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The adventure thread (Free beer and false advertising!)


Mar 14, 2005
Well, most good adventures can have those moments you speak of. Unfortunately, "myst-like" is a subgenre that I don't enjoy myself. I'm confident someone will come up with something, though ;)
Oct 8, 2006
Name: Azrael's Tear.
Developer: Intelligent Games.
Description: An Adventure Game with some action (in the way of "press space to ready weapon, click to shoot") and some C&C. As a Raptor (a futuristic tomb robber) you must find the not so holy grail in an ancient underground complex, built by the templars, to save the world of destruction, or so you believe. You will meet mutated, insane, double-crossing templar along with ghosts, ancient beasts, weird experiments, a LOT of well written background, and one of the best surprise endings i ever saw. A shame the sequel, fully made, was never published.
Link: http://www.justadventure.com/reviews/Az ... _Tear.shtm
Notes:This one is almost impossible to find, both "legal" and "unripped" - If someone shows me this game is abandonware i will upload an image somewhere so you can get it without too much of a problem.

Name: Daemonica.
Developer: RA Images.
Description: As a hunter of human "monsters," mainly killers and so, in medieval europe you come to a small village in order to solve a murder - only, as always, to find some interesting plot going on behind the scenes. Using potions you have to brew yourself, including one that puts you in an almost dead state so you can talk with the departed and other entities, and some old school adventuring you must discover what the fuck is really going on and then decide what to do about it. Good story, interesting and unusual endings, and a main character that i would like to see more of. Note that the game uses an isometric 3d engine and looks somewhat like a diablo clone, but is a pure adventure.
Link: http://www.justadventure.com/reviews/Da ... onica.shtm
Notes:It is true they are making a sequel to this one?

Name: Pathologic.
Developer: Ice-Pick Lodge.
Description: Leaving aside a translation that needs lots of imagination to be understood, this is THE game, as far as i am concerned, that defines "Games as Art." As one of three characters with fairly different backgrounds and storylines (A bachelor of medicine studying death, a haruspex being framed for his father's death, and a strange girl with occult powers) you are trapped in a very weird and surreal town, in the middle of nowhere, as an unknown plague appears. You must survive twelve days, keeping yourself fed, rested, and healthy as you go around trying to discover the nature of the plague and the town. The game is truly real-time in that time is always going on and that missions you couldn't complete for midnight are gone, their plots hidden and their rewards gone. Some of the revelations in the last day have made a lot of people very, very, very angry and spawned philosophical discussions all around the net - And if you like theatre you will LOVE some of the inspirations behind this game.
Link: http://www.justadventure.com/reviews/Pa ... logic.shtm
Notes: This game is pretty strange in that the developers themselves, in the official forums, told people to pirate it since they get almost nothing from sales in the west now and you should keep the money for their next game. So you have no excuse not to play it.

*** Edit:

Müg said:
Anyway, some of these look pretty good, but are there any myst-type FPP adventure games out there that you'd recommend? I love a good "wtf am I supposed to be doin" type game.

Name: Schizm.
Developer: Detalion.
Description: A "Myst-Clone" that leaves any other Myst, both game and clone, in shame when regarding to puzzle difficulty. As two different characters who have crashed on a planet where everyones has gone missing, you have to face many logic puzzles of the painful variety and listen to video logs left behind by the crew researching the planet. I can´t really comment on the story since i got the CD version and the plot is heavily butchered in that one - So get the DVD one. Story is by some australian writter guy whose name i don't remember.
Link: http://www.justadventure.com/reviews/Sc ... zmDVD.shtm
Notes: This game is HARD - HARD as in you are going to cry. My Myst-Fu is pretty strong, never needing more than eight hours straight to win any logic-puzzle heavy game, and i am still trying to finish this one.

Name: Sentinel, Descendants in Time.
Developer: Detalion.
Description: Another Myst-Clone from the same guys who made Schizm, and from the same australian writter guy who wrote Schizm's plot. This one is full 3d, and thus has some very pretty areas - and some very ugly ones, too. As some robber of alien tombs guy whose sister has been kidnapped by some other guy to force him back from retirement you must enter some legendary tomb, from wich only some legendary tomb robber guy emerged victorious, and... ummm... emerge victorious after going through a group of different Ages... i mean, worlds... taken from the memories of the occupant. Upon entering you face the tomb guardian, some lady that may or may not be an A.I construct, and there you go. Really, one does not play Myst-Clones because of their plot - This one has some good puzzles, some great puzzles, and some bad puzzles. It is much easier than Schizm.
Link: http://www.justadventure.com/reviews/Se ... tinel.shtm
Notes: The plot isn't really as awfull as i made it look, but it really begins in such a horrible way. Later it gets better and more scifi-ish. It is actually based on a short story by the australian writter guy whose name still eludes me.

