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Still Wakes the Deep - narrative horror game from The Chinese Room set on an oil rig off the coast of Scotland


Jan 10, 2023
Maybe a bit off topic but Still Wakes the Deep is out now (same developer):


Must have had a smaller team to develop this while the bigger focus is on VTMB2. In case you wonder about the walking simulator experience and their current quality vision.

La vie sexuelle

Jun 10, 2023
La Rochelle


Oct 16, 2018


May 26, 2021
Maybe a bit off topic but Still Wakes the Deep is out now (same developer):
I'm playing it. Kind of sucks: graphics are mediocre and monsters are boring / improbable even for monsters. Lots of ladders, ledge shimmying, and crawling. Devs took some inspiration from Remedy's games, evidenced by the use of telephones and a clean, blocky font on screen with a reinforcing sound to announce a new area. I don't have high hopes for Bloodlines 2

In-character response for your Scottish character.
True, but it's obviously commentary on current US politics with its Make ______ Great Again line and clear pro unrestricted immigration stance, as the game is set in 1975, before either of those stances were popular

Be Kind Rewind

Dumbfuck Zionist Agent
Mar 14, 2021
They really just can't help themselves, can they?
I've already explained it in another thread, but no, they literally can't. If any dev wanted to make something that isn't woke shit he'd get fired. The Chinese Room is a label bought by the Sumo Group, and Sumo Digital, their video game subsidiary. Sumo isn't just a publisher, they own this studio, and Sumo has their own corpo commissariat equivalent of Sweet Baby Inc to enforce the nigger-faggot-tranny regimen in their business and to press smaller dev studios on money in exchange for their "services". Not only that but Sumo is tied up with a bunch of NGOs whose explicit purpose is to fag up video games, like Women in Games and Ukie.

This is the corporation responsible for Bloodlines 2 and this walking sim. So no, they could not under any circumstance under the present power relations help themselves. This comic is from the website of Sumo's DEI enforcement branch.


You'll notice the aversion towards the strong man of history and of game development, no great helmsmen to be seen or great visions. It's probably company wide policy, for all the studios Sumo owns, that they must be designed by committee. The idea of a free market is as asinine as the idea of a currency free society, corpo mandated homosexuality in collaboration with the state is the new normal.


Aug 8, 2015
Played it for almost almost 2 hours last night and I like it a lot. The atmosphere and the setting are great. It reminds me a lot of The Thing. My only problem is how linear it is. It holds your hand and guides you all the way through and it's honestly kind of insulting how little faith they have in the players. This could've been amazing with Frictional style light puzzles but no, you close a valve to turn off the steam right in front of you so you can walk forward and that's the extent of what you do. The solution to a problem is always right next to you, so these little interactions can't be called "puzzles". There's no wandering around, it's completely on rails and every door you don't need to go through right this moment will be locked. Despite of that I am enjoying the game for the story and the atmosphere which is top notch.
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Aug 8, 2015
Loved the game. Took me about 6 hours to finish it and I think it's the right length for this game. The pacing is great except in the middle where you have to keep fixing the generator and you start to ask yourself "What's even the point of this?" but it all comes nicely together at the end when they directly address it in the story. And the story itself was fine but the thing I liked about it, it did the cosmic horror right. And the whole game felt like playing through a movie because it was so focused and the acting was good.

It's basically The Thing on an oil ring (even the protagonist's name McLeary is similar to Kurt Russel's MacReady) minus the paranoia. Instead of an alien posing as human, there's some kind of growing presence infesting the ship and changing the crew members. The flesh growing between the walls of the rig reminded me of biomass in System Shock 2.

The graphics are top level, the environments are full of detail and the monster animation is great. Like I already mentioned, the acting is very good for a video game. The dialogue and the banter between workers felt real and they speak Scottish with so much slang that you'll have to rely on English subtitles for translation lol. You'll interact with a handful of characters throughout the story but I only cared for one of them- your best mate Roy. Expected he would turn into a monster at the end and fighting him would be heartbreaking but that never happened. Perhaps a missed opportunity. You see your wife in the flashbacks but she always acts like a total bitch so I didn't get why he wanted to go back to her so bad, I thought the monsters were a pleasant company in comparison. Such a weird decision to put happy memories where she was actually somewhat charming only at the very end of the game.

The sound design is fantastic. They built a miniature oil rig to capture the sounds of the environment. The cries and the screams of the monsters are creepy as hell and getting chased by them was nerve wracking at times. But after sneaking around them for a while and playing hide and seek, the scare factor began fading away.

I thought the use of the color yellow to guide you works perfectly in this case as that's a color heavily used on the real oil rigs in similar fashion so it's actually subtle but then they kept adding yellow paint and yellow towels hanging out of the hiding spots and it became annoying and immersion breaking instead. There's a constant feeling that the devs are holding your hand throughout the game, even solving puzzles for you. You see a typical looking puzzle in this genre and it seems like you're gonna have to figure it out but it is just window dressing. Just press interact and the character solves it for you. Fuck that. It would be much more satisfying if we'd have to engage our brains a little.

