Grea finding, it's a dreamlike work. I've been waiting for years for something like this to play M&M1-2.
Hmm...isn't it easier/quicker to use just the keyboard?
Hmm...isn't it easier/quicker to use just the keyboard?
Yeah it is but I got used to using the mouse in III.
Better than XeenAlso how was 3?
Someones been making a Might and Magic VI prototype in Unreal Engine 4.
Someones been making a Might and Magic VI prototype in Unreal Engine 4. Try it out.
Does anybody else get regular crashes with xeen? My gog download will crash after saves and randomly when entering a location
Also how was 3?
I expect quite a lot of hate for this ('tis Codex after all :D) but recently I've found a tool which changed my experience of playing M&M1 from tedious to quite fabulous.
The tool I'm talking about is called Where We Are, is free and can be downloaded from here.
It calls itself "An automapping retrofit for Might and Magic 1-5" but it's a lot more than that. Basically it's kind of a framework for playing M&M series. It manages mapping, taking notes, displaying various helpers (e.g. shop inventory, spell list, party quick reference, item list etc.) and basically keeps track of everything that happens in game so you don't have to do it.
It also is fully customizable and allows to tweak all these settings to your heart's desire.
Cherry on top is the fact that WWA integrates beautifully with DOSbox (vanilla or daum).
Did you ever get an answer to this? Having the same issue with the latest SVN-Daum build. Don't remember having this problem before...Dredging up an old thread for a dumb reason, but does anyone use Dosbox SVN-Daum? If so, is "XEEN: Not enough memory" error something that can be fixed? It makes no sense in the context of the settings (changing memsizes makes no difference, etc), and it isn't an issue I have with normal Dosbox, which loads the game fine at the cost of having terrible sound/no mt-32 emulation.
Did you ever get an answer to this? Having the same issue with the latest SVN-Daum build. Don't remember having this problem before...Dredging up an old thread for a dumb reason, but does anyone use Dosbox SVN-Daum? If so, is "XEEN: Not enough memory" error something that can be fixed? It makes no sense in the context of the settings (changing memsizes makes no difference, etc), and it isn't an issue I have with normal Dosbox, which loads the game fine at the cost of having terrible sound/no mt-32 emulation.
Played MMXL some time ago and liked it. As I understand it MMXL was more like Wizardry series which I liked. Dropped it somewhere in the middle due to gamebreaking bug. Also performance was horrible even on high-end machine.
Playing MM6 now for the first time. I like the world and exploration and skill systems, even silly reputation and trade systems. Like that devs don't shy away from giving stats with items and potions and... barrels?.. My problem is combat though. As I understand the combat is all about approaching enemy and then backpedalling attacking enemy with spells, bows and melee depending on distance and mana. There are other spells but at least at the beginning those spells are all support ones and even heals don't seem worth it (hardly heal for a single monster hit). I know later there are meteor storms and levitations and other stuff but does combat become more... tactical? Or is it all about preparing your characters for the combat and then just clicking till the enemy is done for? Because the first dungeon in New Soprigal is tedious. Get in, kill everyone till someone is almost dead, go rest for whopping 3 gold, come back. Is the rest of the game like that? Do I have to know something?
I completed Might and Magic III Isles of Terra. I started up World of Xeen and noticed that my mouse cursor is disappearing in the upper right side of the screen. Anybody know how to fix this on the GOG version? I am playing with the non CD version not a fan of the voice acting.
Updated to 1.5: better and more NPCs, restored old weapon values (with some tweaks), restored loot tables for monsters (100% vanilla now), many small improvements in item graphics, fixed double-wielding graphics for daggers and swords, easier installation, added vanilla-friendly settings and made most stuff optional, more reasonable class/skills tweaks, a couple of NPC profession tweaks, and more.
Started recently to play MM6, but I saw there weren't downloadable mods for the vanilla game, except a mod called "Suicide Squad" by koval321. This mod contains many upgraded graphics that look definitely better than the originals, but also some that I didn't like much. But the thing that made me abandon the idea of using it in my game was the extensive changes that he made to the original gameplay(circus in all taverns, double damage for all weapons bows included, altered resistances for monsters, etc) and I didn't want to stray too far away vanilla gameplay. Still, there were some concepts I liked a lot (javelins instead of spears) and I wanted to play with the new weapon graphics. So I started to make this mod, borrowing many graphics from koval321's mod and adding some of my own.