Name: Dark Fall.
Developer: XXv Productions.
Description: One of the few really spooky horror games, this originally indie adventure, along with Rhem, was to adventure games what we expect AoD to be for the crpg genre. A lot of ambience as you go around an abandoned train station and hotel trying to find out about the fate of its past inhabitants and the entities you face. You will get to use some ghost hunting tools, you will talk with dead things using a parser, and you will solve some pretty original puzzles along with some very unoriginal ones. If you think the "Haunted Hotel" in Bloodlines was spooky you will be crying like a baby with this one.
Link: http://www.justadventure.com/reviews/Da ... kFall.shtm
Notes: I did not put the "The Journal" along with the name because the original had not it. I do not know if the later "The Journal" version has some changes or is the same game.

Name: Dark Fall 2, Lights out.
Developer: XXv Productions.
Description: The sequel to Dark Fall is less spooky, more plot-heavy, and not as good as the first - even if not bad at any rate. Maybe a bit more plastic, without so much of a soul? Something like that. The story this time is more of the Twilight Zone and less Supernatural Horror, with time travel and what not, and has a cameo from a character of the first one.
Link: http://www.justadventure.com/reviews/Da ... lLO_2.shtm
Notes: Let's hope Boakes' third game returns to the style of the first one.

*** Edit for General Note: The last two, the Dark Fall games, are "Myst-Like" in the FPP, open empty worlds, look for clues and solve puzzles by yourself at your own pace side. That's why they are here, in case someone wondered. The second one also has "worlds" - Those being different ages, literal in this case, that you will be solving in a not really linear way.


Sep 12, 2007
The Rambling Sage said:
Name: Pathologic.
Developer: Ice-Pick Lodge.
Description: Leaving aside a translation that needs lots of imagination to be understood, this is THE game, as far as i am concerned, that defines "Games as Art." As one of three characters with fairly different backgrounds and storylines (A bachelor of medicine studying death, a haruspex being framed for his father's death, and a strange girl with occult powers) you are trapped in a very weird and surreal town, in the middle of nowhere, as an unknown plague appears. You must survive twelve days, keeping yourself fed, rested, and healthy as you go around trying to discover the nature of the plague and the town. The game is truly real-time in that time is always going on and that missions you couldn't complete for midnight are gone, their plots hidden and their rewards gone. Some of the revelations in the last day have made a lot of people very, very, very angry and spawned philosophical discussions all around the net - And if you like theatre you will LOVE some of the inspirations behind this game.
Link: http://www.justadventure.com/reviews/Pa ... logic.shtm
Notes: This game is pretty strange in that the developers themselves, in the official forums, told people to pirate it since they get almost nothing from sales in the west now and you should keep the money for their next game. So you have no excuse not to play it.

I have played the first day with the Bachelor but due to situations not related to the game I didn't get to continue it. This is definately a game that I'll play though. I don't know how the story evolves but the first day is absolutely amazing. From what I've seen it seem like one of the most innovative adventures out there.


Mar 14, 2005
Thank you sage, good contributions!

As usual, I ruined it all by editing things a bit. Also, although there is no problem with the "notes" section in general, it just breaks the general format. If you want to work things into the descriptions, I will repost them.
Hope I got the status right, tell me if you know better for one of the games.


Jun 17, 2007
St. Petersburg, Russia
Name: Toonstruck
Developer: Burst Studios
Description: A great but overlooked cartoon adventure, Toonstruck is a modern-day Who Framed Roger Rabbit? story where a likable cartoonist (played convincingly by Christopher Lloyd) gets trapped into a cartoon world of his creation and must restore (relative) order before he can get home. Great voice acting, fun puzzles that do make (zany cartoon) sense once solved, and charming antics round off this excellent underdog. Too bad the slated sequel never came out.
Released: 1996
Link: http://www.the-underdogs.info/game.php?id=1171
Notes: There is no download link at the HotU website. They do have a link to the site where you can buy it (52 copies left!), though. Still, I don't think there is anythng wrong about torrenting the game, since both the developer and the publisher are no more.


