A collection of stuff that I have gathered over the years, seems to work, so why not share. Also please share any tips you have to make the game run better.
1) Run the game in borderless full screen. Simply go to options, graphics, display mode, and change to borderless full screen. If you are having issues with the game, like there is a black screen, then consider this:
Press win+r
Type regedit
Naviagte to:
HKEY_CURRENTUSER\Software\Owlcat Games\Pathfinder Kingmaker\Kingmaker.FullscreenMode
Right click "Kingmaker.FullscreenMod" then click modify.
Modify the value data from "1" to "3".
2) Disable Anti aliasing, Bloom, Shadows, Cloth physics quality, Depth of field, Real time lighting, and also Grass density. While this will make the game look bad, it will help squeeze much needed performance.
3) Make sure you close other programs before running the game.
4) Go to Task Manager\Details\Kingmaker.exe
Right click Kingmaker.exe, then set priority to high.
1) Run the game in borderless full screen. Simply go to options, graphics, display mode, and change to borderless full screen. If you are having issues with the game, like there is a black screen, then consider this:
Press win+r
Type regedit
Naviagte to:
HKEY_CURRENTUSER\Software\Owlcat Games\Pathfinder Kingmaker\Kingmaker.FullscreenMode
Right click "Kingmaker.FullscreenMod" then click modify.
Modify the value data from "1" to "3".
2) Disable Anti aliasing, Bloom, Shadows, Cloth physics quality, Depth of field, Real time lighting, and also Grass density. While this will make the game look bad, it will help squeeze much needed performance.
3) Make sure you close other programs before running the game.
4) Go to Task Manager\Details\Kingmaker.exe
Right click Kingmaker.exe, then set priority to high.