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The Outer Worlds Pre-Release Thread [GO TO NEW THREAD]


Edgy Vatnik Wumao
Jun 2, 2017
Have they said anything, anywhere about stealth/sneak and how it works?


Jun 13, 2016
Sea of Ubiquity
It's weird how they still can't get npcs to have believable facial expressions like VTMB did 15 years ago, the few npcs I saw in this game looked so wooden and generic they gave me Bethesda vibes.


Jun 4, 2010
Shadorwun: Hong Kong Divinity: Original Sin 2
The more I read about this game, the more depressing it sounds.

There’s no having interesting gameplay in ”mainstream” RPG’s. Nobody cares to nor wants to break any new grounds or explore even slightly different design territories. Just commonplace every saturday shooters with RPG make-up. Nothing new under the sun, but... meh.


May 31, 2018
Just commonplace every saturday shooters with RPG make-up.
Don't say that outside of the forums otherwise you're just being a contrarian to be a contrarian. RPGs are so loosely defined in the mass marketplace of video games. People will argue you into the ground that games like Fallout 4 or AC: Odyssey is a RPG yet God of War for the PS4 isn't. I don't think any of them are but I'd say God of War and games with light RPG elements share more in common with each other than they do with RPGs. The difference between GoW and other games with light RPG elements is that in GoW you can't sarcastically say no to someone or join silly factions because that's enough to make a game a RPG it seems.


Proud owner of BG 3: Day of Swen's Tentacle
Nov 23, 2014
At large
PC RPG Website of the Year, 2015 Make the Codex Great Again! Grab the Codex by the pussy Insert Title Here RPG Wokedex Divinity: Original Sin 2 A Beautifully Desolate Campaign Pillars of Eternity 2: Deadfire Steve gets a Kidney but I don't even get a tag. Pathfinder: Wrath
Yeah, a nickelodeon was basically a cheap single theater where they'd show a bunch of different stuff on a continual loop. You'd show up, pay five cents, and just go inside and stay for however long you wanted; maybe the show would be just starting or it'd be in the middle, or they'd be in intermission and some vaudeville chicks would come out and dance. They're a big part of how movies changed from being a novelty thing for the rich to something for everybody. Interesting stuff.

Not sure why they called the channel that, but their old logo was actually a picture of a 1920s guy looking at a nickelodeon box so it's definitely intentional.


Jul 30, 2017
The more I read about this game, the more depressing it sounds.

There’s no having interesting gameplay in ”mainstream” RPG’s. Nobody cares to nor wants to break any new grounds or explore even slightly different design territories. Just commonplace every saturday shooters with RPG make-up. Nothing new under the sun, but... meh.
Just commonplace every saturday shooters with RPG make-up.
Don't say that outside of the forums otherwise you're just being a contrarian to be a contrarian. RPGs are so loosely defined in the mass marketplace of video games. People will argue you into the ground that games like Fallout 4 or AC: Odyssey is a RPG yet God of War for the PS4 isn't. I don't think any of them are but I'd say God of War and games with light RPG elements share more in common with each other than they do with RPGs. The difference between GoW and other games with light RPG elements is that in GoW you can't sarcastically say no to someone or join silly factions because that's enough to make a game a RPG it seems.
And it's never even a fun shooter with rocket-jumping and crazy, fast, and spastic enemies. Just people standing and shooting. Maybe taking cover. Maybe.

Ibn Sina

Jul 12, 2017
Strap Yourselves In
The more I read about this game, the more depressing it sounds.

There’s no having interesting gameplay in ”mainstream” RPG’s. Nobody cares to nor wants to break any new grounds or explore even slightly different design territories. Just commonplace every saturday shooters with RPG make-up. Nothing new under the sun, but... meh.

It is not just that... The footage , videos, and interviews they did point this to be a very sub standard game even for mainstream. Everything looks very mediocre starting from the animation and the graphics down to the game play. This looks like run of the mill game, with nothing even slightly innovative or at least fun gameplay.

Basically looks boring as hell.


Dec 21, 2010
The more I read about this game, the more depressing it sounds.

