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Starfield Thread - now with Shattered Space horror expansion

Halfling Rodeo

Dec 14, 2023
Chink pokemon clone dominates Starfield like a bitch. Barely any marketing. Barely any hype and now it's one of the most played game on Steam and Game pass. How do you feel now Todd? How does it feel to spend your entire career building up to Starfield and lose to a game where you can take a butcher's cleaver to Pikachu's face and cook up his guts to feed to your slave labour force.
To be the devil's advocate, that garbage shouldn't have nowhere near the amount of attention it gets. That's the issue of living in a clown world.
I agree. I expected it to be a niche game and was quite enjoying it being underground. I kind of feel cheated it's blown up so much when for months no one wanted to talk to me about it despite me being really excited for it. It's so weird to go from being ignored to the coolest kid on the block and everyones like "Well I never heard of it!" and I'm like "you dumb fuck, I mentioned it twice last week and linked you the trailer!


May 28, 2018
Grand Chien
According to the other guy, PatricianTV (or whatever), nothing he said was false (not even the thing about the game document), and the video by Neverknowsbest was cut to put the others in a bad light. Kinda undermines the whole thing to me. Also, if you check his weird video about "bad games" he rates Starfield a 7 (it does sound like he liked it more than 7 though). Then you have the conclusion where he goes on about "It's just a game bro, move on". So, if he is only out to make a statement about the spread of false information, he sure has a strange way to go about it. It is pretty clear there is an agenda behind it more than poor Emil getting flak, as in the guy really likes Starfield and seems to have a beef with the other Youtubers.
I'm suspicious of NeverKnowsBest's motives ever since he released his video on adult games and his channel got fucked. My assumption here is that he's trying to start drama to get eyes on his channel.
I think the simpler explanation is that he was simply pissed off internally about the way Patrician shit on some of his videos. You can hear it in the way he talks about the guy.


Jan 25, 2016
Wandering the world randomly in search of maps
Reading through Emil's words and his talk, I actually agree with 2 things, though maybe he didn't quite say this specifically, it's my takeaway:

Industry devs are more qualified to critique a game.
This is true. Under the old 'Taxonomy of Thought,' Evaluation was above Creation, because you had to make something to truly critique it. This is why I find industry-based critics have more valuable opinions; e.g. Yahtzee has made indie games, and Red Letter Media made films. (Recently they've bumped Evaluation down a notch, presumably due to butthurt critics complaining.)

However, there's an unwritten rule in the industry not to shit on other working dev's games. It makes sense; you can't do this without sounding petty or jealous, and any project can be cancelled. You don't want to have an 8 hour video complaining about Bethesda games on your account when you go there for a job interview. So they only tell the truth if they like a game; silence from pros is the best indicator of a game being shitty.

So too bad Emil, all we have are crappy gaming website and youtube whores, and I think those guys are way cheaper to buy nowadays anyway. Gmanlives probably got a nice new laptop out of the deal, what is he going to do, go to Youtuber Ethics Jail? Also, this disqualifies all of Emil's defenders too. Lol.

RPG stories are not that important.
Completely agree. Understanding how stories in games are used, how players consume them, and what their purpose is, really comes down to less is more. RPGs are not novels and writing them that way is a recipe for disaster.

However, Emil either didn't follow his own advice with Starfield or was ignored, because this game has a massively overwritten script. Every NPC barfs a never ending wall of text. It's all the same bland dialogue, passive, soft voice, same opinions about everything, everyone is friends, no one judges each other, everyone is self-centered and emotional, redundant low-information text, and no one really disagrees in a serious way. It's all the hallmarks of bad amateur female writers with no commercial credits.

Bizzarely, Emil's defenders are the ones mad about this, because they insist they play games for the story. I don't believe them; I don't think storyfags really exist. I think there are RPG players who are in denial about their entertainment products. Saying you enjoy murder sounds bad, but saying you enjoy mature, sophisticated, philosophical texts about the nature of reality and free will sounds better. It makes no sense because there are plenty of non-violent story games out there you could play, but you mysteriously chose to play the one with mass murder. "I only read Playboy for the articles," says the Storyfag.

