Eh, I'm happy to see it funded and curious on where they take it. They won't reach many if any stretch goals which isn't necessarily and bad thing since vending machines, crafting and an orchestra are things I don't want to see.
Thank You!
When Nightdive started in 2012, it was a one man operation with a singular goal- Recover gaming's lost treasures and make them available again for all to enjoy. As operating systems and video cards become more complex, we lose the ability to go back and replay many of the games we grew up with. I wanted to do everything I could to breathe new life into these forgotten classics.
The journey started with System Shock 2 and the reception/support I received allowed me to seek out other like minded individuals who would help locate and revive more lost classics like: I Have No Mouth and I Must Scream, Wizardry, and The 7th Guest series to name a few. As we continued to grow in team size, so did our ambitions. With the release of The Original Strife: Veterans Edition and Noctropolis we were able to restore the games and add additional features. We fixed original bugs, included unfinished games mode, added support for widescreen monitors, and implemented OpenGL to update the visuals. Next was Turok, followed by System Shock: Enhanced Edition and an even greater desire to take our mission to the next level.
We had done everything we could to make the Enhanced Edition more accessible to a modern audience but it reached the point where we began discussing a remake from the ground up. We started with a core team and a simple prototype to see if we could capture the look and feel of the original game.
System ReShock Ver .22n
Pleased with the results we then brought on Robb Waters to help us re-imagine the enemies, weapons and other memorable props and items from the game, and to create a common thread between the remake and the original game. Robb concepted the original game, he should be the one to revisit the remake.
System ReShock Prototype
A few more team members were brought on to take our prototype and develop it into the pre-alpha demo we would eventually release with Kickstarter. Our campaign began with a tremendous surge of support and in less than two weeks we've been completely funded...
System ReShock Prototype
There's no possible way I could convey how grateful the Nightdive team is to the 14,000+ backers who put their trust in us - we're having a lot of fun remaking System Shock and we owe it all to you!
Thank you, thank you, thank you!!!
Stephen Kick, CEO of Nightdive Studios
Achievements & Pledge Addons
Hey all! Jonathan (audio) here again with a couple of updates - this time all related to the campaign! Let's go ahead and get started:
We are excited to announce our achievement system for the rest of the campaign! The achievement system is pretty simple: You backers have “Missions” that you can take part in, and when certain levels of these missions are achieved, you guys collect points. These points add up across the board and unlock bonus rewards for backers, like livestreams, in-game easter eggs, and even a team member (probably me) getting a System Shock tattoo. Check out some of the ways you guys can go and earn points!
Backer Missions
Achievement Rewards
Backer Kit
We will be working with Backerkit for the rest of the campaign and beyond! Backerkit is a crowdfunding fulfillment software solution that is going to help us manage the Kickstarter, so that we can better focus on things that will help the game. Backerkit does a handful of things for us. It’ll allow us to survey our backers, so that we can have a better way to gauge what our players want. Backerkit allows us to give backers “add-ons” to give you guys more options and flexibility when it comes to what kinds of rewards you want to purchase and help support the campaign! It’s going to help us to answer communications much more efficiently and quicker (our small team has been *stacked* with questions from you guys!).
tl;dr: Backerkit will help us to be more effective in managing the backing for System Shock, and allows us more options to give backers more choice over what they want!
Art Book
A lot of you have been asking if you can add the Art Book to your pledge tier. Thanks to Backerkit, you'll be able to (once the campaign ends). If you'd like the art book, add $25 onto your pledge to prep for the addon, then you'll be able to select it within the BackerKit website when we have everything set up. If your pledge currently doesn't include a physical reward, keep in mind that there will be shipping costs involved on top of the $25. Those of you already with physical rewards should have a notice that shipping is not included.
We are still holding our giveaway/raffle for an awesome System Shock Limited Edition Screen Print Poster & T-Shirt. It will continue throughout the rest of the Kickstarter, and you can continue entering every day! So continue entering and help us to spread the word to continue to make this game awesome!
To enter, please click here [Facebook link]
Alternate link
Limited Edition Screen Print Poster
SHODAN "Insect" T-Shirt
- Jonathan
How would that tattoo be a reward for backers? Unless backers get to decide, in which they case Codexers should vote en masse for a tramp stamp of Diego's face.These points add up across the board and unlock bonus rewards for backers, like livestreams, in-game easter eggs, and even a team member (probably me) getting a System Shock tattoo.
