You won't be able to pay CCs for Tusken Raider for now, it's not available at the current time. You can probably though get it off the GTN/auction house and the equal alternative is how RK47 mentioned you can get it from the Social Vendor, and Bliblablubb if we just run Flashpoints as a guild, we won't have to deal with pubs. (In fact I don't think I could've played WoW if I didn't join an awesome, awesome guild who I actually met up with in person. They were military networking guys, very cool people. Actually a lot of military guys play MMOs, and they really are the best because of their humility, the ability to not get angry over failures, and teamwork).IF I were to play this with you nigs, probably the most important detail is the number of steps and cybershekels needed to larp a Tusken Raider.
Basically, no steps. It's just whether you pay via real money, pay on the auction house, or pay via in-game money. Requiring Social levels but like I said I doubt it'll be an issue if we run together without randoms. Could just run the first Flashpoint again and again because there's a lot of dialogue.