I'm playing this too bros, I might just finish it this time. Up to lvl 50 now in Blackshire, clearing one map at the time. Fuck this game is addictive. I don't know what makes this game so good. In theory, it should be shit. It's a terrible grindfest with simplistic combat. But I don't know bros, it's actually p. good. Maybe it's just a sense of progression done well, which is actually something rare in rpgs. When you find new shit or get new abilities, you get excited. It makes a difference. Getting the masteries in skills, new spells, etc, all alters your gameplay in some form. Master Lloyd's Beacon - warping back and forth - hell yeah. More gold? Yes please. Fly? Oh yes. It's a well balanced game.
In a modern game like say Dragon Age, everything is convenient and boring. If you think about it, DA, while being a shit game, still holds on to the basics of a game like M&M. But it does it badly. It's still the same crap, beside the banal shit boring story that you have to endure : fight monsters, simplistic combat. On paper it's the same thing. But it just doesn't work that way. They wouldn't dare, for example, making health regeneration an actual ability that you'd need to pick to make a difference in the game. Health regen is there because it's convenient. What's the fun of not healing to fightan as quickly as possible? That's not fun right? I don't know, maybe so, but that breaks the idea of progression.
I'm not sure if I'm going to say a good rpg needs bad gameplay that turns into fun to have a good sense of progression, because that's MMO mentality. If you think about it, having to walk all around at the beggining in M&M is a chore compared to being able to teleport and fly at will later in the game. Where's the fun in that? I have no idea. But I can teleport now, motherfuckers!