Starfield fans are mad at Emil for saying this because it shatters their delusion. Hard to say you play games for the story when the developer himself says it doesn't matter. Must rebuild the ant-mound no matter how badly it gets kicked over.

Halfling Rodeo

Dec 14, 2023
Industry devs are more qualified to critique a game.
This is true. Under the old 'Taxonomy of Thought,' Evaluation was above Creation, because you had to make something to truly critique it. This is why I find critics who work on the type of products they review have more valuable opinions; e.g. Yahtzee has at least made indie games, and Red Letter Media made films. Recently they've bumped Evaluation down a notch, presumably due to butthurt critics complaining.
This is completely irrelevant on literally every level. It doesn't matter if the critic has made a game of not when they complain about fast travel spam in Starfield or say the jumping feels bad in Tomb Raider anniversary. The customer's opinion is no less valid than a developer's opinion. Just because you know how the sausage is made, doesn't mean your sausage isn't disgusting to eat.

"Red letter media made films" and they proved beyond a single doubt that they had no clue what they were doing and made unwatchable garbage worse than the stuff they review on wheel of the worst. Same with all of Channel awesomes movies. Being an entertaining critic doesn't mean you're always right and it sure as fuck doesn't mean you know how to make a movie. Some critics you watch for their personality, others you watch for their recommendations. Neither trait make them especially good or bad at designing and creating the things they review.


Dec 19, 2016
Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth


Aug 1, 2013
How..? I get Starfields shit but how does a faggot game get popular like this?
It's a meme game for less than a dollar, and the devs have been cranking out these cheap light novels by the dozens.

No really, they're selling a bundle with two dozen of such "games" for just over a tenner. So if you're a homo who likes girls with dicks bigger than your own then you might be interested.


Jan 26, 2020
atop a flaming horse
The NeverKnowsBest video is necessary because it debunks this bullshit before it spreads any further. Forget whatever you think of Emil's/Bethesda's writing/game quality for a second, this is purely an effort to debunk a load of nonsense started by a deranged redditor who was probably a child at the time.
I'm not sure what he is debunking. Now, I have not watched the entire thing (i know, I know) , but his arguments seem weak and seems to be emotionally based. It's not that Emil is some new random hire, that was made to be a sacrificial lamb.
I didn't watch the whole video (skipped a lot of parts) but he talks about popular Youtubers lying about Emil not creating "game design documents". Also when Emil called out these Youtubers on Twitter, gaming communities in general thought he was saying "gamers are entitled". More outrage ensues.

Lmao this NKB video has sparked some proper drama

Oh woops didn't notice it had already been posted
I'm reminded of this video

These are rando gamer opinions, not PhD theses (and tbh most PhDs are garbage so there's no standards anymore). Simping for the developer of a hundred-bazillion dollar product shat out by Indian code farms is the gayest thing ever.

He's not defending Bethesda, he's defending a single person.

Well more than that he's showing how bad information gets spread:
  • Emil made a speech at some incredibly minor, obscure game dev conference
  • One rando on reddit wrote a rambling, mildly deranged post where he mischaracterized several things Emil said in that speech,
  • This ended up trending and spreading to multiple different subreddits because reddit is a shitty website and you should feel bad if you use it
  • D-tier (more like F-tier tbh) Youtubers then made videos, most of which were them just reading out the entirety of said reddit post without applying any critical thinking because they're fucking youtubers
  • This bad information ends up eventually spreading far and wide until it's just accepted as fact by fuckwits who don't bother doing the slightest bit of research (although even if you DID do research you'd probably find nothing but bad information since this bullshit is widespread at this point)
  • When Starfield came out people started dog-piling Emil on twitter criticizing him based on things he never actually said/were taken wildly out of context (and this is probably the first time Emil himself has actually heard any of this "no design document" BS too)
  • So Emil, who's never had an internet/twitter meltdown before, goes on a twitter rant about this misinformation
  • This gets conflated with the whole "gamers are entitled" thing and since people just assume everything they've heard about Emil up to this point is true, they thus assume his twitter tirade proves the bullshit they've heard must be true
Again, it's got nothing to do with the quality of Emil's work, his writing, Bethesda's writing or general game quality. He doesn't even defend the original speech - as it is poorly worded at points. It's just that so many people are criticising Emil over shit that never actually happened. They're actually just parroting some fucking redditor in 2017 who blatantly got shit wrong.