Everything you do in the game is sort of realistic so despite of all the supernatural stuff, I only had to suspend my disbelief during some of the platforming sections. There were a couple of jumps that I don't think even the best parkour athletes could make - you'd break your arms catching yourself while dropping from such heights. And this guy starts breathing heavy if you run for just 4 seconds but at the same time he has incredible agility, upper body strength and endurance to climb for hours.

There were a couple of scenes where the sights of eldritch horrors actually looked very beautiful and awe inspiring (accompanied with music, which I only really noticed during those scenes). These were some of my favorite moments.

For me it's 9/10 despite how damn linear it is. If you're into cosmic horror, you will love this game.







Aside from that "Make Britain Great Again" poster that some think mirrors Trump even tho it fits perfectly into the setting of the game...and the message in the credits that said "Creating workspaces that celebrate differences. Fostering environments where all employees feel safe, welcoming and represented ", I didn't notice anything woke in the game.
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Be Kind Rewind

Dumbfuck Zionist Agent
Mar 14, 2021
I didn't notice anything even remotely woke in the game.
Hate to break it to you, but the (((Andrea Dworkin))) looking she-man and the nigger larping a Scot are woke staples, pretty sure the whole plot point about diabetes being a bigger danger than The Thing horrors from the sea is also another score for team woke. It's a walking sim that consists of, on the rare occasion it makes the player do anything at all, quick time events worse than in any David Cage game. It's also riffing off the woke version of Stalker crossed with The Thing, and with an all female cast, titled Annihilation from 2018. It's about a jewish woman going into the zone to rescue her yid husband, but he's already dead and she takes the time to fuck a nigger before she goes out with her Ghostbusters-esque (2016) troupe of quirky big chungus women who need no man and encounter a lot of neon blue and purple. The colors are more prominent in other parts of the film, but here's the colorful human growth that the current game artists keep copying.



I think artists like that sort of aesthetic and concept because it gives them an excuse to plaster troon colors all over the game and to make body-horror without any of the edge that usually follows with it. A softer, kinder transhumanist horrors beyond imagining if you will. Obsidian's new game, Avoid, is going to the same general direction.

Had a stream on in the background with someone playing it while working on something earlier, didn't pay or pirate the "game", and I don't think I missed out on anything. Script was bottom tier trash. Not sure where that 9/10 you're giving it is coming from since you're complaining about the yellow adventure line, zero interaction and real gameplay, and the rest of it. It's the A24 game equivalent goyslop pretending to be Penumbra, Soma or Amnesia, with both the writing and gameplay stripped away, leaving some prolonged tech demo. Despite all of the original staff being gone from The Chinese Room that does sound a lot like Machine for Pigs when I type it out, but Pigs had better writing and a great soundtrack.

It's not an Afro-Futuristic drag-qween dating sim, it's much more bland and boring than that, even the propaganda and jewish agendafagging is limpdicked, most likely because as I posted above, there was no strong vision here, neither good nor bad, just pure cardboard, design by committe flavorless mediocrity. It's not going to get a lot of super-fans, and it's not going to get many kulturkampf videos making fun of it either.


Head Codexian Weeb
Nov 14, 2020
Strap Yourselves In
Maybe a bit off topic but Still Wakes the Deep is out now (same developer):


Must have had a smaller team to develop this while the bigger focus is on VTMB2. In case you wonder about the walking simulator experience and their current quality vision.

Lmaooo. And I was actually considering giving this game a try.
I blocked it on Steam and they can go fuck themselves.


Aug 8, 2015
I didn't notice anything even remotely woke in the game.
Hate to break it to you, but the (((Andrea Dworkin))) looking she-man and the nigger larping a Scot are woke staples
So it's woke because there's a black guy and a woman on a rig? lmao. I guess if you put on your anti-woke glasses and do the same thing dumb feminists do and say "everything is woke and you have to point it all out", but then you can't enjoy anything anymore. I doubt a woman working on an oil rig would look like a model and even at my workplace there are a couple of butch looking cleaning ladies. However I do admit that for the first half of the game I actually thought Finlay was a man :lol:. Making her look a bit more feminine would indeed help.

And Annihilation is one of my favorite movies. When people applauded the director for having the all female cast, he seemed pretty annoyed by it and just said that aspect doesn't interest him and he did it because it was in the book. I read the book and these aren't "women who need no man", the man was the reason the protagonist went in in the first place. And all of them are very flawed people who have nothing to lose, including the main character who is a bit emotionally retarded.

but here's the colorful human growth that the current game artists keep copying.

