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Tip for a space strategy


Jul 16, 2009
I feel like going to space. Been a long time and meanwhile I've grabbed a couple of games in various bargains. I can read the Steam descriptions but no idea which one is actually worth it or not.

Any TLDR guidance the Konsensus can give?

- Pandora
- Interstellar Space
- Ixion
- Distant Worlds
- Nexus Sphere
- Terra Invicta

Distant worlds 2 is kinda hit and miss.
Terra Invicta don't know its identity.
Ixion is space station travel adventure game.


Mar 30, 2013
Kingdom of Bohemia
Codex+ Now Streaming!
do you really have to ask?
I have to ask.

I'm so retarded I bought the game - and most of its DLC for fucks sake - and still haven't even tried it.
Those RTwP "grand strategies", as Paradox pompously call them, aren't usually my thing, I guess I was really hungry for a space strat with non-indie production values.
Mar 3, 2010
stellaris is a larping tool. if you're into larping your empire and picking choices based on what its brainwashed people would do instead of going to the most efficient one, it's the best at what it does. even vanilla with a million billion dlcs has reached an interesting degree of complexity.


Studio Draconis
May 6, 2011
Middle Empire
Steve gets a Kidney but I don't even get a tag.
I feel like going to space. Been a long time and meanwhile I've grabbed a couple of games in various bargains. I can read the Steam descriptions but no idea which one is actually worth it or not.

Any TLDR guidance the Konsensus can give?

- Pandora
- Interstellar Space
- Ixion
- Distant Worlds
- Nexus Sphere
- Terra Invicta
Pandora is bland, but has competent AI (maybe with a mod. I don't remember). The game felt grindy (in that I spent a lot of time progressing an inch), and its diplomacy requires you to make sure you never get too weak militarily compared to your neighbours (I don't remember if they gang up against you if you become too strong, though).
It features an unit design system similar to Alpha Centauri (it is basically AC without the charm, but with a better challenge). It is a competent attempt, but it falls short of its inspiration.

I guess Interstellar Space Genesis is in a similar place compared to Moo2 (I couldn't really get into it, so I may be wrong).

You also have Stars in Shadow, which I think is the best Moo remake (it also has an AI mod iirc). It is still not as good, but at least, it has some cool new design options.

Damned Registrations

Furry Weeaboo Nazi Nihilist
Feb 24, 2007
Going to throw my shilling in here for AI Wars. Actual novel gameplay built on solid RTS and strategy foundations. Insane complexity even without the DLCs if you turn on a bunch of optional stuff. And Arcen are just straight up nice devs, wish they'd seen more success.

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