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Tyranny is really fucking good. Took a hurricane to realize it.


May 11, 2015
where east is west
It's amazing how much more precious your attention becomes when you literally don't have anything else to do but play whatever it is you are playing; and since I played Tyranny on literally dollars-per-watt (elec generator running on gas) literally every single thing I did cost me money.

Reminds me of my year of privation. After months of not having much to eat, much less something sweet I ran across some knock off Recolas in the medicine cabinet when grabbing something for a headache.

I enjoyed the shit out of those things since they were the only sweet thing I'd had for almost a year, same as I enjoyed a terrible game by the name of Cutthroats Terror on the High Seas.

I'm not saying you're wrong about Tyranny here, but I think your circumstances and privation are colouring things.... or that they actually put things into perspective and show how every game should be played instead of being swamped in a sea of desensitization.

also this proved a fantastic opportunity to read my backlog of books:

I read so many I was going to list them but won't bother, but I've read by now around 30 books or so I hadn't gotten around to reading.

also started drawing again, out of boredom, and coloring in some old coloring books I had stashed away.

The best reading though was a stash of around 30 issues of Game Players / Ultra Game Players magazine I found... the earliest issue being from 1994 and featuring reviews for Breath of Fire 1 (snes), hehe.

Fuck at one moment I was so bored I read through the entire D&D 2nd edition adaptation of DIABLO II... LOL.

I think you've discovered the fundamental reason behind things like fasting and other self-imposed bits of self-denial, to capture that odd sense of enjoyment struggling to find something to do in moments of privation, that looking back, is better than something objectively better, just like those knock off Recolas in that moment topping anything sweet I've eaten in years.

So basically you got Stockholm syndrom'd into liking a game due to a hurricane?


People don't really understand how hard it is to make an RPG with lots of C&C, so of course they have ridiculous expectations.

It helps if you go about a bit of a day imagining what different outcomes couple happen from your choices moment to moment and what a pain it would be to program even a fraction of them.

It's silly that the usual outcome is only 3 choices, or that as much as choice diverge they all come to roughly the same end (like standing before the same end boss regardless of what you do) or that the sequel will pick off from one point regardless of what you did in the previous game.

They're silly, but they're a part of games due to the limitations of production, in much the same way that people eagerly desire to see a novel they love fully made into a movie, but never will be satisfied because nothing compares to the human imagination.

"If this is a cautionary tale, if there is some moral you can take away from this, you are free to extract it for yourself. If you do, perhaps you can act on it."

Lazy... science journo's always neutral positive.

IMO, it's them being passive aggressive.

That event is one of the worst to happen to life on Earth, but it's also one of the best as complex life couldn't have existed without that transition.
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Apr 28, 2016
They're silly, but they're a part of games due to the limitations of production, in much the same way that people eagerly desire to see a novel they love fully made into a movie, but never will be satisfied because nothing compares to the human imagination.

These unrealistic expectations are only enhanced by articles that claim that video games open up unlimited possibilities in a way that movies and books don't.


May 24, 2017
currently I'm on a gasoline "generator", a 2000 watt model (cost a pretty penny) and am currently utilizing the (limited) data from a cell phone I bought recently just so I could have access to the 'net.

Next time, buy a inverter.

I still can't believe that people in many countries don't use inverter's or have barely heard of them (I remember a woman from US who was shocked to learn about these in a discussion). Inverter's are silent, you don't lose electricity abruptly and you can increase how much power you want from them for your home and for how long.

As for Tyranny, can't stand that shit DnD-like combat anymore, so meh.
You need something to power an inverter.

It may be mostly silent (there is fan noise) but there has to be a power source.

A 2000w "generator" is a generator inverter.

No inverter with a fossil fuel generation will be silent, so.... Your advice is weird.


Repressed Homosexual
Jul 10, 2017
Make the Codex Great Again! Pathfinder: Wrath
Tranny was not a good game it was Average with mostly bad any annoying party members. Sirin was nice though and very nice to my character I think she was keen to breed.


Edgy Vatnik Wumao
Jun 2, 2017
Tranny was not a good game it was Average with mostly bad any annoying party members. Sirin was nice though and very nice to my character I think she was keen to breed.
The only likeable character,shame that i couldn't fuck her.


Jan 16, 2014
Tyranny was a juvenile piece of shit. The marketing for that game re: C&C, dark themes, writing focus, etc. was so far from the reality.