While making the mod, I wished I could restrict some equipment (helms, boots etc) for classes, and finally I found a way to achieve that too. So it became a gameplay mod, not only about graphics.
You need MMArchive, GrayFace Patch 2.0, and MMExtension if you plan to use the altered skills and tables.
You need MMArchive only for the sound files.
Read the readme in each folder of the mod you want to install. It's much easier than in previous version.
Download link:
(An Excel sheet where you can test stuff is included)
These are the changes (all optional and can be combined):
- IMPROVED GRAPHICS: for many weapons and for some armors. Many taken from koval321's Suicide Squad mod, often edited, others made by me.
- Artifacts and relics have their own individual graphics, except some (armors and capes) for which this couldn't be done for engine limitations.
- NEW NPC GRAPHICS: I respected the role of the NPC while assigning new pictures, though the ones that you can hire in the streets still have random pictures. Taken from koval321'mod, DeviantArt drawings, game avatars and portraits from various sources (see credits). Sample(not updated):
- NEW FREELOOK CURSOR: it replaces the MM6Patch cursor
- New sound for start/end of battle
In vanilla game all classes can wear all kinds of boots/helms etc. This had the consequence that after all bonuses from gear and enchantments, the armor class of a sorcerer wasn't much lower than the one of a knight. Now not anymore!
Leather users will be restricted to hats, crowns, and the lowest(not enchantable) helms/gauntlets/boots. Chain users will have more choices (usually the tier 3 enchantable gear), and the highest quality is only for plate users. This is achieved by tagging the items as using leather/chain/plate skill.
There was a problem though: if for example you wear chain armor + chain helm/boots/gauntlets, you get 4x your skill as bonus! I countered this by lowering the base gain to almost zero. This means that if you want to see some gain from using those items you should have some points in the skill already, otherwise you'd get better protection with leather gear (except armor).
Leather gear doesn't use the leather skill and can be worn by anyone (except armor).
Changes in 1.5: lowered bonus for cloaks, leather gets bonus only from armor (1x skill), overall lower armor bonus (compared to vanilla, you'll need about 10 skill to get even with chain or plate, you'll never get even with leather no matter what)
In conclusion:
- overall gear progression follows this scheme: L1 leather, L2 chain, L3 plate, L4 chain, L5 plate. There's an extra L2 plate helm, and some surprises among the artifacts.
- leather is much weaker, so druids and sorcerers have to be careful.
- chain and plate gear can be better (at skill >10) but require proper training, you can't just wear top gear to see massive bonus.
- belts and cloaks give a minor bonus(1-5)
- Javelins: ranged, they replace spears and can be equipped instead of bows. They are a bit weaker than bows, they can't double shoot, but they receive the armor bonus for expertise in spears (you can get +8 if you have a halberd/trident equipped for melee).
- Throwing Daggers: ranged, they replace long daggers. Same remarks made for javelins (except the armor bonus).
- Staff Slings (optional files with weapon restrictions): replace broadswords, use staff proficiency, and are meant to give clerics/druids a ranged weapon.
Since spear and dagger skills weren't meant for ranged combat, raising the skill won't increase ranged accuracy, only melee. I don't know if you can have 3x damage with throwing daggers, but I doubt it. They're meant as extra/early weapons, unless you use the optional tables that restrict class skills (especially bows), in this case they become important for classes that can't use a bow.
Optional. You can choose from:
Normal monsters: +10% HP or +25% HP.
Enhanced monsters (extra ranged/melee attacks/spells): normal, +10% HP, +25% HP.
All optional and can be combined.
Altered weapon skills:
- Bow can be only learned by Knight, Archer and Paladin
- Druids can learn spears (and use javelins, tridents and halberds)
- Clerics can use staff slings, while sorcerers throwing daggers
Altered magic skills:
- Paladins can only learn Spirit
- Archers can only learn Fire
- Druids can't learn Spirit nor Mind
- Clerics can't learn Dark
- Sorcerers can't learn Light nor Earth, but can learn Mind
Altered HP/SP progression
- Paladins have slightly more HPs, but less SPs.
- Archers have slightly more SPs.
- Sorcerers have less HPs, but more SPs.
- Druids have less HPs.
- Clerics and Knights are unchanged (only base values slightly).
Read the specific readme for more details.
Halberds and hammers are two-handed only.