Mar 23, 2006
Tar Pits
Man, I can't believe we haven't covered the Sierra games. Unfortunately I only dabbled in King's Quest (although I did play Hero's Quest and sequels (i.e Quest for Glory)). It was ages ago, however.


Mar 14, 2005
Noceur said:
Man, I can't believe we haven't covered the Sierra games. Unfortunately I only dabbled in King's Quest (although I did play Hero's Quest and sequels (i.e Quest for Glory)). It was ages ago, however.

Well, we do have a few of them, only single games standing for the whole series, though. We have Larry and Police Quest, at least. But now that you mention it, we definitely need Gabriel Knight. I don't dig Kings Quest, so it would be cool if you'd write something about it/them.


Jun 17, 2007
St. Petersburg, Russia
Name: Gabriel Knight: Sins of The Fathers
Developer: Sierra On-Line
Description: The first game in the series, Sins of The Fathers, tells of how a struggling, no-good writer comes to grip with his dark family history and accepts his fate to become the next Shattenjäger - shadowhunter. As Gabriel Knight, aspiring writer and owner of St. George's bookstore, you are researching the voodoo murders as a basis for your new book. The authorities, including your policeman friend Mosely, believe that the voodoo aspect is faked by the murderer, and that the real voodoo cult does not exist in New Orleans. With the help of Grace Nakimura, your assistant, you will slowly unravel the web of intrigue that leads to the powerful voodoo cult... as well as your own destiny.
Released: 1994
Link: http://www.the-underdogs.info/game.php?gameid=2348

Name: Gabriel Knight 2: The Beast Within
Developer: Sierra On-Line
Description: The Beast Within picks up where Sins of The Fathers left off. Gabriel has moved into Schloss Ritter, the family castle that he inherits from uncle Wolfgang after he sacrificed his life to save Gabriel's. While hitting a writer's block trying to churn out a sequel to his best-selling novel The Voodoo Murders, a group of distressed villagers knocks on the castle's door. Their leader, Werner Huber, tells Gabriel that as local Shattenjäger, he is needed to track down and kill a supposed werewolf who killed a young girl at the outskirts of Munich. Gabriel soon finds himself on Huber's farm, where his troubles are just beginning...
Released: 1996
Link: http://www.the-underdogs.info/game.php?gameid=2349

Name: Gabriel Knight 3: Blood of The Sacred, Blood of The Damned
Developer: Sierra On-Line
Description: As in the first two games, no prior experience with the series is required to enjoy GK3, although you won't understand some subtle comments and retorts (mostly by Grace) if you haven't played the first 2 games. Although GK3 has a lot to live up to given the outstanding plots of its predecessors, Jane Jansen does one even better by tackling Rennes-le-Château, one of the world's most famous unsolved mysteries and one of the most hotly-contested locations of the Holy Grail. And how does it relate to our Shattenjager? As it turns out, Gabriel and Grace was requested by Prince James to help guard son from evil men he suspected to be vampires. One night as they were on watch, a mysterious kidnapper succeeds in abducting the baby. Gabriel pursued them on a train, only to find himself whacked on the head and woke up in Rennes-le-Château. He has no choice but to check himself in a hotel, explores the area, and find the missing baby. True to the region's rich history, you will soon come across references to various legends including the Knight Templars, vampires, political conspiracies, and of course the Holy Grail itself... the unravelling of which will explain not only why Prince James' son is important, but also sheds light on Gabriel's own destiny.
Released: 1999
Link: http://www.the-underdogs.info/game.php?gameid=2350

Notes: Sierra is still around as a Vivendi division, so these games are not abandonware. On the other hand, no one bothered to re-release them, so fuck the publishers, I say, and download these gems if you happened to miss them.


Mar 23, 2006
Tar Pits
Nedrah said:
Noceur said:
Man, I can't believe we haven't covered the Sierra games. Unfortunately I only dabbled in King's Quest (although I did play Hero's Quest and sequels (i.e Quest for Glory)). It was ages ago, however.

Well, we do have a few of them, only single games standing for the whole series, though. We have Larry and Police Quest, at least. But now that you mention it, we definitely need Gabriel Knight. I don't dig Kings Quest, so it would be cool if you'd write something about it/them.