Yes, whether or not you like the game (I don't) or Emil Whatshisface (never heard of the guy), this is the whole point of the video. He's almost certainly right, but it's 2 hours I wish I'd spent doing something else.

There are probably a million examples of this kind of thing having happened on the internet, and with much worse consequences (e.g. rent-a-mob getting people cancelled, physically assaulted, kids harassed etc).

Halfling Rodeo

Dec 14, 2023
So if you're a homo who likes girls with dicks bigger than your own then you might be interested.

Cool it with the anti-Nipponistic remarks.
I wonder how much damage anime shit did to letting the tranny shit leak into the internet so hard. Japan slapping tits on a dude and calling it a woman is so common and autists love anime so much there has to be some serious relationships going on there.
Yes, whether or not you like the game (I don't) or Emil Whatshisface (never heard of the guy), this is the whole point of the video. He's almost certainly right, but it's 2 hours I wish I'd spent doing something else.
Emil did the same shit all these dumb asses did. He got into internet slap fights with his most loyal customers. You never want to piss off your fanboys as their obsession with your product will turn them into the biggest trolls on the planet. Any one with internet experience knows most people's biggest trolls are ex-friends or fans turned against them. Their passion becomes a driver to attack mercilessly. Emil's solution was to say "Oops we messed up. We'll try better with the lore next time" and so much of this shit would have blown over. Bethesda wouldn't even need to improve their writing because fanboys would say "they're trying, don't blame them!" the same way From fanboys do.


Nov 29, 2010
Shadorwun: Hong Kong
I wonder how much damage anime shit did to letting the tranny shit leak into the internet so hard. Japan slapping tits on a dude and calling it a woman is so common and autists love anime so much there has to be some serious relationships going on there.

It's a chicken and egg situation.

Did the sudden popularity of anime cause all the trannies, or did the trannies lead to the sudden popularity of anime?

Halfling Rodeo

Dec 14, 2023
I wonder how much damage anime shit did to letting the tranny shit leak into the internet so hard. Japan slapping tits on a dude and calling it a woman is so common and autists love anime so much there has to be some serious relationships going on there.

It's a chicken and egg situation.

Did the sudden popularity of anime cause all the trannies, or did the trannies lead to the sudden popularity of anime?
According to Down the rabbit hole (who became a furry youtuber) furries were showing anime at conventions and were instrumental in getting it popular. Trannies didn't come along in any big way until late 2010s and anime was infecting western TV since the 60s and became very big during the 80s leading into the 90s and 2000s making anime the biggest things on the planet.


Nov 29, 2010
Shadorwun: Hong Kong
I wonder how much damage anime shit did to letting the tranny shit leak into the internet so hard. Japan slapping tits on a dude and calling it a woman is so common and autists love anime so much there has to be some serious relationships going on there.

It's a chicken and egg situation.

Did the sudden popularity of anime cause all the trannies, or did the trannies lead to the sudden popularity of anime?
According to Down the rabbit hole (who became a furry youtuber) furries were showing anime at conventions and were instrumental in getting it popular. Trannies didn't come along in any big way until late 2010s and anime was infecting western TV since the 60s and became very big during the 80s leading into the 90s and 2000s making anime the biggest things on the planet.

Disagree on the last part. Shitty Japanese Pornographic Cartoons weren't popular in the 80s. Even in the early 2000's people were still (rightly) ashamed of watching them and wouldn't admit it in polite conversation. It became popular just shortly before Hollywood became incapable of making anything except live action comic book movies.

Happened in games too, in fact Larian was often criticised for spreading it with their crazy-looking, anime-style armors in Divinity:Original Sin.


Feb 4, 2013
Actual numbers. We may be in Clown World, but not quite that much. Not yet anyways.
Yet? Dream Daddy was the first game to break PUBG's months long death grip on the number one sales spot on steam.

Dream Daddy: A Dad Dating Simulator is a game where you play as a Dad and your goal is to meet and romance other hot Dads.


Why haven't I heard of this before?

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