Two handed weapons have generally better chance to hit than one handed ones, that are sometimes less powerful than in vanilla (especially 1-H swords and daggers, that can be double-wielded, doubling both damage and bonus to hit).
Ranged weapons do slightly less damage (the cheapest weapons at least).
koval321 for the graphics contained Suicide Squad mod
Several Baldur's Gate mods for some of the new NPC faces, as well as avatars from various games
Echo's MM8 Monstrosity Modling v1.0
Unread postby Echo » Sat Jun 18, 2016 12:49 am
I also did some stuff for MM7 if you like:
I call this a Modling, because it's too small to be called a mod, but it has a few components, some of them optional. Please read this post to avoid getting things you don't want. You can find a full list of changes down below and in the following post you can find a few screenshots of textures and items.
To "install" this mod you need to put [overwrite] the files in the Data folder of your MM8 install. The Quest for Druid Grove goes elsewhere, details below.
[or so called "everything and the kitchen sink";
these are the final files from my install which include all of the changes I've made - like some experimental Ravenshore textures and whatnot - so there could be some things in it you may not want; choose from the list below if you want to know and choose what you're getting; or get just this if you just want everything and fast and couldn't care less about what's changed as long as it's changedthere's a tiny readme included with install tips![]()
a few newest changes/encounters are only available in this package though since I added them as an afterthought]
Before placing the files in the folder, make a backup of the originals just in case. Always make backups![]()
Files and Alternatives:
#1 changes to classes, items, monsters, spawn sizes, etc:
#2 new item visuals, resized potions, ingredients, etc:
* #2 as above, but includes the 5 redone characters:
#3 redone Shadowspire, new textures for ground, water, etc
#4 completing water texture for the patched game:
** #5 quest for the Druid Grove:
*** #6 redone world areas, new encounters, treasure, etc:
*** #6 as above, but with much harder Escaton's Palace & some other difficulty upgrades:
* Redone portraits
CAUTION: they're imperfect and rushed, all frames are done, but not all are flawless; also, the clothes on paperdolls are skimpier, so use only if you don't mind such things/get both #2 files and decide whenever, you can swap them at will.
** Quest for Druid Grove
If you have MMExtension, put this in Scripts/Global to include a missing quest for the Druidic Circlet from Murmurwoods. It can be found in the main part Ravenshore.
*** Feeling adventurous?
CAUTION: Start a new game with this file. You can swap icons.lod and bitmaps.lod whenever, but games.lod will cause crashes/anomalies if replaced mid-game.
This file modifies all of the outer-world areas adding new enemies, treasure, sprites, and making the world generally fuller and more diverse.
Use the EnglishT.lod included in the AreasMod package if you use the games.lod file. It reduces the outer-world spawns [to 5-10 down from 10-20 in the previous file] and prevents at least some of the spawn points from disappearing with the new additions. I've added plenty new enemies manually so if difficulty dropping down is your concern, don't worry.
What could worry you is that I've no idea how stable this is. I have checked it the best I could without actually playing the game, but until someone plays through successfully and says it's okay, please be warned something could go wrong.
This file is a pretty big modification I guess, and if it will work as it should it will be a breath of fresh air for MM8I knew the areas in MM8 were empty, but I haven't realized just HOW empty they were before I tried to fill them. Of course more could be done, but I'm sooo out of time now and I wanted to rejuvenate all of them so I had to curb my enthusiasm![]()
Few screenshot examples to show what I mean:
All islands on DWI now have enemies and some new treasure. Some life on the volcanic island:
There are some things happening on the hills of Garrotte George, down on the river, the lake, and the Eep temple is now guarded. The area is not so barren and empty anymore either:
Ravenshore has some more diversity now too. The roads are less safe, the bridge, obelisk, smuggler's cave, and Eep temple are also guarded. Some duergars having a campfire near the shore:
New items:
Texture changes [new ground textures & water textures are sized 256x256]:
### dodging might sometimes be very much in order now I believe![]()
- spawn rates increased severely!
- some monsters deal more damage on their attacks
- some monsters are faster [for example centaurs, unicorns and dragons, those that made sense]
- some monsters got new abilities [notably ruby dragons can eradicate now, some monsters knock people unconscious, misc items can also be broken now and a bunch more; sadly I couldn't add the fun summoning as it likes to crash the game often]
- some monsters got new spells [among others, dragon breath makes a triumphant return and care for phoenixes calling down meteors on you!]
