It's interesting how Tolkien managed to present Middle-Earth to the world without long-winded, boring exposition dumps or appendices attached to his books which explained things. Sure, he is description-heavy and that somewhat bogs down the pacing (it also being a book is a factor), but he was creating a new world for arguably the first time in history, so that can be excused. NPCs spending paragraphs upon paragraphs explaining common in-universe knowledge, which is not only pace-stiffening and boring, breaks the much lauded "suspension of disbelief" that Coleridge was talking about all those years ago. You have to be able to weave that information into the narrative in such a way as to present it to the audience and not confuse them on the way there. I remember Kingdom of Amalur's intro going on and on about "See-lie fey" (or however it was spelled) and courts of winter and summer having some kind of conflict which wasn't explained and it could not be explained because we didn't even know what those fey things are. Kinda like going "The Smarghansks are in a terrible war with the Murskonkiks over ideological differences in their Trerkrantsk Lertravik and only the Furskalresrim and their Movtreronik Teqsum made headway in the decisive battle of Rezormerik during the Neskalpic Vetrerum." Literally nothing was said there and none of this matters to anyone, let alone being understood. Now imagine having to click on every one of those words to get whole new paragraphs upon paragraphs of explanations.
Anyway, better world presentation, please.