I think some of you guys are not very far into game (or playing on easy)
-Distrupting enemy sharpshooters with your melee/shotgunner helps enormously. You can lure them out their covers(works wonders with "ambush") and deny their shots that turn mostly. Though your melee need high armor and speed to survive if shit happens. Shotgunners really helps when they clear some minor covers in one shot.
-Energy weapons are only meant to be used against high armored enemies. At least 5 armor needed them to become effective, they are useless against low armored enemies. You can hit some giant robots for absurd damage (like 100-120) with your "low level" energy weapons.
Now thats a problem because powerfull energy weapons have higher thresholds!! and they deal less damage than older ones... They need to work on that threshold thing.
-Explosives are fun&games but they are pretty limited and expensive and heavy. Not every team member can be equipped with 5 granades and 3 LAWs.
-HP bloat (what HP bloat?) and jamming is really minor issues when enemies melt your group in seconds due to poor party replacement. 4-5 DBMs can kill 2-3 in your party with one lucky burst crit, 2 loobers blow your low HP sniper into pieces if you can't kill them before they act. Robots melt you. Even raiders starts to use heavy weaponary like HMGs(thank god this things jam like hell) or LAWs. Combat is only easy in ealy parts of Arizona.
Edit: Be a good lad and use weaponsmithing to aviod jamming btw, its really easy to lower it to %0 with most weapons. They still got jammed but really rare
-Armor is good till you come across with energy weapon users. And powerfull armor really slow you down, they also want high STR.
-Headshot is pretty useless and highly situational. I only used it for 3 times when I had the higher ground advantage. But relying on normal shots and crits are much more effective. Now everything will be different if we can crit with it.
-Pistols have really short range, a few longer ranged ones consumes more AP. They outshine some SMGs and shotguns at start but after a while even the best ones become support weapons. I was underwhelmed about SMGs till I got my hands on some pretty stuff, now my party leader (who has 8 CHA and 8 İNT and abysmall other stats) taking most of the kills with 7 AP bursts. Leads to some bloody death animations
-Movement is the real problem here, they really need to drop movement per AP. Most enemy melee characters can run whole battle are in one turn...
Of course combat is below JAs with patches and mods or ye'olde X-com but you guys need to accept the ugly truth. There won't be similar games near future and they are mostly tactical games, not a RPG like Wasteland 2.
And even in those games we did similar things in battle over and over.