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  • Wesp5
    Wow, what a compliment! I was surprised when Chris mentioned me in one of his articles, but this really made me smile ;). BTW, I added a free roam ending to the patch in the meantime :)!
    What "free roam"?
    It lets you do quests you have not completed?
    Yes. Basically it opens up all hubs to you can do what you want in them after the game has ended.
    will you consider reverse engineering the fixes from the Russian 2.2 patch for Boiling Point: Road to Hell and put them into your fan patch?
    I don't know enough yet about what this patch does, but in case it can be done with the SDK I might try.
    From Urban Dictionary in 2014: "RPG Codex is a forum for butthurt edgy teens [...] They stalk developers and modders such as Tessera and Wesp5 (who are all apparently German for some reason according to them) [...] The stalking of Tessera and Wesp5 has continued for 7 years by several insane individuals who use the Codex." Were you aware of this?
    You are asking him for the stalking or the butthurt?
    No, I wasn't aware of this and Tessera is not German. He insulted me quite badly for that on Planet Vampire years ago!
    Why is your wall bare? Did you delete everything?
    Regular cleanup of garbage is healthy
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