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The Wolf Among Us - Fables Telltale adventure game


Dec 28, 2013
So I just finished the second episode, it was sweet and short. By the end I was kinda getting tired of the pretty dumb comments from Bigby about the obvious stuff, but other than that it was really nice and tight, like my asshole. Just way too short.


Sep 7, 2013
Codex 2013 Codex 2014 PC RPG Website of the Year, 2015 Shadorwun: Hong Kong
The game was gifted to me and just finished episodes 1 & 2 a couple days ago. Story is not the worst, voice acting is decent, some of the writing is OK but predictable. There is no gameplay, even less than TWD with 2 or 3 QTE "action" events per episode. Looks nice, but nothing really innovative; same art direction as TWD.
I really resent that it insulted my intelligence by giving dialogue "choices" that receive the same answer. In fact, all "choices" are purely cosmetic, nothing really changes.


Nov 8, 2012
Video games is the future, next time you want to watch 90 min of a cartoon (actually way less if you discount the pointless shit the "game" force you to do) you will have to wait months and months.:lol: Hey, I invented a way cheaper game... I watch a cartoon and at 10 min intervals I stop and try to throw a ball on a bucket, it had better gameplay than Wolf Among Us.


Dec 12, 2012
Entre a serra e o mar.
Video games is the future, next time you want to watch 90 min of a cartoon (actually way less if you discount the pointless shit the "game" force you to do) you will have to wait months and months.:lol: Hey, I invented a way cheaper game... I watch a cartoon and at 10 min intervals I stop and try to throw a ball on a bucket, it had better gameplay than Wolf Among Us.
But if you miss the bucket you must burn whatever device you're using to watch the cartoon. With this kind of C&C, your game is also better than most RPGs.

Tommy Wiseau

Apr 7, 2012
Derp. Metro is a hipster.

Pretty sure 'hipsters' are the ones who pay for e-comics without gameplay.

Then what would you call people who pay for actual comics or movies 'without gameplay'?
I would call them 'smart' because comics and movies tend to cost a third or less of what these shitty 'games' cost.

Eh, no. A single issue of a comic book is quite short. If you want to keep track of a long-running series you're easily going to spend far more on comics than this game. A hardcover collection of multiple issues (5-10) could become quite expensive, and it's not even 2 hours of reading time. Paying to watch shit at the cinema will be cheaper, but you're not actually buying a physical product. A DVD isn't that cheap, especially if it's a TV series -- you can easily end up paying the price of this game for two DVDs for a bunch of movies that will only last 3 hours. If you own a BluRay player and want to buy a TV series, I can pretty much guarantee that anything recent on the market will be more expensive than this game, and most buyers will have already seen the TV series but will buy it anyway to watch on BluRay. I knew you'd be bringing up the price angle when you've run out of arguments.

This is the price for a single Game of Thrones season. And this is the cost of a hardcover volume of The Walking Dead (13 issues). We can discuss particularities about price to value ratio, but I dare conclude that neither of them are actually 'cheap.' You can rent a movie just like you can rent a game (for consoles), but otherwise...

Of course this is only tangential to your main point as you were implying that entertainment products without gameplay cannot possibly be anything more than a sham, even though the same arbitrary consideration is not applied to... actual media without gameplay. Let me guess what's next: arbitrary parameters prescribe your tastes for you, which is why it's okay to enjoy a movie without gameplay, but not okay to enjoy a movie that calls itself a game, without taking any actual content and execution into account.

Deleted member 7219

Really enjoying this. Not as much as The Walking Dead, but it is still a lot of fun.

I took great pleasure in ripping the throat of that utter cunt Tweedledee. I just wish I could have destroyed his brother too. Unbelievably obxious pricks, the both of them. I even gave them a chance in earlier episodes because I thought they were multi-layered... but no. That bullshit at the funeral was the last straw. I made a mental note that I would kill them the first chance I got, and I took it.


Sep 3, 2010
As usual, this show (yes, it's a monthly show, not a game) is extremely stylish, but simplistic and shallow. Enjoyable for what it is, I guess, but the dialogue is surprisingly poor and Snow and Bigby just blunder along like idiots most of the time.

