Played a couple of hours on Supernova yesterday, might go down to Hard for 2 reasons:
No save and exit button like in Kingdom Come: Deliverance (for when you want to stop playing when in the middle of something), and apart from fast-traveling back to your ship and saving there before running back (which is zero challenge and just costs me time) the only way to save the game are the autosaves when you switch maps.
I had a random crash during character generation (but nothing else since) so I can't be certain I won't lose progress due to reasons other than fucking up myself.
Thirst is incredibly annoying and its inclusion seems like an afterthought in comparison to New Vegas. You get debuffs almost instantly, and the only sources of water seem to be food items that are somewhat rare because they are designed to be temporary buffs and not combat a thirst meter.
To make it more annoying, most drinks are alcoholic and doesn't quench your thirst.
And there seems to be no taps or bodies of water you can drink from, just the consumables that the cantina sells in a limited stock.
It also doesn't really fit the setting - the world doesn't have survival problems, they have problems with the system in which they live. Edgewater has running water everywhere, it makes no sense for a newcomer to be unable to drink anything. Even a backwater place like Goodsprings had a town well where the player could drink unlimited clean water before heading out into the wasteland.
I really like the idea of sending my companions forward as disposable meat shields though. And I love the excitement of getting through areas alive without quicksaving at no cost every 5 minutes.