There is a new Thief 1 mission called Working Late by Antimatter_16. This one is fun but flawed. The way it looks is classic Thief, unless you count the coloured lights: some impressively realised, dark city environments and mansions, where finding your way in the darkness is one of the challenges. There is some decidedly entertaining vertical exploration, apartments to break into, and hidden connections to explore. The mission is nicely non-linear... or it would be, except for the fact that there is a sequence of objectives which only triggers in the correct order. This is a low blow, since the mission otherwise lets you go about your business as you please, and get into places which are not meant to be accessible. I explored a large area before I was supposed to, and didn't just have to backtrack, but also figure out which places to revisit for those critical objectives. As things go, even the expansive exploration segments feel smaller than at first. This is a pity, since otherwise, it looks good, sounds good and plays good. For something built under a few weeks, it is certainly neat, but it could be even better.
Screenshots here.
Screenshots here.
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