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Review TNO fellates Fallout: New Vegas


Professional Throne Sitter
Staff Member
Jun 18, 2002
Tags: Fallout: New Vegas; Obsidian Entertainment

Fallout: New Vegas is an RPG made by the same company that brought you Alpha Turd, that slightly unpolished spy thing. Did they do better with Fallout: New Vegas? Find out as TNO reviews fellates New Vegas. I could say it's an in-depth and comprehensive analysis of one of the most important RPGs of the century but that'd just be lying. Nope, TNO pretty much just sticks to the fellatio with this one:

Fallout: New Vegas is one of the best RPGs of all time. A masterpiece, although not an unblemished one - the Obsidian trademarks of beta-as-release candidate, consolized interface and badly optimized graphics are there. But so is a cracking story, clever, intricate quest/C&C design, and the wasteland brought back to life in the same blackly jaunty way Fallout did. If you've been after a proper successor to Fallout, or simply something to redeem the genre after several years in the doldrums, look no further. Welcome back, MCA: all is forgiven.​

Agree / Disagree? More importantly, what does this mean for Dungeon Siege 3?


Thread Incliner
Apr 5, 2008
Your ignore list.
Why am I forced to play a character that was shot in the head and got stuck with retarded dialog throughout the game?

Shouldn't I have the, you know, choice to pick a different beginning? This so called C&C of NV is all flamboyant mindless fanboyism.
Jan 11, 2009
racofer said:
Why am I forced to play a character that was shot in the head and got stuck with retarded dialog throughout the game?

Shouldn't I have the, you know, choice to pick a different beginning? This so called C&C of NV is all flamboyant mindless fanboyism.
You could always go play Dragon Age for that. :lol:


Dec 2, 2010
For all the talk about the writing in this game (which I mostly agree on) people seem to forget that the Lead Writer was the same guy that did Tom Clancy's End War narrative John Gonzalez NOT MCA.


Hell he didn't even activly work till more than half in its development phase.

MCA goodness will arrive with Dead Money.



Best Poster on the Codex
Aug 21, 2007
Frown Town
I just realised racofer is picking up skyway's job, must be because the latter is busy playing through NV 7 times

Brother None

inXile Entertainment
Jul 11, 2004
And Eric Fenstermaker is responsible for the design of some of the game's better characters and locations, like Vault 11.

I know we all love MCA, but I have no idea why people credit him for stuff he hasn't done. Especially on the Codex. You guys are better than that guise.
Jan 11, 2009
Serious_Business said:
I just realised racofer is picking up skyway's job, must be because the latter is busy playing through NV 7 times
An RPG is being embraced by the Codex, someone has to reestablish the balance. :salute:


Dec 2, 2010
Brother None said:
And Eric Fenstermaker is responsible for the design of some of the game's better characters and locations, like Vault 11.

I know we all love MCA, but I have no idea why people credit him for stuff he hasn't done. Especially on the Codex. You guys are better than that guise.

Travis Stout also gets frequently underrated by the way on Obsidians team.


Fabulous Ex-Moderator
May 14, 2004
Seattle, WA USA
This is the sequel Fallout 3 should have been. Hell, this is the sequel Fallout 2 should have been: the same flair, but without the loss of focus and a bit less bloat.

Nice read TNO, well done. Agree completely. :salute:

Brother None

inXile Entertainment
Jul 11, 2004
Jaesun said:
This is the sequel Fallout 3 should have been. Hell, this is the sequel Fallout 2 should have been: the same flair, but without the loss of focus and a bit less bloat.
Nice read TNO, well done. Agree completely. :salute:

You agree completely the sequel Fallout 2 should've been is a FPS/RPG with a fairly sucky stats system?

Go figure.


Fabulous Ex-Moderator
May 14, 2004
Seattle, WA USA
Brother None said:
Jaesun said:
This is the sequel Fallout 3 should have been. Hell, this is the sequel Fallout 2 should have been: the same flair, but without the loss of focus and a bit less bloat.
Nice read TNO, well done. Agree completely. :salute:

You agree completely the sequel Fallout 2 should've been is a FPS/RPG with a fairly sucky stats system?

Go figure.

Jesus you are a dumbfuck Brother None. Is reading too hard for you?


