Topher said:
Really. Did you really think that I was talking about anything else but video games on this VIDEO GAME forum?!? Video games are a visual medium.
Unless you're defining 'video games' to mean 'games which rely on graphics' (in which case you're right in the most pointlessly tautological sense) then this isn't true. Zork, for example - and all the other games in its genre - are perfectly playable by blind people using voice recognition and text-to-speech software without any loss of experience whatsoever. Games are a communicative medium, but that simply doesn't boil down to visuals.
If anything the fact people make this mistake reinforces the point. Gamers these days are so tied up in the graphical aspects of the medium they simply forget about or dismiss other perfectly viable computer games that don't rely on them at all.
Your other comments are a little besides the point - if you are of the opinion 'the game doesn't interest me' then fine, nothing has grabbed your attention. My point is simply that graphics are only one part of that impression, while in this thread they utterly dominate. How much discussion has focussed on the points brought up in Elwro's review, and how many posts are bitching about the graphics seen in the screenshots? Seems pretty fucking inbalanced to me.