But you don't know the colony will grow and survive. I mean yeah with metagame knowledge you do, but Phineas is banking the survival of the entire colony on Great Minds pulling their fat from the fire (while also adding a greater load on resources in the short term). An all or nothing gamble, while The Board path is incredibly risk averse, as corporations tend to be.
This should have been what the game revolved around. It's been like a week or something since I finished it and it's still driving me insane.
Welles wants to risk everything on a stupid plan for his own ego and to assuage his own guilt, and he might doom the colony in the process. His only source for any of his claims is "trust me bro", but if he's right, he could pull Halcyon back from the brink.
If he's right. This could have been a great character.
Akande, meanwhile - who is a compassionless killer, but appears genuinely unselfish and acts out of a sincere desire to rescue the colony - wants to save Halcyon at any cost, and has a concrete plan in place to do it, but the plan is morally repugnant. This could have been a great character.
WHY ISN'T THE FUCKING GAME ABOUT THIS CONFLICT. WHY. Theoretically, this is a rock-solid foundation for a plot. The two factions counterbalance each other perfectly - both are simultaneously appealing and repulsive. Welles has pretty promises, Akande doesn't sugarcoat anything. Welles
thinks he can save everyone, Akande
knows she can't. Welles just hopes that his madcap scheme will work, Akande tries to verify that hers will. Welles thinks a revolution is a worthwhile risk, Akande wants to protect people's existing way of life as much as she can. Siding with Welles is a gamble which could kill everyone but could also save everyone; siding with Akande means
definitely saving some people but dooming others with equal certainty. On a personal level, Welles is charming but deceitful, while Akande is stern but brutally honest. Taken like this, both sides are viable, and fans of the game (all two of them) could have been debating this for years in the way people still discuss New Vegas' main quest.
It's a fantastic outline for a really gritty, tricky plot with no right or wrong answer. So how did it end up so fucking bad. Why is Akande - who, without meta knowledge from the epilogues,
may be completely correct about everything - demonised the instant you meet her. Why does the epilogue make it 100% clear that Welles' plan was the right one. Why did they write a situation that
begged for ambiguity and moral dilemmas, and then systematically suck out any and all ambiguity from it, making it entirely black and white and also making it retarded as fuck. Why did I spend most of the game hearing unbearable shitty unfunny jokes from tedious NPCs, rather than dealing with this core plot. Fucking why.
Fucking Obisidian. I genuinely hope that the studio goes under and that TOW2 never gets made. I've not been this pissed off by a game's failings in a long time.