Sep 14, 2009
Lands of Entitlement
Rather it adds more flavours to the mix, from Roman empire, to wild west, to gangland. These elements are not only done incredibly well, but they are neatly dovetailed into the previous universe to hit the golden mean between a dislocation of the wasteland we know and love, or the sense that Obsidian are just going through the motions and doing the computer gaming equivalent of fan-fiction...

...There are dozens of neatly thought out elements to choose from: a gang of Elvis impersonators, a tribe of artillery toting isolationists who want to have a B-29 all of their own (they came from a vault with no lock on the armoury), the etymology of some of the new locations ('No Vacancy' --> NOVAC). All show the care and attention lavished on the world by the design team...

...The game should be commended for its moral pitch - it's happy to show Caesar's Legion doing some very bad things, and also have some genuine humanitarians (Followers of the Apocalypse). There really is a fractious ethos in New Vegas (should you really help the Khans, or the Boomers, or the Legion? Are the NCR really much better? Is New Vegas worth keeping?) without everything being smeared together into some pseudo-grimdark trope about everyone being bastards wanking over their stash of child porn...

...this is the best RPG in 3D

A bit too obvious. Nice effort, overall. :thumbsup:

Brother None

inXile Entertainment
Jul 11, 2004
Jaesun said:
Jesus you are a dumbfuck Brother None. Is reading too hard for you?

Apparently. That's why I asked. You didn't really answer my question.

"best RPG in 3D" is so hilariously wrong I can't even begin to describe it. Don't get me wrong, I like New Vegas, I like its design goals and a lot of things it tries to do. TNO doesn't really explain his praise or criticism well but I can't say I disagree in broad sweeps. The conclusion is pretty far out there though. I can't really argue anything because I don't see a real line of reasoning to argue with.So, uhm, I can't say I feel it's a very good review.

Twinkle said:
A bit too obvious. Nice effort, overall. :thumbsup:

Oh, it's a troll article? Sorry, was a bit slow on the uptake there. 'k then.


Fabulous Ex-Moderator
May 14, 2004
Seattle, WA USA
Brother None said:
Jaesun said:
Jesus you are a dumbfuck Brother None. Is reading too hard for you?

Apparently. That's why I asked. You didn't really answer my question.

"best RPG in 3D" is so hilariously wrong I can't even begin to describe it. Don't get me wrong, I like New Vegas, I like its design goals and a lot of things it tries to do. TNO doesn't really explain his praise or criticism well but I can't say I disagree in broad sweeps. The conclusion is pretty far out there though. I can't really argue anything because I don't see a real line of reasoning to argue with.So, uhm, I can't say I feel it's a very good review.

ok let's do this VD style:

First I stated:

Nice read TNO, well done.

I personally felt it was a well done article.

then I quoted:

This is the sequel Fallout 3 should have been. Hell, this is the sequel Fallout 2 should have been: the same flair, but without the loss of focus and a bit less bloat.

I agree with this summary. NV IS how (the delivered shit product by Bethesda) Fallout 3 should have been. I do however wish that Fallout 3 WAS done in the way Van Buren was to be (an Isometric turn based game). But due to Bethesda acquiring the license, I knew that hope was to be crushed.

Additionally, I then agreed (and quoted) that this is how Fallout 2 should have been; The same flair, but without the loss of focus and a bit less bloat. I also agree with this completely.

As for your question:

Brother None said:
You agree completely the sequel Fallout 2 should've been is a FPS/RPG with a fairly sucky stats system?

Go figure.

Oh fuck no. Fallout 2 should have been: the same flair, but without the loss of focus and a bit less bloat.. Agree with this completely.

I will say it again, IF some group of people (and dear GAWD PLEASE DO THIS!) completely modded all the content of New Vegas into the Fallout 2 engine, it would be my 2nd favorite Fallout game. Period.
Jan 11, 2009
Brother None said:
"best RPG in 3D" is so hilariously wrong I can't even begin to describe it.
Um, it's not as if there is an enormous amount of quality options. It could easily be someone's favorite 3D RPG. Easily.
Nov 8, 2007
The island of misfit mascots
Not sure that I agree it is great 'as a sequel'. It works for me when I forget that it's a sequel, and think of it as a spinoff instead.

As FO3 1/2 it is mediocre. As FO:Underworld (or 'overworld', but you get the picture - a game that is to FO what Ultima Underworld was to Ultima) it is an all-time classic.

