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Game News The quest for more money: Oblivion GotY edition

Vault Dweller

Commissar, Red Star Studio
Jan 7, 2003
Tags: Bethesda Softworks; Elder Scrolls IV: Oblivion

Bethesda keeps <a href=http://www.mcvuk.com/press-releases/30129/Bethesda-Softworks-Announces-The-Elder-Scrolls-IV-Oblivion-Game-of-the-Year-Edition>repackaging and reselling</a> its award-winning, mind-blowing, gravity-defying masterpiece until everyone will buy it at least twice.
<blockquote>Expanded Version of Award-Winning Role Playing Game, for PC, Xbox 360, PLAYSTATION®3 system Available In September
July 9, 2007 (Rockville, MD)– Bethesda Softworks®, a ZeniMax Media company, announced today that it will release The Elder Scrolls IV: Oblivion® Game of the Year Edition (GotY) for Xbox 360™ video game and entertainment system from Microsoft, PLAYSTATION®3 computer entertainment system from Sony, and Windows this September. Oblivion GotY will include the original version of the award-winning RPG Oblivion along with the official expansion, The Elder Scrolls® IV: Shivering Isles™, and the downloadable content, Knights of the Nine™.
This new product will allow players who have never played the 2006 Game of the Year to experience Oblivion for the first time with additional content. In addition, gamers can continue their existing games of Oblivion and experience the new quests and areas offered by the expansion and downloadable content.
Released in March 2006 for Windows and Xbox 360™ video game and entertainment system from Microsoft and in March 2007 for PLAYSTATION®3 system, Oblivion has already earned countless awards from publications around the world and won numerous Game of the Year and RPG of the Year awards. Gamerankings.com and MetaCritic.com list Oblivion as the highest rated game of all time on both Xbox 360 and PLAYSTATION®3 system.
Oblivion features a powerful combination of free-form gameplay, unprecedented graphics, cutting edge AI, character voices by acting legends Patrick Stewart, Sean Bean, Terrance Stamp, and Lynda Carter, and an award-winning soundtrack. Gamers can choose to unravel Oblivion’s epic narrative at their own pace or explore the vast world in search of their own unique challenges.
With more than 30 hours of new gameplay, Shivering Isles allows you to explore an entirely new plane of Oblivion– the realm of Sheogorath, the Daedric Prince of Madness. Shivering Isles features a bizarre landscape split between the two sides– Mania and Dementia–filled with vast, twisting dungeons mirroring the roots of the trees they are buried within. Sheogorath himself looks to you to be his champion and defend his realm and its inhabitants from destruction as you discover all new items, ingredients, spells, and much more.
Knights of the Nine features an all-new faction and quests for noble characters and answers many of the questions surrounding the Ayleid ruins found throughout Oblivion. Players can join a new faction and found their own order of holy knights– leading them into battle against a sorcerer-king and his demonic minions while exploring massive dungeons and searching for legendary relics– the holy armor and weapons of the Divine Crusader.</blockquote>Awesome. I've already pre-ordered two copies (in case the first one will get damaged after playing the game for 1,000 hours).
Jan 24, 2007
Wouldn't you like to know!
I picked up TESIII: Morrowind GotY version, used at my local Goodwill for $10 (the thread about Morrowing being redeemed with Mods got me thinking about it, so when I saw it, I picked it up).

After installing and patching, I started... I "played" for 10 or so minutes, and said, "Screw this" and went to find my copy of Arcanum.

I don't believe I will be trying TESIV: Oblivion GotY or no GotY.

Is there something wrong with me...

Deleted member 7219

Fallout_Fan_VII said:
I picked up TESIII: Morrowind GotY version, used at my local Goodwill for $10 (the thread about Morrowing being redeemed with Mods got me thinking about it, so when I saw it, I picked it up).

After installing and patching, I started... I "played" for 10 or so minutes, and said, "Screw this" and went to find my copy of Arcanum.

I don't believe I will be trying TESIV: Oblivion GotY or no GotY.

Is there something wrong with me...

Yes. Arcanum was shit and Morrowind was brilliant.


Oct 7, 2005
If at least we could do some decent moding with this shit, but even that isn't possible. That skill system screws the game balance completely and we can't turn it off either.

Whatever they say, Morrowind still sold better than Oblivion and expansions together.


Mar 30, 2003
A good deal for those who've waited this long. I've already played all that content, so unless my 360 hard drive takes the dirt nap I'll have no reason to pick it up.

Deleted member 7219

elander_ said:
Whatever they say, Morrowind still sold better than Oblivion and expansions together.

You got a reference for that? Seems to me Oblivion is infinitely more popular with the kiddie masses (my friend's eight-year old brother loves playing Oblivion on his 360 and its obvious that many other kids love it too). Bethesda knows thats where the profits lie: targeting the mass audience of casual gamers. I assumed Oblivion, being more popular and highly-rated than Morrowind, would have sold more.


Mar 5, 2005
Denmark, Europe
Hmmm --

Morrowind got a GOTY edition,too.... And Titan Quest has a Gold Edition. Many games release collection of games + add-ons+expansions etc.

