Don't get me wrong it's not like i'm not enjoying TITTIES 1, it's just that when I had the mentality of "goddamn, and I have to play SC and The 3rd after before finally getting to the one that actually interested me" it was making me not want to play any of the games at all.
Like I said, it's the first time I finally understand why disconnected titles in the same series is actually good; i had never given it much thought before but it really is very good that FFs and DQs are disconnected mostly from each other. The anxiety I get from knowing I have to play X amount of games in order to be able to enjoy another one is not something I can easily dismiss, and I'm not the only one who gets that. It's very psychologically taxing because, for example, even if I'm enjoying something I'm currently doing in TITS 1 the thought of knowing i have to play X and Y thing afterwards makes it feel like homework, like a chore, I dunno it's hard to explain.
It wouldn't be such a big deal if it was 1 or 2 titles, you know a trilogy or something, but it's Tits 2, Tits 3, Crossbell 1, crossbell 2, and THEN I have the privilege of starting Cold steel 1, which will have 3 more after it... it's a bit much. It starts to make you resent playing it cos it feels like work you don't want to do, no matter how charming it is, and truth be told it's not that charming. As for why Cold steel piqued my interest whereas Tits doesn't as much, simple the presentation. Tits is so drab... even the menus are bad. The copy-paste environments is a real thing as well. I mean, even something like Final Fantasy 6 on SNES has better presentation, and that's a game several generations behind. The art in Tits 1 is simply not that good.
I'm also not a fan of the pseudo-SRPG layer that the battles have in Tits. It's acceptable but I find that it adds little to the experience and only ends up adding busywork to the flow of the combat. I would much rather it had a more DQ-ish, Wizardry-ish abstraction of front and back row and just left it at that, i don't like SRPG busywork in my JRPGs, i like that to stay in my SRPGs where it can flourish and not be an afterthought.
EDIT: I do like the way Quarts, Orb slotting/order and Arts/spells work, tho. I enjoy that very much. Have had fun getting it just right in order to unlock spells. Hell, I almost wish the Notebook didn't tell you what unlocked what, or didn't spell it out completely just to have a little fun finding "hidden" spells.