It will reach 17 points at most. So we will probably get the hidden in-game logs about the creation of SHODAN.New update:
Achievement Rewards
Curious as to why "Gender Choice" is so high up the goal list. Do you plan on it requiring a lot of additional work to implement?
As I said on Twitter, it's a shame that if we don't succeed in those achievements, there won't be a possibility to chose the hero's gender =/ I think it's a neat idea, and it should be directly included in the game I think, as the hacker is just an empty shell for the player to project into, it would be just great for other players to project themselves more easily with a female hacker.
I also don't see why "gender choice" needs to be at 32 points; I respect wanting it as an incentive, but gating "you can play as a female character" behind 26 as-of-yet unmet goals is an unfortunate choice.
I'm in agreement with others, having gender choice at the very high end of the mission list seems pretty lousy.
I would recomend to take the gender choice completely out of the achievements and would impement it into the game right now. Why not? You never see or here the hacker aside from the intro. And I can't remember that he/she was addressed male in the whole original. So it would be maybe a few lines in the game and an alternative mesh and textures for the intro.
This is neat and all, but I really have to agree with Swindger on this. It really isn't that hard to add gender choice, and it REALLY shouldn't be a stretch goal. 51% of the population isn't an optional add-on. Gaming is growing and getting a lot more diverse. Developers really should be including gender choice right out of the box.
This isn't Mass Effect, you don't have thousands of lines of dialog to record per gender. It's a quick fix and it'll shut up all the SJWs (like me) who want to see more inclusion in games.
I agree with what others wrote before: I was surprised to see the Gender Choice so high on the list. I think it's a pity, and not because it's about the only reward here I feel excited about (but that's okay: I just don't watch livestreams and trust you with the original soundtrack), but because it should now be a basic option in almost every game (especially when the character has no real personality of his/her own, like here).
Maybe you could make this a SG instead? I'm not sure how much work it'd be, though…
The hacker in System Shock has no personality, never says anything and you never get to see what he looks like in game. What do you even have to change to add a gender option?
I think it's a neat idea, and it should be directly included in the game I think, as the hacker is just an empty shell for the player to project into, it would be just great for other players to project themselves more easily with a female hacker.
:mrpresident:First Person Tits. Gotta have full body awareness in these horror games.
pronouns aka 'you'
Linux Demo and Achievements Update
Posted by Jason Fader
Hi everyone! Jason here again. I have some cool news to share, but before I get into that, I wanted to give folks a preview of some things coming next week:
And now onto the meat of this update!
- PayPal donations are getting set up and should come online early next week.
- We’re going to get more active on Twitch in the upcoming weeks for some neato dev streams.
- Another patch is being worked on for the pre-alpha demo which should help performance and crash issues
Linux Demo
Due to popular demand, we’ve put some time into getting the Linux version of the pre-alpha demo ready for all of you (well, the Linux users out there). We’re doing this before we hit the stretch goal for Linux as a gesture of good faith, but please understand that the Linux demo does not guarantee a Linux version of the final game unless we hit the stretch goal. It took quite a bit of time to get it all working on Linux, as well as a bit of internal testing. Launching on other platforms takes time to adequately support and deploy, which is why the stretch goal is vital.
You can download the Linux demo via Steam, but you’ll need to install the audio library separately as per these instructions from Audio Kinetic's site.
Note: The Wwise Unity Integration for Linux needs libSDL2 installed on the machine to work. Without this, a "DLLNotFoundException" message is displayed when launching the game. To install libSDL2 for Ubuntu 12.04, do the following:
Note: The requirements may vary depending on the machine's configuration. Refer to libsdl.orgfor installation instructions on other setups.
- sudo apt-get install build-essential libasound2-dev
- wget
- tar -zxvf SDL2-2.0.3.tar.gz
- cd SDL2-2.0.3
- ./configure
- make
- sudo make install
- sudo ldconfig
Achievements Update
Looks like you folks have been busy! We’ve seen 3 mission nodes hit for getting $1m in funding, 4K Youtube subscribers, and 90k demo downloads. That’s 3 points to Gryffindo...err… System Shock!
That brings the Mission Points from 5 up to 8, which unlocks:
Well done!
- Closed Beta given to all tiers $50 and above.
- Gender choice added for player.
Also, a few days ago, we noticed that the achievements list wasn’t the correct one. It was using the ordering from an old draft of ours before we balanced the point system. The order you see now is the correct… and it was pretttty hilarious when Jonathan saw the tattoo goal so high on the list (spoilers, he’s the tattoo volunteer :-p )
- Jason Fader, Project Director
- Gender choice added for player.