Aug 23, 2005

Tyranny is definitely many... things, but It's definitely not juvenile. I don't particularly care about Tyrany's "rep" but considernig the large amount of failings the game features... i find it a bit sad that now juvenile is heaped upon it unjustly as it's the one thng that it isn't.

like i said in earlier posts: Tyranny is not a "great" RPG, but in the context of Obsidian, and furthermore: in the context of an Obsidian game mdae from PoE left-overs; Tyranny features inarguably the most comprehensive world buildnig, characters and it is probaly the pinnacle of Obsidian's feverish pursuit of jamming their games with as much menaingless, almost-always cosmetic "factions" and "faction reactivity" to the A/B/C chosen-one-must-choose which fly on wings of suprefluity and elegantly manage o deliver that oh-so-important SLAAAAM DUUUUUNNKK every snigle time. (I think?).

That said, putting aside whether or not it is even a worthwhile endeavour for RPG designers to spend countless man hours and company resources making what amounts to be an R. L. Stein Choose-Your-Own-Adventure book except it's a video game RPG where in-between deciding whethre or not eating the magic brownie will make you die in page 106 they also find it in their blessed hearts to provide a metric fuck-load of that delicious "Arr-Pee-Gee" combat that we all just simply can't get enough of!

While my tongue my tonguing right now, I think it is obvious that Tyranny's is Obsidian's most "mature" fantasy-RPG, not ni the sense of how Mask of the Betrayer climbs those great dreamscapes and plumbs the depths in guidance of an auteur's sure hand--

--no, no... Tyranny's "mature" in that it's simply Obsidian's first RPG to deliver absoluely every single thing they "promised" with it! And to top that off, they managed to utilize the Gracious Muse that is Feargus' geometric landscape of a person's body, enough so to actually fucking write a competent, somtimes above that even, cohesive story, a plot, multitude characters who are all competently characterized and fnially, finally for the first time yet:

They managed to make their reputatoin/morality systems (re: factions/companions/etc) actually tie in a meaningful way into the game's "stuff". (World, story, etc, fuck you i'm done).

Obv. it's a shame that the game s hamstrung by absolutely TERRIBLE itemizatoin, worse than even Obsi's itemization from KOTOR 2 (!!!), and that only Act I features any of the interesting encounters: but it is tellnig, then, that act 2 and 3 while devolvnig ni the quaity of the hacking and the slashing, are absoluely superior to Act I by virtue f being... interesting and by virtue fo allownig... the player's avatar (Fatebinder) to fully explore all 3 of the game's promised and featured "branches" of neutrality, ass-kicking or pace-making.


Mar 16, 2015
Tranny was not a good game it was Average with mostly bad any annoying party members. Sirin was nice though and very nice to my character I think she was keen to breed.
The only likeable character,shame that i couldn't fuck her.
She was only likeable if you went into Tyranny wanting to play a good guy like in any other game. She was basically only character that openly talked against Nerat or Kyros. Even Eb that fights vs you in Act 1 after that just admits defeat and continues following out of fear.
Sirin on the other hand goes around bashing everything and expecting you to be a goody do gooder and complains when you are not. And acts like a spoiled brat most of time.


Edgy Vatnik Wumao
Jun 2, 2017
Tranny was not a good game it was Average with mostly bad any annoying party members. Sirin was nice though and very nice to my character I think she was keen to breed.
The only likeable character,shame that i couldn't fuck her.
She was only likeable if you went into Tyranny wanting to play a good guy like in any other game. She was basically only character that openly talked against Nerat or Kyros. Even Eb that fights vs you in Act 1 after that just admits defeat and continues following out of fear.
Sirin on the other hand goes around bashing everything and expecting you to be a goody do gooder and complains when you are not. And acts like a spoiled brat most of time.
As if you can play a believable evil guy in this game! 99% if games make the evil guys a bunch of cartoon villains being evil for the sake of being evil. Evilness in most cases is a thing born out of necessity and needs. I am still waiting for game where to get the good ending you must be scrupulous asshole. Give me a choices that looked evil but turn out the best result. Like slaughtering a whole village of rebellious people to only stabilise the region et cetera.


Apr 28, 2016
I am still waiting for game where to get the good ending you must be scrupulous asshole

As I said in a reply to one of your other posts, a game where you are anything less than a unquestionably good hero is bound to get less than unquestionably good sales.


