Having to crawl back to The Witcher after botching Cyberpunk. Sad!
Were people here really expecting CDPR would run a single IP over this decade instead of leapfrogging titles between Cyberpunk and a new Witcher trilogy? The Witcher 4 was always going to follow Cyberpunk 2077, and after that we'd get a Cyberpunk Later-in-2077 or whatever and so on, a title in each franchise every couple of years. Just letting The Witcher brand go cold would've been bad business, there's still milk in them udders.
I don't know much about game engines, but it just struck me as odd to drop an engine you've spent more than a decade developing and already shipped three games with - including two expansions.
It's a surprising move given how long they've been developing the platform, and doing it successfully, regardless of what our resident backseat Carmacks think. But it's a competitive sector with ever increasing specialisation and costs, and I'm not aware of any third-party mainstream titles having licensed REDengine, meaning it hasn't been bringing in money other than through CDPR's own products. Maybe it's just not worth it anymore, and signing on with Sweeney's crew won't just give 'em a codebase, but plenty of cross-platform support across as well. Basically, let the experts do their thing - Epic can make very very shiny shaders and CDPR can make infuriating itemisation.