Thanks for the reply, but, no offense, I don't think you read my previous posts very carefully (which is understandable). TonyK isn't working in anything, even the OC, no matter what I try. And there are multiple reports out there saying the same thing.
Oh, my bad. I would suggest you double-check your installation, I had a skim and didn't see an "override version" that you mentioned you installed. Just to be sure - your NWN Override folder only takes loose files, you can't put haks or subfolders in there.
I'd suggest trying again step by step:
1) Completely uninstall TonyK from NIT and/or Override or whatever else you used.
2) Go to
this link and download the NIT .hak version, extract the .7z.
3) Don't use NIT, instead go into its /patch/ folder and copy all of those .hak files into your respective user path (/Documents/Neverwinter Nights/patch/).
4) Now open /Documents/Neverwinter Nights/userpatch.ini and
manually register *all* of those .hak files, a line for each.
5) Also double-check that your /Documents/Neverwinter Nights/nwn.ini has the PATCH path set to */Documents/Neverwinter Nights/patch/.
Now you can start the game and check again with an OC and maybe a HotU henchman against the dialogue Lacrymas said should be there (if you start HotU, Deekin's just an intro and two combat encounters away). If it's still not working and you just don't wanna give up, you can also try the brute force approach - back up your Override folder, clear it out, then use /Neverwinter Nights Enhanced Edition/bin/win32/nwhak.exe or Tanita's
NWN2Packer to extract all the content from all of those TonyK haks you downloaded into your Override.
P.S. The mod's description says it includes a bunch of optional components like Reborn UI integration, you'll have to figure out what's what later, just try to get the maximal install working at this point.