.So I like to pick up the stuff lying around as I level and make use of anything I can build.
Er, sarcasm doesn't work through text, ya know. Read the line without the preceding "[Sarcasm]" and tell me how it sounds.First thing I noticed on the screenshot was [sarcasm]. Dumbing down detected, DECLINE! Well, if that was even still possible...
Unfortunately you'd have to be online the same time I'm on my level 49. Which is.. never.. because I'm the rest of the storylines. And I can't invite my other characters; have to have someone in the guild invite my alts.Please do invite Codexia as well if you find the time
Actually a lot easer now with the reduced amount of different mats. Back in the old days, may cargo bay was full with mats, then becoming only prefered had me throw it all away. Not sure if crafting is even worth the effort at all, since there are sithloads of people with far more money so they can easily buy all the mats at high prices to make profit after crafting. Probably better to stick with gathering for now and sell those mats.Or you could have picked up the stuff lying around, kept it, and then crafted using those materials later on.
Unlikely. Though unless she betrayed me when I wasn't looking, 'dexi should still sit on her ruined council member throne. Gonna look out for those names if I log in to hear more companions whining.Oh yeah it's an Imperial Guild and I think I can't add Pubs?
Which one? There are two models now...one for Shadows of Revan and one for Knights of the Fallen Empire...the new one is better not that that helps much...no SWTOR model is good.On an unrelated note: what a shitty ingame model did they give to Lana? Reminds me of the elves in NWN2, and that's not a good thing.
I am a lowly 2nd class player (pref), so not even SoR for me yet. Saw her only in the prelude and that model was in dire need of an upgrade. What is she even supposed to be? A pale spaceelf with yellow eyes?Which one? There are two models now...one for Shadows of Revan and one for Knights of the Fallen Empire...the new one is better not that that helps much...no SWTOR model is good.
Don't be like those random fags in general chat dude!Oh and a referral link if you need one:
Blackjack?!? Hookers & Blow mate...and possibly a Luna Park as well if I get enough cyberskettles. Besides everyone's doing it...fuck knows why EA thought it was a good idea giving free money away like that.Don't be like those random fags in general chat dude!
Say: "I would appreciate you guys being a bro and clicking on my ref, so I get 500-600 cybershekelz to burn on blackjack and hookers while you get shit!"![]()
You could make your own Spacevegas. With blackjack! And hookers! Ahhh, screw blackjack..and possibly a Luna Park as well if I get enough cyberskettles
And here is mine from the recent event:
Oh and a referral link if you need one:
I believe even if a subscriber clicks on a referral link it'll give you like 100CC?And here is mine from the recent event:
Oh and a referral link if you need one:
Yes. Agree wholeheartedly.One annoying thing about this update is the sudden lack of armour types due to the removal of planetary vendors. Other than rare drops the types of amour have become standard across the board. With heroics giving you a coloured version of quest rewards. I managed to get a robe style lower. But Sith masks and caped and hooded uppers are no where to be seen so far.