Unfortunately, I haven't played through a whole King's Quest game. My description of any one them would go like this: "Every pixel on the screen might be your death." :lol:

Ah, I see now... I didn't mean that the only sierra games I played was the King's Quest ones, I meant that I only tried a few of them out and never finished 'em.

Hmm... actually, I could probably do a short blurb about King's Quest as a whole... if someone feels like singling out the games, we can nix my one.

Name: King's Quest Series
Developer: Sierra
Released: 1984-1998
Description: Undoubtly one of the most well-known Adventure game franchises, The King's Quest series is Roberta Williams' suite set in the land of Daventry. All of the games revolve around King Graham and his royal family and their countless escapades. While each game feature a different adventure and you don't play Sir Graham in all of them, all of the games are a continuation of the family's story.
Up until King's Quest V: Absence Makes the Heart Go Yonder the games used Sierra's text parser for actions. With KQ V VGA and also a graphical interface was introduced (with icons for look, talk, pick up and walk). The puzzles can be real tricky and (especially in the early games) a single pixel, looking at something or just standing around will almost certainly spell the doom of King Graham and his family. The player can also mess up the games by missing an object or not doing something in the early parts of the games, but less so in the less dated games. With the fourth game the series becomes increasingly beautiful, with King's Quest V being nothing short of stunning and the music is excellent. If you enjoy dying countless horrible deaths in a compelling fairy-tale land, these games are your coffin size. Note that if you're not in a horrible mood, many of the death scenes actually are quite amusing.
Sierra remade some of the earlier games in better graphics (ega) and there's also AGD Interactive who are remaking the series in (S)VGA and with speech. The first two are already out.
Link: Moby Games, AGD Interactive

Hmm, it reads out as if I didn't enjoy what I played of the games, but that's wrong. I wish I could praise the story in the games, but I haven't played them as an adult. There's some pretty humorous stuff in them as well, if I haven't gone completely senile with age.


Mar 14, 2005
Thanks for your efforts!

I added them to the list, which again became a bit more complete. As I told Jarlfrank recently, actually I hope it becomes big enough to create some kind of information vortex that devours the codex and spits it out as something prettier... well, no, actually not, but I like the idea.
Oct 8, 2006
pug987 said:
I have played the first day with the Bachelor but due to situations not related to the game I didn't get to continue it. This is definately a game that I'll play though. I don't know how the story evolves but the first day is absolutely amazing. From what I've seen it seem like one of the most innovative adventures out there.

If you want to make the most of the story of each character allow me to give you some advice: Collect as many as you can of both Children Powder and Panacea, and do not use either but in true emergencies (not even then, if you want to be sure). Some plot developments on the last day (those who made many people very, very angry) are "secret" - and only happen if you have enough of those to do some things that will become obvious by then.

Nedrah said:
Thank you sage, good contributions!

As usual, I ruined it all by editing things a bit. Also, although there is no problem with the "notes" section in general, it just breaks the general format.

Happy to be able to contribute something around here at last... And do not worry about the notes: They are more of a "conversation" thing than part of the description. Edit them into the description when you think they are useful. And there is no way to ruin them, my english sucks badly - Feel free to edit the grammar or flow as you want, when needed or desired.

Also, do you want only the "great" and "recommended" ones or a full listing of the genre?

A couple of "great" ones i just remembered - I'll throw some more later.

Name: I have no mouth and i must scream.
Developer: The Dreamer's Guild.
Description: Quite the surreal game. Based on the story by Harlan Ellison, who also was quite involved in the game's development, this one puts you in the shoes of the last five humans on earth, trapped and kept alive by an AI known as AM. For the sadistic pleasure of AM they must traverse several worlds built around their pasts and fears, while looking for a way to escape their master. Ellison wanted to have the game end as the short story, but others thought it would not be nice to have the game be impossible to win - So he left that ending as the optional "You suck" one and made other that can be understood as "you won" if you do not think too much about it.
Link: http://www.justadventure.com/reviews/IH ... h_Ray.shtm
Notes: Beautiful, complex, and dark - A true classic. A shame that, given the ending change because lossing by default was not considered fair, if you do not know the story before hand you will not understand fully why the game has such a title but by really sucking at games.

