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The Witcher The Witcher 4 - A New Saga Begins


Nov 8, 2012
Better you guys wake up and start giving CDPR the Bioware treatment and assuming they are about to dump some Andromeda trash every time they release something. People cooming about Ciri as a main character? Nigga, why do you assume the models wont T pose on the middle of the lesbian cutscenes with their heads getting detached and spinning around like Doom's lost souls?

Wanna remind you that who will work on this game:
Some soylent potato NPCs that just finished their 6 months code bootcamp on Warsaw and are working at 2 dollars an hour as the Witchers original team are long gone as even them arent that retarded of keeping working at CDPR.

The real reason why CDPR is moving to Unreal is that is alot easier and cheaper to get some new code monkeys working fast as they probably already have some experience with Unreal.
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Aug 17, 2006
In the bestest of worlds (where unicorns are real and trannies only exist in folktales to scare children):

1. No stupid question marks all over the place. Not even optionable.
2. Fully Customizable main char.
3. No cringy fan service chameos by old characters.
4. An uppgrade system that makes the game at least resemble an RPG.
5. Loot system that doesn't smell Diablow.
6. Plenty of hot babes that get naked.
7. No BLM cast.
8. No saving the world horseshit like in W3.
9. Some reactive law & order system in place so you can't just grab everything from people's houses with zero consequence/risk.
10. Instead of "muh free dlcs" finish the fucking game before releasing it.


Sep 23, 2015
Pathfinder: Wrath
What makes Geralt appealing?

Too bad the games are deathly afraid of Geralt's sexuality and body. The scene on the left is the only exception to this rule. They show an aversion to sexuality in general I'd say, that procedurally generated sex that fades in and out of black makes it seem the game is embarrassed at what it is doing. Watching a sex scene that feels ashamed of itself is very off-putting, let me tell you. The camera is also particularly allergic to the naked male body except when it's trying to glorify Geralt's scars. The games are not sexy is what I'm trying to get at. Speaking of -

He's what the average boy wants to grow up to be: a hero who is popular with women.
He's "popular with women" in a very particular way, though - women fetishize and use him because of his dangerous bad boy aesthetics and sterility while he sees himself as at least a little bit monstrous and the constant meaningless sex he has with a bunch of women is his attempt at feeling a human connection ....through his cock. It doesn't work of course, he's not Casanova (who actually did like spending time with women), he's Don Juan (who just filled up a journal).


Nov 20, 2006
Bart Wronski said:
Every game they dropped the whole engine, rewrote it from scratch hoping this time it will be better and work, but then due to crunch hacked the hell out of it with it not being maintainable or usable at all.

Now they would do it again (as CP did *not* have systems of W3), so it was better to just drop the ball and use something with a solid base and not chase its tools and features.
Gameplay / open world things need to be written again anyway.

From a perspective of someone who worked on those engines - excellent choice.



Mar 7, 2011
Azores Islands
I'd prefer a setting with more monsters and dangers. A generally darker and tenser atmosphere that focuses more on slaying monsters, saving people, lifting curses, investigating spooky fairy tales, etc. And please no lengthy introspection of my characters feelings. A main character that comes after the likes of Geralt, Garett, JC Denton, Nameless hero from Gothic would be great. I am sure that slavic mythology still has relatively unknown yet enchanting stories left that could be adapted and integrated into the setting. The Witcher 3 and DLCs showed that they can do stories like that.
That would work if they made the combat more dangerous and preparing for each enemy a central part of the game, something like a Witcher "souls" game.


Mar 7, 2011
Azores Islands

"The New Continent ( 1310 )
By this time, the colonization of the Western Continent would begin, which would lead to school, due to the fact of being mobile to move to those territories to help, facing the unknown monsters of that territory. Thus becoming the first school to establish itself in the New World. Earning them more respect and almost regaining the prestige that the wolves had in the past.

Settling in what would later become the territory of Fabiola."

