Kinda thinking about getting Space Marine, should i?
It's a fun action game. It has a nice mix of melee and ranged combat, with the former being very satisfying, but the whole ride is rather uneven. You spend the first half fighting orks and the second half against chaos marines and daemons. The game loses some of its pacing when you encounter chaos since most of these must be dealt from afar and you won't have as many occasions to go in melee as in the first part, and so it forces you on a rather predictable path. Also the end boss is a complete disapointment as it is just a QTE. It's a very fun game but it could have been so much more with better pacing, less linearity, a bit more humour similar to what Relic did with its Dawn of War serie, and some better boss encounters. I kinda hope they'll go back to it one day and release a sequel that improves on the original (think Max Payne 2 to Max Payne 1) but I don't see that happening soon. In the end it's a decent game, with some very fun bits, and I don't think you'll take much risk for that price. If you like action games and have some interest in WH40K, it's a good way to spend a week-end.
Pretty much. The core gameplay - ignoring the rest of the game - is very fun and fluid. It's not just the a nice mix of melee and ranged combat, but that it's amazingly easy (and very necessary) to switch between the two. In fact you don't even switch, you have separate buttons for shooting and melee. I would shoot and aim with the regular left and right mouse buttons, while meleeing with the two side buttons on the mouse. Admittedly, melee combos are very simplistic - basically Dynasty Warriors if you have played that - except for the fact that each string pulls off different types of stuns, which are important and I'll cover that later. I actually found the ranged combat equally satisfying, but the thing is that this fun melee/ranged core mechanic gets let down by the flaws in the second half of the game, as Gragt explained.
The flaws indeed are shitty level design (though this is mostly between fights) and bad AI (in terms of being enemy not ever dodging). The thing is that having dozens of Orks rushing at you while Orks in the back are spamming rokkits and shootas - all this really makes up for the bad AI from my experience. But when you start fighting Chaos, the bad AI really hruts the game because it's just a shooting gallery while you strafe around avoiding their shots. The Chaos units move around slowly, dodge roll once in a while, and there are like no melee charging at you (which is what made the Orks fun) because the complete majority of the encounters are Chaos Space Marines with bolters/plasma and corrupted Imperial Guard that just stand there and shoot you with flashlights. There
are instances where you'd fight a Chaos Marine that aggressively pursues you with a huge maul, but the problem is that those encounters are separate from the aforementioned encounters with ranged units. If they instead had encounters with a mix of melee and ranged threats (for example the Imperial Guard could do suicidal bayonet charges with a Commissar executing those that ran away), I think the second half of the game would be much, much improved. Granted once in a while they throw little Khornate Daemons at you but it still seemed like they weren't mixed well with ranged threats.
Seriously, this game has a really fun system at the core, just let down by bad encounters in the second half. Like it's fun to the point where even bad AI isn't an issue if they throw the right mix of enemies at you.
All that being said, it's also pretty fun in that it's an anti-cover game. It pushes you into combat so much that you don't even use regular environment as cover as you would in certain "old-school" shooters. Fighting Orks, you are forced to constantly melee and shoot because they are aggressive as fuck. At best you can retreat to a better area; usually that means an open area so that you can hit and run instead of being mobbed. The interesting and significantthing is there is no way to recover health except for stunning enemies in melee and then executing them, and you do have to think about which stun combo to use as you have to balance getting a quick stun to get HP versus a stun that hits a wide number of enemies. I also forgot to mention you'll also need to choose between a stunning combo versus a pure damage combo, because to pull off an execute they have to be at low damage AND stunned (I think). While the Execute sounds like a QTE (and looks like one with a huge marker over the enemy head), in practice it really isn't. You have to wade into the clusterfuck, pull off some stuns without getting fucked over, and then hit the execute button. I think you also can get hurt while the execute animation is going on, so you have to continue pulling off executes, usually by dashing out of the mob that you just ran right into so that they don't surround you and destroy you. Again at the same time there are bitches shooting you from afar so you also have to decide when to melee and when to kite enemies so that you can pick off the cowardly shooters. There is a "regenerating shield" mechanic but it's very quickly depleted, mostly to give you a few seconds of breathing time, to do the little hit and run that you can.
Also, while the end end boss is indeed a shitty QTE, the middle boss (Ork boss) is a pretty good encounter.
I forget how challenging Normal is, but either Normal or Hard was sufficiently challenging for me. There are major flaws, but I still say that if you like the sound of the core gameplay that forces you to constantly be on the move, shooting and meleeing, you should like the game (well, the first half).
Now, MP is indeed dead. The versus modes were pretty fun, very fast paced - maybe even too fast paced - and good mix of classes with melee jumppack guys, regular jack of trade Marines that had a variety of weapons, and then slower Marines with heavy powerful weapons. BUT versus MP was severely let down by complete lack of post-game support. The game didn't ship with many maps. I mean, it was an decent number of maps to start with and would have been fine if they added more maps as the game continued. But they didn't.
Some people have said they liked the Last Stand/Horde mode, but I didn't like it. Maybe it was because I mostly pubbed them, and you guys played privately? But holy shit it was so fucking overwhelming and that's coming from a guy that has been able to handle DoW2's last stand. I'm willing to play some private Last Stand games if anyone wants to, though. Or maybe we can even get enough people to play private versus matches.