And so, now, Oblivion, too. I don't fail to see what so horrid about this. It means that the Xbox 360 users and the PS3 users finally can get a tangible Oblivion disc with ALL the content of Oblivion on it.

I'll probably just get Shibering Isles...

And no, there's nothing wrong with if you don't like TES games. You just like other games such as Arcanum, Fallout and games like that...

Ander Vinz

May 25, 2007
Vault Dweller said:
I've already pre-ordered two copies (in case the first one will get damaged after playing the game for 1,000 hours).
Very wittily.


May 1, 2006
SimpleComplexity said:
when they see the game, they don`t see the game, they see the graphics.

Yeah... Generic fantasy land graphics... With a generic fantasy land story...


Dec 23, 2006
Matt7895 said:
Yes. Arcanum was shit and Morrowind was brilliant.

That's right! (and Oblivion was teh brilliance too!)

Really, all you silly Arcanum fanbois need a wake up call - Arcanum was the worst FPS ever!


Dec 23, 2006
Fallout_Fan_VII said:
Relayer71 said:
Linda Carter a legend...only in her husband's mind.

And every straight man who grew up in the 70's & 80's. :P

I saw Wonder Woman on it's original run and there was nothing terribly sexy about Lynda Carter. She was attractive, but nothing extraodinary.

Now those Charlie's Angels girls were pretty cute... but still not as hot as all those extras on the beach on CHiPS.


Mar 30, 2003
fastpunk said:
:? I still don't understand what people see in this game...

It's a great RPG for the non-hardcore crowd with pretty graphics. What's so hard to understand about that? Most people who play video games never bothered with PnP, so all the negative comments on this board fall on deaf ears. Most fans of Oblivion are happy with the game, whether or not it lived up to the expectations of a smaller base of number crunchers.


Oct 7, 2005
Matt7895 said:
You got a reference for that? Seems to me Oblivion is infinitely more popular with the kiddie masses (my friend's eight-year old brother loves playing Oblivion on his 360 and its obvious that many other kids love it too). Bethesda knows thats where the profits lie: targeting the mass audience of casual gamers. I assumed Oblivion, being more popular and highly-rated than Morrowind, would have sold more.

I'm going to post a link to the ESF here. Please moderators don't erase this link. It's only 50% retarded. :mrgreen:

http://www.bethsoft.com/bgsforums/index ... 87207&st=0


Feb 8, 2005
2) Wikipedia. Good site, but not extreamly trustworthy. If this was information worth noting, it would be on a site like IGN or something.

There's two things I feel I need to say here:



Sweet fucking jesus, that sentence sums up the blackhole of stupidity that is the ESF forums so elegantly.


Dec 23, 2006
bossjimbob said:
fastpunk said:
:? I still don't understand what people see in this game...

It's a great RPG for the non-hardcore crowd with pretty graphics. What's so hard to understand about that? Most people who play video games never bothered with PnP, so all the negative comments on this board fall on deaf ears. Most fans of Oblivion are happy with the game, whether or not it lived up to the expectations of a smaller base of number crunchers.

Ok but it still sucks!!! :)

Seriously, I definitely see the appeal of Oblivion for non-hardcore RPG players, namely those who are strictly console gamers.

In fact, I would go as far as saying that Oblivion is a freakin masterpiece on a console.

It gives console gamers a really unique experience: an action/adventure, RPG-like game with a humongous world in which the player can pick and choose from several quest lines, follow the main quest, or just explore ruins/dungeons. When compared to modern Japanese RPGs and their androgynous 16 year old heros and over the top cut-scenes galore, it's a refreshing change. It also has good grafix (generic setting be damned), and all dialogue is voiced (next to some JRPG voice acting, Oblivion's voice cast is the Glengarry Glen Ross cast equivalent), and is pretty straightforward.

But as a PC RPG to hardcore PC RPG fans, it sucks, no it vacuums - big time. And this is a hardcore PC RPG site is it not?

And the direction PC RPGs are going thanks to the CONTINUED success of these watered down RPGs is enough justification for the raging hatred of Bethesda (and Bioware, and Chris Taylor and his fucking Siege "franchise" and everyone else selling out to the console crowd. But hey, CEO's have to eat.

(BTW, I'm a fan of console games too but aside from portable RPGs I'm finding modern JRPGs harder to stomach - I prefer the SNES and PSX generation to today's)

Joe Krow

Feb 16, 2007
Den of stinking evil.
bossjimbob said:
fastpunk said:
:? I still don't understand what people see in this game...

It's a great RPG for the non-hardcore crowd with pretty graphics. What's so hard to understand about that? Most people who play video games never bothered with PnP, so all the negative comments on this board fall on deaf ears. Most fans of Oblivion are happy with the game, whether or not it lived up to the expectations of a smaller base of number crunchers.

Because making games is not a business it is a religion. All the "good companies," now defunct, got that way so that we could experience "true" crpgs. "Bottom line be damned!!" The true calling is to make two niche games with obscene budgets and then file for bankruptcy. BOOM!! It's like a retarded jihad.

... I always love it when you folks try to impune the profit motive. It makes you sound like children.

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