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Game News Two Worlds II - Official Release and Impressions


Cognito Elite Material
Apr 15, 2010
Steve gets a Kidney but I don't even get a tag.
Monocause said:
but C&C matters only if you care about the gameworld or are facing substantial rewards/punishment. Here, none of that applies.

So it's like Fallout then. :smug:


Mar 2, 2010
Divinity: Original Sin
Excommunicator said:
I was a little curious about it, but now I will stay well clear of this one.
Wellllll.... prepare for some flip-flopping on my part. :M

I'm a good way into chapter 2 (got the "second sight"). The game's flaws are all still there, and it takes far too long before the game FINALLY decides to stop throwing new ones at you (more about the latest in a moment), but once it does stop and you learn either how to deal with the flaws or get them out of the way entirely you're left with the good things and it's quite enjoyable.

World design is definitely lacking, especially compared to 2W1. The division by islands is very meh; instead of having the feeling you're moving from one environment into the other, with a different settings, different fauna and flora, different culture and architecture, it's all nicely split up. This is the island with the African/Arabian theme, half of it is Savannah, half of it is pseudo-Arabic, with one neat choke point as the only passage between them; that island has the half Asian theme half "mysterious" theme. Large chunks of the world are designed as corridors; the Savannah may be nice because you can go in any direction, but the desert/mountains and the Swallows are practically outdoor dungeons, with corridors, intersections, and so on. But, at least they're not linear, so it's not too bad. On the bright side atmosphere in some of the locations is really cool; the Swallows are good, with tough monsters in them and a few surprises.

MQ is as linear as Oblivion's which is a shame. It's also a bit schizophrenic. It's supposedly about helping your sister, but since the end of the prologue the sister has not been mentioned once and everyone just goes on about overthrowing Gandohar. Whenever NPC's rant on about how you will be no better than Gandohar once you take his power you never get the option of saying "don't give a shit, just here for sis" (or, for that matter, "don't give a shit, want the power anyway). Lore mostly seems to ignore most of 2W1 - unless I missed some major stuff there really should be no relation whatsoever between the 2 worlds, aside from some incidental stuff that has no bearing on the game anyway and some names that could've been easily changed.

Quests are really, really good. I hadn't realized how complex some of the questchains were until I started reloading and picking some alternative options. In most quests which solution you pick affects how the rest of the questchain unfolds, sometimes quite dramatically. It's a shame none of this ties into the MQ and none of it really affects the gameworld, but it's still nice to know you're only getting specific quests because of what you did on previous ones. Unfortunately, this is also where the game is terribly, terribly buggy. It's again some kind of split personality. The game never crashes, freezes, or exhibits any stability problems, which is quite remarkable in this day and age, and loadings are lightning speed, but quest scripts are a horrible mess. I've had 3 quests not appear at all (wouldn't have even known they were there had I not checked a guide for chapter 1 after finishing it) due to a trigger not being set, about 3 or 4 bugged out because I changed my mind and the game DOES allow you to change your mind, but then gets completely confused, duplicate journal entries, NPC's being stuck and minorly breaking the quest because they're supposed to "catch" you as you pass by and talk to you, but since teleporting is so convenient it's far too easy to end up not talking to them at all.

Combat's alright, but it's horribly unbalanced. Magic is underpowered and archery is very, very overpowered. Most enemies attack in melee, running at you in a straight line, so if you bump up all the archery passive skills (overdraw, quickdraw, marksman, starting draw) you end up dealing insane damange, thanks to some bow/arrow combinations being really quite powerful. I find a fighter/archer combo to work best, just like in 2W1. Crafting system is fun mostly thanks to the gems, though its interface stinks of bad consilitis.

Darth Roxor said:
there are shitloads of completely IDIOTIC design choices, paired with some excellent attention to detail and good design and stuffies
All in all that's exactly my feel too.


Aug 28, 2013

I sense a sad lack of brofist in such an informative thread, thanks guys, i think ill give this game a pass.

Commissar Draco

Codexia Comrade Colonel Commissar
Mar 6, 2011
Привислинский край
Insert Title Here Strap Yourselves In Divinity: Original Sin Project: Eternity Torment: Tides of Numenera Wasteland 2 Divinity: Original Sin 2

I wanted to say what Septic basically said plus that game should start with Tutorial Island ---> Animu Island ---> Marshes cosy little distraction it is ---> the best par which is Savannah + Arab Town. This way you would not feel the relaased game was 1/2 of planed with huge island you cant explore and disappointing last chapter with no side quests or additional content to explore; Amalure did the last 1/3 of the game much better for shame.

in before anti necro riot it's better to post your impression here than start new thread in general gaming section.


Dec 31, 2010
Reality Pump sure trolled many a Witcher fan/Biodrone when they did everything to make the player believe the main character would get to fuck that half-Orc rogue chick.


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