I wanted to like it, but it was so boring. Petroglyph made better.
Bring back Universe at War already.
They had some really interesting ideas with Universe At War.
How the races were almost entirely different to play was truly remarkable, for example.
But one issue was - and that happens often in Sci-Fi titles especially - that you couldn't tell at a glance which unit is what. Units all kind of blended together into an indistinc mass you'd sling at the opponent.
Another that they clearly wanted to offer a great campaign, but just totally failed at it. Good idea, terrible storytelling.
And then they of course tried to focus on the online crowd, but the game released not ready for that at all. Could've easily needed half a year more of thorough testing, balancing (especially with such asymmetric factions) and optimization for that. And of course it was really buggy...
While they simultaneously let down the single player people by not offering anything of replay value.