Name: Chronomaster.
Developer: DreamForge.
Description: This one, as far as i know, was written by Roger Zelazny and some friend of him - and both had a saying in the development. As Rene, a famous and now retired designer of pocket universes in a future where science has gone so far that small universes with their own rules and laws can be built for those who can pay them, you are hired to investigate why two of such places have gone into stasis, repair them, and find the culprit. Using a supply of bottled time that allows you to "activate" things trapped in stasis for a while, a weird multi-tool including a magic wand and a probability manipulator, and your understanding of each different world you will travel to several pocket universes (each one stranger than the last), restore them (at first...), and uncover the secrets of their rulers and the terrorist behind those attacks. It has mainly inventory puzzles with multiple solutions, has a lot of well built if weird background that gives a lot of depth, is somewhat non-linear, and has several different endings.
Link: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Chronomaster
Notes: This is a pretty good game, and i like both the premise and the way the story goes later on - Even then keep in mind Zelazny died halfway through the development and it shows, as the game seems to lose a bit of focus and feels somewhat rushed towards the end.


Mar 14, 2005
Thank you, I'll add them later today!
I'm in a bit of a hurry right now....


Jul 28, 2004
Just a note, Chronomaster's main character is voiced by Ron Perlman (though rather badly). Playing it at the moment (after discovering it shares a developer with Sanitarium), well trying to anyway, having some trouble with crashes.


Mar 14, 2005
So, I got a gaming mag today for its full version of Star Wolves 2. However, it also has a Sherlock Homes adventure (german title: die Spur des erwachten, which roughly translates to "trail of the awakened") and CSI: Dark Motives. I'll make sure to check them out and add them if they are worthy. Kind of doubt it for the csi one. Also, the 3 games only set me back by 5€, which is rather cool in my book. Unfortunately the mag itself is crap (computerbild spiele). AND I got a new mouse, the logitech mx518. But, well, you don't really care about that, now do you?


Dec 31, 2007
Nice thread, a lot of the great ones are still missing though, I'll try to add those that come to mind :

Name: Dark Seed
Developer: Cyberdreams
Description: (By HotU) One of the most memorable (and few) science fiction- horror games ever released, Dark Seed is an interesting horror/scifi story based on the haunting artwork of H.R. Giger, creator of Aliens. As writer Mike Dawson, you must travel in both the human and alien dimensions to thwart the aliens' evil plans. Interesting premise and outstanding graphics make for an interesting game that unfortunately gets bogged down with too many illogical (and timed) puzzles.
Status: Abandonware
Link: http://www.the-underdogs.info/game.php?gameid=276

Name: Discworld Noir
Developer: Perfect 10 Productions
Description: (By HotU) Discworld Noir is set in the most depraved city in the Discworld, Ankh-Morpork, where the sun never shines (because it is always night). You play Lewton, a downtrodden P.I. who was once a member of the Watch (i.e. Discworld police) until he was fired for accepting a bribe. The beautiful and mysterious Carlotta just hired you to find Mundy, her ex-lover. As you start looking into Mundy's disappearance more missing persons cases present themselves to you. Missing persons start turning up dead with yours truly as the prime suspect. Throw in a missing artifact, some shady underworld characters, and the ex-girlfriend who broke you heart, and you have all the elements of classic Raymond Chandler noir novels.
Status: Abandonware
Link: http://www.the-underdogs.info/game.php?id=1505

Name: Indiana Jones And The Last Crusade
Developer: Lucasarts
Description: (By MobyGames) It is 1938 and adventurer Indiana Jones is joined by his father on this quest, preventing Adolf Hitler from capturing the Holy Grail. He will have to deal with Nazi guards, the Luftwaffe and enemy spies as he tries to stop the tyrannical Nazi leader.
Status: Commercial
Link: http://www.mobygames.com/game/dos/india ... -adventure

Name: Legend Of Kyrandia Trilogy (The Legend Of Kyrandia, Hand Of Fate, Malcom's Revenge)
Developer:Westwood Studios
Description: (By HotU)
Arguably among the best adventure games series ever, Kyrandia games tell the stories set in the fantasy land of Kyrandia, told from 3 different perspectives: Brandon (a hero chosen to save the land), Zanthia (a Royal Mystic searching for the Anchor Stone to save Kyrandia from disappearing), and Malcolm (the evil jester from the first 2 games out to get his revenge). Each game is better than the last, despite the annoying random elements in some puzzles which can only be solved through tenacious trial-and-error. Great games nonetheless, with a gentle sense of humor, Westwood's acclaimed graphics and user-friendly interface, and great music.
Status: Abandonware
Link: http://www.the-underdogs.info/search.ph ... f+kyrandia