Bigby really cannot catch a break. He kills one of the DeeDums when they'd shot him a dozen times and this is apparently unaccepable to the people of Fabletown who send the Little Mermaid along to bitch at him. Generally, it appears that the writers put in a bunch of plot hooks that they WILL see implemented regardless of the player's choices.

Tommy Wiseau

Apr 7, 2012
This game (and yes, it's a game) is fun and the dialog is competently written and not shallow.

Generally, it appears that the writers put in a bunch of plot hooks that they WILL see implemented regardless of the player's choices.

Sounds awfully familiar.


Sep 3, 2010
Maybe shallow is the wrong word to use, but I really think the dialogue options you get are often nonsensical or don't ask the relevant questions at all. Too often it's obvious that they're guiding you towards a specific outcome, which is of course inevitable in a CYOA game like this. It just isn't camouflaged all that well, IMO. The bit is the way that you can ... most dialogues, allowing you to play a noiresque silent tough guy. Or you can just beat the shit out of every suspect. Sure, people may yell at you a bit for doing so, but it won't actually change the outcomes at all for the aforementioned reasons: the game must go on.

My favourite moment in this episode was during a discussion with the green winged monkey-thing.

Monkey: ah, so by the way, Crane picked something up off the floor before he left.
Snow: Why didn't you tell us earlier!
Monkey: I'm really hung over, sorry.


I'm forever blowing
Aug 7, 2013
The penultimate episode is out, and AdventureGames is loving the series as much as I am:

The real flaw with the way the series has developed is the total emasculation of Bigby as any type of detective. There are no "clues", no real "leads", nothing approaching problem-solving. This episode features the final nail in the coffin of any type of traditional adventure puzzle trappings, as there is literally no longer any inventory and only a miniscule amount of free walking—the game is all dialogue choices. Bigby just wanders through these protracted conversations and all the filler information necessary to get the game to any type of acceptable release length, and eventually is shuffled off to the next conversation. I used the analogy in an earlier episode, but more than ever this series has been reduced to the feeling of simply clicking through a PowerPoint presentation with a modicum of fluidity in the content of conversations. The rewarding feeling of having actually done detective work to uncover a clue is never offered.
Last edited:


Mar 7, 2011
Azores Islands
Ill play it once it comes bundled with all the 5 episodes in one package, i found that it's usually a better deal than buying each episode as it comes out.


I'm forever blowing
Aug 7, 2013
The best deal is to watch it on Youtube and lose virtually nothing compared to playing it yourself.


Mar 31, 2011
Bought it for 7,50€ and finished the first four episodes. Liked it very much so far, maybe on par with Walking Dead S1, although after the first episode they got considerably shorter and especially the last one left me somewhat ambivalent. Still love the storytelling and would probably want to see a continuation of this beyond Season 1.

Last episode is apparently coming out in July: http://steamcommunity.com/app/250320/discussions/0/540744936952635639/

No idea why people would buy these for full price and have to wait for the episodes to come out instead of just waiting till almost the entire Season is out and get the whole thing at a discount, it certainly seems the more enjoyable way to play em.


Apr 14, 2009
Finished the entire first season. And to be honest I don't feel satisfied right now.

The game visual presentation and the atmosphere is exceptional. Just look at the intro below, is almost perfect.

But then we are served with a big chunk of shit:
(1) the game has no actual game-play,
(2) the story is sub-par,
(3) the C&C mechanic is fake.

I cannot recommend it. And the sad thing is that is not even worth the time spent for a small diversion.


Dec 9, 2011
The ending court scene that reminded me of NWN2 was probably the most biowarishly designed biowary thing than Bioware could pull off themselves.
You spend half an hour in dialogue trying to win the croud and viewing C's from your C's only to be saved by The Plot in the end no matter what you did in the game.

The plot is also full of holes, the most aggravating ones for me were about silver bullets and IT IS NOT EVEN MY FINAL FORM moments.


Mar 10, 2011
This game kinda fucking sucked.

The first episode is decent and really draws you in, but after that it just nosedives and does not stop.

Agree about the intro though, that shit is baller.


Beg Auditor
Aug 27, 2009
A Telltale 'adventure' game that sucked? Shocking.

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