You must be the only person that has Portal on their wishlist.
You must be the only person that has Portal on their wishlist.
Fucking Steam Sale.:/ Blew 120€ on it this morning, before going to work.
€5 or bustAlien: Isolation at -75%.
Trust me, this one is a steal.
Fucking Steam Sale.:/ Blew 120€ on it this morning, before going to work.
I don't know if it can be done in Steam, but I use external websites for that.Is there some way to filter titles to those that are 50% or more off ?
There are no longer any daily discounts, it's going to remain at the price it is now until the end of the sale.
Y/N ?
Anyone?What is the closest thing to Shadowrun games (in terms of setting and not-too-complex gameplay) that I can buy for under $15? Already got Invisible Inc. but I'm not sure how similar they are.
Anyone?What is the closest thing to Shadowrun games (in terms of setting and not-too-complex gameplay) that I can buy for under $15? Already got Invisible Inc. but I'm not sure how similar they are.I've been looking at Satellite Reign but it seems like the game is more combat-oriented rather than story telling.
Fucking Steam Sale.:/ Blew 120€ on it this morning, before going to work.
Shovel Knight, Total War: Rome II, Total War: Rome II - Wrath of Sparta, Total War: Rome II - Greek States Culture Pack, Icewind Dale: Enhanced Edition, Ryse: Son of Rome, The Age of Decadence, Wolfenstein: The New Order, Dying Light: The Following - Enhanced Edition, Undertale and The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt.:/
Fucking Steam Sale.:/ Blew 120€ on it this morning, before going to work.
Shovel Knight, Total War: Rome II, Total War: Rome II - Wrath of Sparta, Total War: Rome II - Greek States Culture Pack, Icewind Dale: Enhanced Edition, Ryse: Son of Rome, The Age of Decadence, Wolfenstein: The New Order, Dying Light: The Following - Enhanced Edition, Undertale and The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt.:/
You get crap like Rome 2 and Ryse but not Witcher 3 dlcs?
Pass on Titan Quest. It's a boring ARPG with a shit ton of reskinned copypasta enemies.
From my steam review:
This game was such a chore to finish it literally felt like my second job. But after getting 5 hours in, I just had to beat it. I blame my completionist tendencies. The worst part is that I basically played the first 5 hours over and over and over again. That's how copypasta this thing is.
And the end game? Jesus F Christ. I've never seen so much HP bloat in my life. It was apparently made even harder for the version on Steam. Finally beat it after my stock of Mana and Health potions went down to 15 or so from the original 100. And the ending was so ♥♥♥♥ing underwhelming. I mean it's an ARPG, but for the sheer boredom in finishing this thing you'd think the devs would offer to come over and suck your genitalia or something.
Well congrats Titan Quest. You have broken my 8 month long ARPG fever. I played 56 hours of Torchlight and it was so fun. I replayed Diablo and still had tons of entertainment. I even enjoyed the art in Bastion. But you take the cake Titan Quest. You wasted 52 hours of my precious time and took advantage of my completion tendencies. I don't think I'll be playing an ARPG anytime in the next couple of months. Thanks.
I enjoy the game, in fact I probably spend to much of my free ttime playing it -- my wife feels I should spemd more tme in exercising and making sure I can stay well ( I am 87 yeqrs old and mostly retired)
I look forward to compleing the Quest and starting on the harder quests -- I am nor at level 41 and still going strong.
Edgar H Sibley
Last seen 523 days ago
Is L.A. Noire worth anything? It's -80% and the idea behind it seems pretty cool, so I'm vaguely tempted if the detective angle and the adventure game elements about it are well-enough done. On the other hand, if the cases/quests/missions/whatever are very linear, or there's a lot of cover shooting, I'll lose all of my interest right away. I really don't know anything about the game aside from the fact that Stan criticized its C&C in South Park.
That's one of the reasons I'm actually using the Discovery Queue - to see if there are any hidden gems lurking in the swamps of shovelware out there.