Name: Post Mortem
Developer: Microïds
Description: (By MobyGames) Set in the 1920s, Post Mortem puts you in the role of MacPherson, a retired private detective, whom is hired by Sophia Blake. Your mission is to find out who killed her sister and brother-in law. Very similar to games like Amerzone and other first person adventure games, you go around hunting for clues, interacting and more. When it comes to cinematics, the game takes a 3rd person mode where you choose between the dialogues. The storyline is affected according to the dialogue you choose.
Status: Commercial
Link: http://www.mobygames.com/game/windows/post-mortem

Name: Shadow of The Comet
Developer: Infogrames
Description: (By HotU)
Shadow of the Comet is one of the best horror games ever produced, with a gripping storyline based on Lovecraft's Cthulhu mythos, good puzzles, and a wonderful atmosphere and characters despite some interface quirks. As journalist who arrived in a small town to photograph comet Halley's passing, you soon find that the event signifies a more sinister plan. Some pixel-hunting and time limits are annoying, but the game is excellent overall.
Status: Abandonware
Link: http://www.the-underdogs.info/game.php?id=961

Name: Snatcher
Developer: Konami
Description: (By HotU) One of the most sought-after console games in existence, Snatcher for the SEGA CD is an excellent cyberpunk action/adventure designed by Hideo Kojima, legendary designer who more or less built Konami's franchise single-handedly with classics like Metal Gear series. The game is a cosmetic remake of a 1988 game of the same name, released only in Japan for the PC-88 and MSX2 computers. Of all the versions of the game (including PC-Engine and Sony Playstation), the SEGA CD version is the only to be fully translated (including all voices) into English.
The storyline is undoubtedly the game's strongest appeal, even though it "borrows" a lot from cult cyberpunk films like Blade Runner, The Terminator, and possibly Invasion of the Body Snatchers. You play Gillian Seed, an amnesiac member of the "Junker task force," a special detective unit designed to hunt down and eliminate Snatchers - androids that infiltrate the society by assuming the identity of victims they kill. While your main task is to find out where the Snatchers come from and what they want, you will also learn more about your mysterious past, and how it relates to the Snatcher menace.
Status: Abandonware ?
Link: http://www.the-underdogs.info/game.php?gameid=3690

Name: Simon The Sorcerer
Developer: AdventureSoft
Description: (by MobyGames) Simon is just an ordinary boy in an extra-ordinary world. A world in which he must rescue Calypso the Wizard by embarking on a long challenging quest.
The game is a point-and-click adventure, using a typical interface with words such as ‘Use’, ‘Open’, ‘Walk To’ (unlike Lucasarts’ SCUMM games a simple click on that area of the screen won’t do) and ‘Pick Up’ (again, a double-click on the item doesn’t suffice – these two features extend game time significantly)
The game’s plot has a number of references and spoofs to fantasy and fairy tales, with the Three Billy Goats Gruff involved in a particularly significant scene. The humor is very British in places, with lots of dry sarcasm, and lots of Simpsons-esque self-references to the fact that this is a computer game. The levels are non-linear in layout, with puzzles spread across the lands.
Status: Commercial
Link: http://www.mobygames.com/game/windows/s ... e-sorcerer

Name: The Last Express
Developer: Smoking Car Productions
Description: (By HotU) One of the most original and atmospheric adventures ever released, The Last Express is a masterpiece that exemplifies what storytelling should be. You are Robert Cath, who boards the train in Paris to meet a friend only to find him dead. The list of innovations in the game is endless: from the surprisingly effective comic-book-meets-art-nouveau graphics style, exciting real-time gameplay, and gripping story, you'll be playing and re-playing this game for days to come. The lack of challenging puzzles and some frustrating combat didn't prevent it from being a true classic. If you love adventure games, you owe it to yourself to try this incredibly innovative and absorbing game - one that will compel you to replay more than once as you follow optional paths and try to unravel the mystery. A must-have.
Status: Commercial
Link: http://www.the-underdogs.info/game.php?gameid=615