Village Idiot
Oct 12, 2016
Tyranny had a bunch of good ideas but I found the combat to be insufferable.
And yet fighting is mostly what you do. An RPG that doesn't put serious time effort and talent into making great combat, is worthless shit that could be replaced by 1 out of a billion books that would be far better.


Village Idiot
Oct 12, 2016
Maybe in Tyranny because it is a game made only for story jklol. In everything else your end stats are 1000000 dead goblins.
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Jan 6, 2015
Tranny was not a good game it was Average with mostly bad any annoying party members. Sirin was nice though and very nice to my character I think she was keen to breed.
The only likeable character,shame that i couldn't fuck her.
She was only likeable if you went into Tyranny wanting to play a good guy like in any other game. She was basically only character that openly talked against Nerat or Kyros. Even Eb that fights vs you in Act 1 after that just admits defeat and continues following out of fear.
Sirin on the other hand goes around bashing everything and expecting you to be a goody do gooder and complains when you are not. And acts like a spoiled brat most of time.
As if you can play a believable evil guy in this game! 99% if games make the evil guys a bunch of cartoon villains being evil for the sake of being evil. Evilness in most cases is a thing born out of necessity and needs. I am still waiting for game where to get the good ending you must be scrupulous asshole. Give me a choices that looked evil but turn out the best result. Like slaughtering a whole village of rebellious people to only stabilise the region et cetera.
Fallout New Vegas.


Apr 28, 2016
You can have both. Also i disagree with you,look at starcraft and warcraft.

I should say that this tendency is really only present in RPGs, as they tend to be a genre highly focused on escapism, for better or worse.


Tranny was not a good game it was Average with mostly bad any annoying party members. Sirin was nice though and very nice to my character I think she was keen to breed.
The only likeable character,shame that i couldn't fuck her.

Yeah, 15 year old girls are just the best...
There's not a day on this forum where my opinion on you/your posting isn't sinking considerably.

This in before: "It was all just a joke/irony."
But maybe you are fifteen yourself. That would at least explain some of your BS posting.

Tyranny's "mature" in that it's simply Obsidian's first RPG to deliver absoluely every single thing they "promised" with it! And to top that off, they managed to utilize the Gracious Muse that is Feargus' geometric landscape of a person's body, enough so to actually fucking write a competent, somtimes above that even, cohesive story, a plot, multitude characters who are all competently characterized and fnially, finally for the first time yet:

They managed to make their reputatoin/morality systems (re: factions/companions/etc) actually tie in a meaningful way into the game's "stuff". (World, story, etc, fuck you i'm done).

I can agree to some degree on what you're saying, but then "mature" is probably not the right word to use here.
What I'm not getting is the competently characterized characters? In the sense that they are coherent in their behaviour? Or actually characters and not just text bubbles attached to graphics that give you quests and stuff?


Edgy Vatnik Wumao
Jun 2, 2017
Tranny was not a good game it was Average with mostly bad any annoying party members. Sirin was nice though and very nice to my character I think she was keen to breed.
The only likeable character,shame that i couldn't fuck her.

Yeah, 15 year old girls are just the best...
There's not a day on this forum where my opinion on you/your posting isn't sinking considerably.

This in before: "It was all just a joke/irony."
But maybe you are fifteen yourself. That would at least explain some of your BS posting.

Tyranny's "mature" in that it's simply Obsidian's first RPG to deliver absoluely every single thing they "promised" with it! And to top that off, they managed to utilize the Gracious Muse that is Feargus' geometric landscape of a person's body, enough so to actually fucking write a competent, somtimes above that even, cohesive story, a plot, multitude characters who are all competently characterized and fnially, finally for the first time yet:

They managed to make their reputatoin/morality systems (re: factions/companions/etc) actually tie in a meaningful way into the game's "stuff". (World, story, etc, fuck you i'm done).

I can agree to some degree on what you're saying, but then "mature" is probably not the right word to use here.
What I'm not getting is the competently characterized characters? In the sense that they are coherent in their behaviour? Or actually characters and not just text bubbles attached to graphics that give you quests and stuff?
You must be pretty sick degenerate to not like 15 year old girls! Fucking degenerate mericans that think the whole world is copy of their failing country. Go have drink filled with Fluoroantimonic acid!

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