I think artists like that sort of aesthetic and concept because it gives them an excuse to plaster troon colors all over the game and to make body-horror without any of the edge that usually follows with it. A softer, kinder transhumanist horrors beyond imagining if you will. Obsidian's new game, Avoid, is going to the same general direction.
Funnily enough, this human sprout was actually copied from The Last of Us and the director mentioned many times he's a fan of the game. But the body horror in Here Wakes the Deep is straight up lifted from The Thing. At least in the case of the monsters. There's some color in the flesh growing around the station and the thing coming out of from the drill has a magenta glow. The reason they chose it is because it doesn't exist as single wavelength of light as part of the spectrum of visible light so it's often used to depict otherworldly things, most recently in Color Out Of Space. Yeah, the game is very derivative.

Not sure where that 9/10 you're giving it is coming from...
It's a biased score since I'm into this kind of horror. Even at work I kept thinking about it and looking forward to playing it when I get home. If I had to be objective, I'd give it a lower rating.
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Head Codexian Weeb
Nov 14, 2020
Strap Yourselves In
So it's woke because there's a black guy and a woman on a rig? lmao. I guess if you put on your anti-woke glasses and do the same thing dumb feminists do and say "everything is woke and you have to point it all out", but then you can't enjoy anything anymore. I doubt a woman working on an oil rig would look like a model and even at my workplace there are a couple of butch looking cleaning ladies.

"If you fight your enemies, they win."
Sever your ties with this mortal coil, posthaste.


Head Codexian Weeb
Nov 14, 2020
Strap Yourselves In
I doubt a woman working on an oil rig

I have to go back to this high fantasy statement, because it's so disconnected from reality it astounds the mind.
Women don't work on oil rigs. You know why? Because only men can take living disconnected from society for months on end to do manual labor, and chances are they do it to provide for the aforementioned women.

I actually knew two separate guys who did that kinda work. There were absolutely no women there ever, aside from the company HR bitches and 'therapists' who visited once in a while and made everyone's lives worse.


A Memory of Eternity
Oct 7, 2019
I'd imagine there's also a lot of practical concerns that deal with women being stranded on a rig in the middle of the ocean with a bunch of men for weeks on end.

Be Kind Rewind

Dumbfuck Zionist Agent
Mar 14, 2021
So it's woke because there's a black guy and a woman on a rig?
Yes. There are certain jobs that require hard men to be isolated for a long time and working on an oil rig is one of them, you don't get women there. It's like inserting some women into a group of sailors on a long-term voyage during the era of exploration. We also divide prison populations based on gender, for good reason.

The nigger is woke too, this is supposedly off the coast of Scotland and jewish policy, which this studio follows, mandates that they need to insert niggers into everything, you can't just have a story told solely about Scottish people, there has to be some fucking sub-Saharan African among them. You could tell a story contrary to regime propaganda and have a nigger in it if you for example brought up the point that corporations love diversity at the workplace because it makes cooperation among the workers harder and less likely to act collectively, pushing in people from out-group hostile to natives to break down worker's solidarity. But this "game" doesn't do that, he's just one of the guys, just as Scottish as anyone else, am I right fellow goyim?

Beyond the anti-English stuff and the diabeetus is the real monster, there's probably some subtext about how terrible oil is, but I wasn't paying that close attention to the stream, there's also a lot of shitting on fathers in the game. As I said though, it's all very limpdicked and it doesn't put a lot of effort into the propaganda, just as the developers didn't put effort into turning the premise into a game, and how the plot is very pointless, empty of even bad passions.

Funnily enough, this human sprout was actually copied from The Last of Us and the director mentioned many times he's a fan of the game. But the body horror in Here Wakes the Deep is straight up lifted from The Thing. At least in the case of the monsters. There's some color in the flesh growing around the station and the thing coming out of from the drill has a magenta glow. The reason they chose it is because it doesn't exist as single wavelength of light as part of the spectrum of visible light so it's often used to depict otherworldly things, most recently in Color Out Of Space. Yeah, the game is very derivative.
The neon purple, pink, blue and magenta is a part of a bigger general push for it in the industry, take a look at the marketing material for the latest Dragon Age shitfest for an example. They're not wrong about it being otherworldly in a sense, but it's also woke. I don't want to give the history lesson for why that is, if you know you'll know that those colors are associated with baby sacrifice if you go back to antiquity. Didn't watch Color Out of Space, too nigger heavy to an extent not even Nicolas Cage could make up for it.

Don't have much else to say about it that I haven't already articulated, but comparing it to The Thing is not doing this game any favors. The great tension that The Thing had was the justified paranoia for an (((alien interloper))) passing itself off as human and consuming the isolated all male crew of an Antarctic base one by one. The cold snowstorms isolating them even further. Turning your back on someone and they'd shift into a predator, before the transformation was done or when it chose to reveal itself it was an inhuman beast. It wasn't a plant, unless you go back to the older film adaption of Who Goes There? where it was a human carrot. There's also no malign intelligence on the part of the troon plant that sprouted when they dug too deep and too greedy in the game, one of the things that contribute to the game ending up pointless.

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