Yeah the aesthetics are great. Now let's wait how they'll fuck up the UI and gameplay so that we can all rage ourselves into coma.
God I hate post-processing.
They need to tone it down a lot for me to be able to stomach it.Typical to go full retard with new engine's gfx capabilities. It'll get toned down eventually.
But it'll still be the same game you've already played.
We were all avoiding comment on that. It felt like chewing something really sour.I'd be cumming buckets and throwing money, but
that Inception horn at the end
And all the fucktards that think the world revolves around them and whine about bloom and depth of field can go fuck themselves.
This looks good. And all the fucktards that think the world revolves around them and whine about bloom and depth of field can go fuck themselves.
If the game will be shit, these will not be the reasons behind it.
From the video, the aesthetics are right and this is a rare thing to accomplish these days and a very important part too.
But the average forever butthurt moron can't compute that.
"We've kind of shifted the tone from the original game of a horror adventure to more of a horror experience," Kick says, naming Dead Space as an influence on the revamp of System Shock, which will otherwise maintain the original's story.
"It's a little too archaic to hold a lot of people's attention," he says. Making use of modern conveniences and redesigning for contemporary sensibilities is thus a priority for the development team.
Gameplay Decline to go along with the graphics