One thing about the merge, you can't hire hirelings (not sure if you knew that). There is a small tab on the right side of the screen that will show you people you have tagging along, such as people you are rescuing for a quest.
I choose the merge due to a reputation bug I was having when I started MM6 regular, where my rep would continuously go down spontaneously from the very beginning of the game. The better viewport is also nice, but I would have played the regular version if I could have. Also, I've heard someone say that GM water is not working/implemented correctly in MM6 in the merge...
Started the merge mod as well (except i started from the MM8 world (MM6 wouldn't start for some reason and the dragonflies from 7 pissed me off last time i tried ).
I've got some more information about the
Outside of the merchant decrease (which might have been solved in the merge, i left once without buying/selling and didn't get any decrease), it works by region so you have 0 in any new area but your reputation from other areas don't seem to decrease or it's very slow because i didn't see it yet (i'm not too far in the game either, my party is lvl 13)
The beginning is tedious but once you get bows + some skill and decent spells, it gets better but i have to admit the best part of the game is shopping / looting treasure chests until your goons become half-gods.
The other appeal, for me is to get different classes and builds, i've seen people here talking about having 2 + liches, sure it's certainly powerful but it's boring.
So, my party is composed by 4 permanent customized members :
- Minotaur (Axe based of course) by the name of Crag Hack ;-)
- Cleric (for obvious reasons and light magic)
- Dark Elf (for bow GM and decent magic skills)
- Necromancer (Dark magic elemental magic GM )
I plan on recruiting a dragon as the 5th party member and probably a vampire in the meantime as soon as i can recruit a decent one, got a ninja first, a real meatbag but quite useless otherwise.
hirelings : you can recruit them and they work properly (at least the one giving +20 luck does, didn't check the +2 magic skills one) as for the one reducing map transition by 3 days (minimum 1) it doesn't work on the stagecoach nor the boat travel but it might just be for regular travel.