Maybe they will set the game in this new continent.


Atomkrieg, ja bitte
Feb 24, 2011
Nordic Mongolia
Wasteland 2

"The New Continent ( 1310 )
By this time, the colonization of the Western Continent would begin, which would lead to school, due to the fact of being mobile to move to those territories to help, facing the unknown monsters of that territory. Thus becoming the first school to establish itself in the New World. Earning them more respect and almost regaining the prestige that the wolves had in the past.

Settling in what would later become the territory of Fabiola."

Maybe they will set the game in this new continent.
That page is entirely fan fiction though.


the determinator
Jan 15, 2015
I've reached the stage where, for various reasons, I'm actually hoping that these fuckers fall flat on their face and disappear from the face of the earth, and I'm normally not spiteful enough to express such sentiments. I'd rather even give my money to Bethesda than CDP.
you really need to vent your elex2 frustration elsewhere
Oct 25, 2012
I'd like real full on character generation, a party based game with 4 - 6 party members and the ability to create a full party... Yeah, I don't need a voiced protagonist either.

Witchers, mages, rogues/spies/assassins, druids, witches, priests, hunters, nobles, sentient monsters (Vamps, dopplers, ect) and so on.

If Witcher vs CyberSpank taught me anything, it is that CDPR needs good/tight source material to even have a chance at making a decent game. They should hire some real writers. IMO, the switch to UE5 should help them in the long run, assuming they get proper support.

^ Pipe dream, I know.


Oct 16, 2018
Witchers, mages, rogues/spies/assassins, druids, witches, priests, hunters, nobles, sentient monsters (Vamps, dopplers, ect) and so on.

If there is one thing Gwent showed to me, it's that CDPR are really good at making OC characters that both look cool and have an interesting back story, at least in the Witcher universe.


Jul 25, 2011
South Africa, Cape Town
For me its far too early in development to predict anything negative about this much anticipated game. All I can say is Witcher 3 is my 2nd favorite RPG of all time so I am super, super excited about this latest Witcher

I cant wait and I'll be following its progress closely :bounce:

Ibn Sina

Jul 12, 2017
Strap Yourselves In

"The New Continent ( 1310 )
By this time, the colonization of the Western Continent would begin, which would lead to school, due to the fact of being mobile to move to those territories to help, facing the unknown monsters of that territory. Thus becoming the first school to establish itself in the New World. Earning them more respect and almost regaining the prestige that the wolves had in the past.

Settling in what would later become the territory of Fabiola."

Maybe they will set the game in this new continent.

Sounds like retarded fanfic writing. CDPR will never be able to replicate the geopolitical situation that was present in the northern realms (due to the default ending of Sapkoski books) which made the first 2 games such a cult hit due to a big part of it having a sense of political realism, unhampered by heroic fantasy tropes present in the vast majority of other fantasy settings (forgotten realms and dragon age as example). The new game is going to suck hard. CDPR blew their own setting with the Witcher 3 retarded plot lines that eliminated all the kingdoms. Now they are moving to a new "continent" and are going to create other fantasy kingdoms? damn, its going to be so retarded, no different from dragon soy age.

Who also wants to bet that this new school will find a way to make female witchers? lol.
Jan 14, 2018
Codex Year of the Donut
something I can't remember(?) if it's brought up or not in the games, but geralt is a witcher's witcher. He's to witchers as a witcher is to humans, he underwent extra trials.
wonder how or if they will address this with a non-geralt PC


Jun 30, 2021
I see a no-win situation here if they go customized MC.

If female MC available - Shits on lore, is basically "fan" fiction at that point.

If not - Much seething of idiots.


You're all shills
Jan 2, 2016
Eastern block
Will it finally have good controls and efficient animations? Honestly, I preferred Witcher 2 for story. More political intrigue. Third turned boring as it became about saving the world.

Witcher 1 had the best combat and art palette, Witcher 2 had the best story

This will be a turd in the vein of C2077

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