Ion Flux

Jul 13, 2005
Up way, way past my bedtime.
Project: Eternity
Nice review TNO. It sounds like Obsidian got a lot closer to what I was hoping for from a first person FO3 than Bethesda was able to.


Obsidian said:
"Bullwhips and necrosis..."



You keep using that word. I do not think it means what you think it means.

Darth Roxor

Rattus Iratus
Staff Member
May 29, 2008
Very first sentence:

Fallout: New Vegas is one of the best RPGs of all time.

I think I better stop reading right here before I throw myself into another fit of rage.

And just btw, I don't think writing your conclusions right at the start of the opening paragraph is a good way of starting a review.
Jan 11, 2009
Darth Roxor said:
Very first sentence:

Fallout: New Vegas is one of the best RPGs of all time.

I think I better stop reading right here before I throw myself into another fit of rage.

And just btw, I don't think writing your conclusions right at the start of the opening paragraph is a good way of starting a review.
I give the anger 3/10.


Jan 4, 2010
Fallout: New Vegas is one of the best RPGs of all time.
Speaking of KOTOR2, beating New Vegas is pretty much a formality - unfortunately, the semi-levelled spawns make the difficulty range from 'walkover' to 'irritating'. Even as my good natured but fairly non-combat medic, I was still able to knock out enemy units with ease (as in, one shot snipes with 6 in Guns ease). The fact you can pick up a sniper companion early on who head explodes everything doesn’t help either. The 'difficulty' comes at higher levels with enemies with vast amounts of hit points that can swallow (literally) hundreds of bullets before death. Although Fallout has never had uber realistic ballistics, giving you and your opponents such huge health pools to slowly plink away at both spoils the tone of the game and also pads out combat into a grind of emptying mags and chomping stims.


Dec 18, 2006
Nothing surprises me anymore at the Codex '10.

Good review m8! Best RPG ever 11/10 GOTY11111 xDDDDD

Darth Roxor

Rattus Iratus
Staff Member
May 29, 2008
Okay, I wasn't supposed to read it, but did anyway.

Let me just say this is a bad, bad review on a technical level. I'm not gonna delve into the subjective content of why it's one of the best rpgs ever because I'm not up for another ragefest of sudden fanboy attacks, who are gonna call me the next skyway, just because I dare to question this game's perfection.

First, the better writing part. You're comparing just the intros of NV and Fo3. Well, okay. Then you come up with 'there's no more stupid dialogues of fo3!'. Okay, that's pretty cool, but... why should I believe you? Give me an example of this better writing. Report some of the better written dialogues, some of the better written characters, tell me how conversing with the Käser changed your life for the better.

Then you talk about the factions. According to you, the Legion is not just Bioware evil bunch of folks trying to enslave nations with necromancy. But why is that? Expand on it. Why are the Elvis impersonators 'neatly thought'? It sounds pretty stupid to me, and I won't reconsider unless you tell me why. Why is the NCR not much better than the other factions?

You say the quest design is excellent and almost all quests have multiple solutions. Which quests? What are they about? Give me an example. For all I know, your view on 'multiple solutions' might be Bioware dialogues with 3 options that lead to the same result.

The world is vast and worth seeing, but you don't report a single location worth seeing. Or is the world 'just' vast and completely empty, and you're just a connoisseur of empty deserts?

And more importantly, why is this one of the best RPGs ever? From what I could read, it's so 'just because'. Oh, you know, there are cool factions. And cool quest design. And the world is big! But I won't expand on this because it's a masterpiece and you'll just have to trust me on that!

The only part where you actually add some justifications is the one where you point out the flaws, which does spark a few interesting questions.


Jul 3, 2007
DarkUnderlord said:
Fallout: New Vegas is one of the best RPGs of all time. A masterpiece, although not an unblemished one - the Obsidian trademarks of beta-as-release candidate, consolized interface and badly optimized graphics are there. But so is a cracking story, clever, intricate quest/C&C design, and the wasteland brought back to life in the same blackly jaunty way Fallout did. If you've been after a proper successor to Fallout, or simply something to redeem the genre after several years in the doldrums, look no further. Welcome back, MCA: all is forgiven.

The fact that he doesn't mention the most important parts of Fallout - gameplay variety and character system says it all.

Fallout didn't even have writing and story ffs.

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