Name: The Longest Journey
Developer: Funcom
Description: (By MobyGames) The Longest Journey is a third-person graphic adventure in which you play the role of April Ryan, a struggling student artist in the year 2209, recently arrived in the big city of Newport. April is afflicted with strange nightmares, but her nightmares are starting to affect her waking world as well. Only the strange old man Cortez seems to know what's happening. He sends April to another world where magic is real. There, April learns that what she thought were nightmares are real, and that she must save not just one, but two worlds.
The Longest Journey is a huge game, spanning 13 chapters, plus a prologue and epilogue, spread out over 4 CDs. All the usual graphic adventure elements are present, including lots of fairly challenging inventory-based puzzles, pages of dialogue, and bunches of places to explore. To help keep track of things, the game includes a diary, where April records her thoughts about important events, and a conversation log that records the text of every conversation.
Status: Commercial
Link: http://www.the-underdogs.info/game.php?id=654

Name: The Lost Files Of Sherlock Holmes 1 & 2 ( The Case Of The Serrated Scalpel , The Case Of The Rose Tattoo)
Developer: Mythos Software
Description: (By HotU)
Arguably the best games starring the world's most famous fictional detective, Lost Files of Sherlock Holmes 1 and 2 are similar: while the plot, writing, graphics, are all first-rate, most puzzles-- especially the just-click-and-watch lab sequences in Serrated Scalpel-- "lead" you to their solutions without requiring much thought. Fortunately the sequel Rose Tattoo boasts better puzzles and graphics, and a much longer plot. Holmes' fans will enjoy untangling both the Jack-the-Ripper-lookalike mystery, and the Diogenes Club bombing in which Holme's brother, Mycroft, is mortally wounded. Despite banal puzzles that hardly merits the attention of the world's foremost detective, the games' well-written plot and faitthful recreation of Holmesian London make the games worthwhile. So come, Watson, the game's afoot!
Status: Abandonware
Link: http://www.the-underdogs.info/search.ph ... ock+Holmes

Name: Under a Killing Moon
Developer: Access Software
Description: (By MobyGames) It's December, 2042. And you're the only P.I. that follows the old steps of Philip Marlow, Spade, and other classic detectives. This time, the world depends upon you. How? Why? It's not for me to tell. Take your gun, and see what'll be next. Well, you'll drop it via the window accidentally, but I guess that won't stop you from solving the case.
Under A Killing Moon, unlike the Tex Murphy adventures that came before it, takes place in a world whose locations are pure 3D in which you have full maneuverability. You can even look for clues underneath desks, chairs, etc. Other features include an online hint system (that decreases your final score the more you use it), extensive support for additional sound/music devices, and full-motion video technology.
Status: Commercial ?
Link: http://www.mobygames.com/game/dos/under-a-killing-moon

Name: Veil of Darkness
Developer: Dreamforge Intertainment
Description: (By HotU) Veil of Darkness is a familiar sight for players of The Summoning, as both games share a common top-down 3/4 approach to the adventure and the world interaction, although Veil is decidedly more adventure-oriented. The horror story is based around a pilot who crash-lands his cargo plane in the haunted valley of Romania's Transylvanian Alps in the late 1930s, and it's now up to him to stop vampire Kairn. The great story and atmosphere are guarantee to please both adventure and RPG gamers, despite some frustrating combats near the end.
Status: Abandonware
Link: http://www.the-underdogs.info/game.php?id=1224


Mar 14, 2005
Hey ghostdog,

I missed your reply, but I'm going to get those into the list. Thanks!


Apr 3, 2006
The Rambling Sage said:
If you want to make the most of the story
*sigh* You know, there is a point in not knowing what you need in advance. It makes you think about the future. Unless it's something like "sleep under mossy rock or FAIL!!!" in MotB. The problem is, the mossy rock thing didn't involve anything except itself and there was no logical connection to the other parts of the game. The thing you've just described is probably connected to many, many decisions a player (me) might make in the game. In other words, it's a spoiler.
Oct 8, 2006
Gambler said:
The Rambling Sage said:
If you want to make the most of the story
*sigh* You know, there is a point in not knowing what you need in advance. It makes you think about the future. Unless it's something like "sleep under mossy rock or FAIL!!!" in MotB. The problem is, the mossy rock thing didn't involve anything except itself and there was no logical connection to the other parts of the game. The thing you've just described is probably connected to many, many decisions a player (me) might make in the game. In other words, it's a spoiler.

It is not a spoiler. It is a "Do this or totally miss the exposition bits that explain the story, the plague, the introduction, the characters, the atmosphere, and the idea that spawned the game in its writer's mind." You get the ending related to your "choices" regardless of this - It is something "extra".

