It's going to be the game with the monkey and time travelling and dinosaur PETA isn't it?
I dont know, the games developed by studios bought by Bethesda have been fucking good lately; Doom, Wolfenstein, Prey, Dishonored... they are pretty good at keeping fingers offSeems pretty suspicious; all this Fallout related nostalgia, Nu Vegas, talk about promising canceled projects like Aliens RPG... I agree with Christ Avellone that Bethesda usually outright buys studios they like and the fact they didnt buy Obsidian is quite telling
Yes, because getting bought by Bethesda Overlords sounds so fucking awesome deal:
Because Obsidian managed to deliver the game in time and in a way better shape than those fucks at Bethesda actually expected, they were able to remain free from slavery.
The amount of asskissing towards Bethesda by MCA is quite sad.
It's going to be the game with the monkey and time travelling and dinosaur PETA isn't it?
Here's that condensed version:
(13:24) "We'll see you next week with a big dive into the Fallout 3 that we never got to play."
More PR bullshit from Obsidian. I'm thrilled.
More PR bullshit from Obsidian. I'm thrilled.
Everything can be construed as "PR bullshit" given enough time and energy.
Maybe it's just me, but it can't really be coinsedence, that Boyarsky, Cain and Urqhart talk ALOT about FO1+2, New Vegas this week.. and plan to reveal something soon...
I think the new game they are working on at Obsidian might actually be a post-apoc rpg in line with the fallout universe. HYPE
KotOR 2, New Vegas, Stick of Truth, Alpha Protocol - what more do you need? Those are decent games in a sea of shit. Worth giving them another chance I think. Even if they are losing too many people I like.Who the fuck cares about Obsidian and why are some of you treating them as some sort of incline messiah when they've repeatedly let everyone down in the past
Studios are ultimately comprised of people working on games and none of the schmucks at 2017 Obsidian has ever done anything like New Vegas
True. Life can be deconstructed in small bursts of "PR bullshit".