- some monsters have been moved around for surprises and challenge, but aside of my lovely flying turtles I did my best to keep it logical enough [care about winged snakes, they went to the gym and refused to be fodder in the starting temple only, I heard eating gogs for breakfast also did them some good]
- some monsters are now mixed! [you can find wyverns in the herd of gorgons or discover necromancers slumming it in the vampire lair etc.]
- less (if any) helpless monsters [no more flying and herding them for easy meteor showering safely from above, most monsters can now attack the team from the distance, even if less effectively than in melee]
- very slight HP adjustments for very few monsters [maybe +100 or +200 hp in 4-5 instances, barely noticeable]
- some monsters have new/changed resistances, so Identify Monster skill might come in handy
- buffed monsters give more XP and oftentimes better treasure as well
- most areas respawn in 3 years instead of 2, because of how much training there is to be done in mods that increase the spawn rates [just change the year in the editor to next one if you want to easily force a respawn at your leisure! It's not cheating if it's to make your life harder I promise]![]()
- Dark/Light magic spells are much more expensive, especially Soul Drinker and Dragon's Breath spells
- some spells from other magic schools also are more expensive [Town Portal, Lloyd's Beacon, Fly + strongest spell from each school]
- all NPCs have had their levels, skills, and spells zeroed out, but with a mod like this a premade party of 5 is probably still the best choice
- school of fish are unkillable now (I hope), you plane-of-water-armageddoning monsters
- some areas are more dangerous to sleep in! [setting camp in front of the world's arch-enemy's bedroom door is probably not the smartest idea, is it?]
- Necromancers don't start with Dark Magic so they don't get a very valuable spellbook at the start of the game
[utility & coolness]
- weapon/armor artifacts and relics have been buffed to make them actually stand out from the common crap!
- max bonuses on random items raised to 50 for the best items [stuff like Alchemy, X Resist, ID Monster etc, don't know how to modify the preset bonuses like "Of the Gods" etc ;<]
- buff spells have WAY reduced recovery rates [all around 40 like torch light]; I don't know about you, but I didn't find it thrilling to wait after my Day of Protection cast to cast my Hour of Power to wait for my Day of the Gods cast to then wait after each Regeneration... omigod SNOOZE. Well, no more!
- some scarcely used/useless spells like shrinking ray, harm, animate dead etc, also have their recovery rates reduced [varies across the board]
- recipes for black potions for +50 skill are now included in barrel messages for respective skills [everyone checks them online nowadays anyway, let's be honest]
- recipes for Divine Restoration, Divine Power, Divine Cure and Fire Resistance [for the trolls quest] are included in the resistance pot messages
- trainer notes start with SKILL NAME now so that your eye can easily catch what's where
- attribute descriptions include attribute thresholds & bonuses they give
- some things are renamed, because I felt like it
- classes/races have been rebalanced; tables:
- broadswords [5] turned into blade staves
- hats [3] turned into ioun stones
- rings [5/10] turned into sources (new shooting weapon)
- potions are 1-hex big
- all ingedients are 1-hex big
- wolf pelts, naga hides are somewhat smaller
- wasp wax, wasp stinger, wyvern horn are 1-hex big
- imported 1 mace from MM6 and 1 flail from MM7 to replace two maces I didn't like
- terrains: dirt, mountains, gray ground, dirt road, gray road, grass [small res]
- water, fire lake
- some skies
- Shadowspire town buildings & Escaton's crystal
Thanks to Arret now I know the mod is playable [the basic version, the areas modification for now untested!] and can be completed without hitting the wall with your head so the old disclaimer can be put to rest.
Abandoned Temple has small Coatl spawn. FOR A REASON. RUN FORREST RUUUUN. Or not, but that's on you!![]()
I just wanted to create this topic to share a script for RPG MAKER VX that allows people to create 3D Dungeon Crawler like games, similar to Might and Magic.
Author of the script's site:
Please keep in mind, I still have some work to do, such as translating a few mopre things and figuring out some of the advanced features.
You will need to download the following before you can use the 3D Dungeon Script:
Rpg Maker VX Trial:
RTP: (Needed for demo game as well)
Finally, here is the 3D Dungeon Script. All you have to do is extract the file into the RPG Maker VX project folder and use RPG Maker VX to open the file. ... ungeon.rar
Here is a demo game that I found from a Japanese site that is using this engine. You will have to enable japanese support to extract the zip, or else it will not extract properly, and you will get errors in the game. ...