First play the game, then bitch about what a terrible person i am.

Edit: Oh, and then play it at least one more time with Devotress.


Jul 3, 2007
I think we will be able to create some nice Adventure Games Database now at the Codex (probably?). Now that we got so many titles and short reviews + links to downloads/information.


Mar 14, 2005
Holy crap.

Looks like I actually forgot to add the games provided by ghostdog. Now how the fuck did that happen? I blame university. I'll get to that asap.



Dec 31, 2007
No prob Nedrah ^^ Maybe you could also put the year of release next to each title and even add a screenshot or something. Now let me add some more:

Name: Shadow of Destiny (2002)
Developer: Konami
Description: (By MobyGames)
A young man named Eike Kusch strolls through the quiet patriarchal German town Lebensbaum. Suddenly, a tremendous blow darkens the sight of his eyes, and the next thing he can see is a very strange room filled with bizarre objects, and a voice talking to him from nowhere. "Who are you?" - asks Eike - "Perhaps the Satan himself? And where am I? Am I dead?".
....."You are dead, indeed", - answers the mysterious voice. - "But you can prevent it. Destiny can be changed, you know". And with this, the voice disappears, leaving Eike in the strange room with a mysterious time-traveling device. Eike doesn't quite understand what's going on. He knows one thing: in order to survive, he has to change the past, to make it impossible for the murderer to kill him. And so, the battle for survival begins. The murderer will find many ways to kill Eike, and in order to prevent this, Eike will have to travel thirty years ago, to the beginning of the 20th century, and to the Middle Ages. But the connections between the past and the present are stronger than Eike thinks. With no guidance but the mysterious voice, Eike has to explore Lebensbaum in various time periods, and solve the mystery.
....."Shadow of Destiny" (aka "Shadow of Memories") is a pure adventure game. There are no action elements in the game, but each chapter has a time limit, during which Eike has to find a way to prevent the murderer from killing him.
Status: Commercial
lLink: http://www.mobygames.com/game/windows/shadow-of-destiny

Name: Rex Nebular and The Cosmic Genderbender (1992)
Developer: MicroProse
Description: (By Hotu) As Rex Nebular, privateer and womanizer in the spirit of Han Solo (if only half as charming), you embark on a quest to steal a priceless vase from the planet that are populated only by woman. Tongue-in-cheek humor may be too sophomoric for some, but the interesting puzzles (on "hard" level) will not put anyone off this strangely compelling game. Warning: on "hard" level the puzzles are *unforgiving*- unlike LucasArts' games, you can find yourself in an unwinnable situation. Save often!
Status: Abandonware ?
Link: http://www.the-underdogs.info/game.php?id=903


Jul 28, 2004
Name: The Last Express (1997)
Developer: Smoking Car Productions
You play Roberth Cath, an American on board the “last” journey of the famous Orient Express in 1914, travelling from Paris to Constantinople. The game’s plot is brilliantly told, full of murder and intrigue. The characters and dialogue are some of the best I’ve experienced from any genre, including great voice over work in 4 or 5 different languages. The game's score and sound effects are also top notch.

The game is in FPP, but is presented in stunningly detailed 2D. Animations are rotoscoped from live action, like in Bakshi’s Lord of the Rings giving them a painterly aesthetic. The game's look fits the setting perfectly, and its characters make even modern 3D models look cold and lifeless.

In somewhat of a rarity for an Adventure game, the Last Express is mostly in real time (though time passes at different rates from time to time). This makes the game feel much more alive, with other characters going about their business, and gives actions a sense of immediacy. This means that you often need to be in the right place at the right time to perform certain actions, or more commonly overhear or partake in conversations. Ameliorating possible frustration in not being in the right place at the right time, dying or making a crucial error, is the ability to literally turn back the clock at any time, and revisit past events.
The Last Express has few puzzles in the traditional sense, and very few inventory puzzles, usually I’d label this a flaw, but in the case of TLE, it does away with these things for the right reasons, and is a better game for it. The game provides a sense of really being in the world, probably more so than any I’ve played.

Anyone who likes intelligently made games, must play this, even if you’re an Adventure game fan who abhors timed sequences. It has some flaws, but I'm not going to bother mentioning them.

Link: http://www.mobygames.com/game/last-express
Available to buy from Ebay stores.
Trivia: by the creator of Prince of Persia Jordan Mechner, and cost six million dollars.

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