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Deus Ex The philosophy of Deus Ex


Mar 6, 2003
I never paid attention to the story line, I just really liked the game play. It's more amusing when nerds talk about the story like it's very meaningful.


Oct 16, 2015
It is probably the single most meaningful video game story in existence lol, in that its value is to redpill the sheeple.

Comrade Goby

Apr 29, 2011
Project: Eternity
I quite like Deus Ex, but I never really got on board with the idea that it was this powerhouse of thought.

It is very clear, and outright stated by Spector, that Deus Ex, first and foremost, is a Spy-Thriller in the vein of James Bond. Whatever narrative pathos was made for the game was done in service of the super spy power fantasy. Conspiracy theories go hand-in-hand with super spies. Some of their predictions are very on point, but having any basic grasp of history can make *you* pretty good at predicting societal trends too.

I remember in a High School (2007) assignment I predicting that in the future everyone would be self-obsessed, victimizing, attention whores and we'd be treating serious issues like mental illness as pet identifiers. I made these predictions because I read and was obsessed with Cold War era American culture and saw the same trends in 2007 that existed in McCarthy 1950s that lead to the 1960s. None of it was that deep.

Also, "bipartisan", lol, lmao even. Warren Spector's an archetypal Neoliberal, his Twitter is nuts, he's long since denounced Deus Ex (HIS game) as an alt-right trap and would not have made it if he'd known goons like the Codex would be making threads like these.

Yeah but didn't some other guy write all the goods parts not Spector himself?


Sep 6, 2022
I quite like Deus Ex, but I never really got on board with the idea that it was this powerhouse of thought.

It is very clear, and outright stated by Spector, that Deus Ex, first and foremost, is a Spy-Thriller in the vein of James Bond. Whatever narrative pathos was made for the game was done in service of the super spy power fantasy. Conspiracy theories go hand-in-hand with super spies. Some of their predictions are very on point, but having any basic grasp of history can make *you* pretty good at predicting societal trends too.

I remember in a High School (2007) assignment I predicting that in the future everyone would be self-obsessed, victimizing, attention whores and we'd be treating serious issues like mental illness as pet identifiers. I made these predictions because I read and was obsessed with Cold War era American culture and saw the same trends in 2007 that existed in McCarthy 1950s that lead to the 1960s. None of it was that deep.

Also, "bipartisan", lol, lmao even. Warren Spector's an archetypal Neoliberal, his Twitter is nuts, he's long since denounced Deus Ex (HIS game) as an alt-right trap and would not have made it if he'd known goons like the Codex would be making threads like these.

Yeah but didn't some other guy write all the goods parts not Spector himself?
Warren Spector was the director/producer.
He didn't write the game.

destinae vomitus

Apr 25, 2021
If any of you still had any doubts about "physiognomy" being an actual thing, I suggest to take a look at the well-read scholar behind the writing in this game, who gets completely overlooked even by self-alleged Deus Ex fans.

And then compare/contrast with the often lauded creative who did a lot of design gruntwork for this game and thus ended up heading the development of Invisible War, going from there to ideate the likes of Dishonored and Redfall.

“If anything, game development is even more of a team effort than making a movie, so for individuals to get credit for making a game is absolutely insane.” - Warren Spector, the maker of Deus Ex.


Oct 1, 2018
Stephen King with higher T vs Austin TX personified.

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