There’s no having interesting gameplay in ”mainstream” RPG’s. Nobody cares to nor wants to break any new grounds or explore even slightly different design territories. Just commonplace every saturday shooters with RPG make-up. Nothing new under the sun, but... meh.
Just commonplace every saturday shooters with RPG make-up.
Don't say that outside of the forums otherwise you're just being a contrarian to be a contrarian. RPGs are so loosely defined in the mass marketplace of video games. People will argue you into the ground that games like Fallout 4 or AC: Odyssey is a RPG yet God of War for the PS4 isn't. I don't think any of them are but I'd say God of War and games with light RPG elements share more in common with each other than they do with RPGs. The difference between GoW and other games with light RPG elements is that in GoW you can't sarcastically say no to someone or join silly factions because that's enough to make a game a RPG it seems.
And it's never even a fun shooter with rocket-jumping and crazy, fast, and spastic enemies. Just people standing and shooting. Maybe taking cover. Maybe.
Full fun FPS would eliminate stealth though and go against Tim and Leonards design philosophy of Speech/Combat/Stealth


Glory to Ukraine
Mar 26, 2013
Fortress of Solitude
I KNOW that combat won't be the best part of this, but it does look better than the first footage. Weapons seem to have some oomph to them, and when he shot that due in the leg, he was staggering.

And still dumb enough to run at you directly with a fucking melee weapon. They are also entirely deaf because, apparently, they can't hear a gunfight happening 50m from their location.


Jan 8, 2009
It's a game for the cult of New Vegas, fellas. You're either a part of it or you're not.

Tough sell, all things considered. New Vegas lost its appeal a long time ago.

I would honestly love to play a reskinned New Vegas.

The question is whether the Latter Day Obsidian can deliver NV quality, without the benefit of working off somebody's engine & assets & the Fallout setting.


Glory to Ukraine
Mar 26, 2013
Fortress of Solitude
Reskinned and improved. Combat still looks fucking awful and I doubt stealth is going to be any better.
I like that we can have two human companions tho, here's hoping that we have some debates between them ala KOTOR, DA, BG and so on.


Jul 30, 2017
The more I read about this game, the more depressing it sounds.

There’s no having interesting gameplay in ”mainstream” RPG’s. Nobody cares to nor wants to break any new grounds or explore even slightly different design territories. Just commonplace every saturday shooters with RPG make-up. Nothing new under the sun, but... meh.
Just commonplace every saturday shooters with RPG make-up.
Don't say that outside of the forums otherwise you're just being a contrarian to be a contrarian. RPGs are so loosely defined in the mass marketplace of video games. People will argue you into the ground that games like Fallout 4 or AC: Odyssey is a RPG yet God of War for the PS4 isn't. I don't think any of them are but I'd say God of War and games with light RPG elements share more in common with each other than they do with RPGs. The difference between GoW and other games with light RPG elements is that in GoW you can't sarcastically say no to someone or join silly factions because that's enough to make a game a RPG it seems.
And it's never even a fun shooter with rocket-jumping and crazy, fast, and spastic enemies. Just people standing and shooting. Maybe taking cover. Maybe.
Full fun FPS would eliminate stealth though and go against Tim and Leonards design philosophy of Speech/Combat/Stealth
True. Granted, this does seem to be a better(?) stealth game. I just can't think of any way to make a game where both stealth and shoot-outs fit the engine/mechanics and are actually fun.


Jun 4, 2010
Shadorwun: Hong Kong Divinity: Original Sin 2
I would honestly love to play a reskinned New Vegas.

I don't really care about skins (if looks is what you mean with that). New Vegas looked just fine for a videogame. Not a work of art by any stretch of the word, but one could understand what happened on the screen just fine. It was the gameplay that eventually withered down the whole thing.

I had hoped that with TOW they'd try to do something more interesting with their gameplay than... what basically looks like Fallout 4 without an open world, is all. I can imagine the narrative design and reactivity to be nice, but that's a thin comfort if the game is otherwise a chore to trudge through.
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Jan 8, 2009
I would honestly love to play a reskinned New Vegas.

I don't really care about skins (if looks is what you mean with that). New Vegas looked just fine for a videogame. Not a work of art by any stretch of the word, but one could understand what happened on the screen just fine. It was the gameplay that eventually withered down the whole thing.

I had hoped that with TOW they'd try to do something more interesting with their gameplay than... what basically looks like Fallout 4 without an open world, is all. I can imagine the narrative design and reactivity to be nice, but that's a thin comfort if the game is otherwise a chore to trudge through.

No, nothing like that. I just mean I liked NV and I would gladly pay for another NV-like game even if it's not set in Fallout.

Certainly, my instant impression of the Outer Worlds was 'jesus this is such an unimaginative AAA open world RPG thing'. And that's where my expectations will remain until I see something to make me sit up and take notice. I'm saying if they can deliver an NV-like experience in terms of quest design and world exploration (as flawed as it was), then I'd consider that pretty awesome... even if it looks like combat has barely improved since the calamity that was Bethesda's Fallout.

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