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Game News Underworld Ascendant Kickstarter Update #19: The Magic System


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Jan 28, 2011
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Tags: OtherSide Entertainment; Underworld Ascendant

Today's Underworld Ascendant Kickstarter update provides some details about the game's magic system. It's an evolution of Ultima Underworld's rune-based magic system, with additional experimentation and crafting options:

We wanted to do a deeper dive into one of the core game systems in Underworld Ascendant, magic. Can’t have a fantasy game without magic!

Magic in Underworld Ascendant springs from the original Underworlds. As with the originals, magic is built on rune stones. Scattered around the Abyss is an alphabet of rune stones, each inscribed with a runic letter. The Avatar discovers these stones as they explore the Abyss, over time building a vocabulary of spells.

To cast a spell, the player lays outs particular combinations of stones. For instance, the pair of stones IN LOR casts a dim magic light. A much more powerful version of this spell using 3 rune stones, VAS IN LOR, casts the brightness of daylight. Learning new spell combinations is part of the fun. You feel as if you are growing in arcane knowledge --- which of course you are!

Underworld Ascendant explores a new dimension of runic magic. As players master the lore they will uncover hidden powers, and learn how to magically transform their runes. For instance, a mage might learn how to transfigure the runes for a Fireball, POR FLAM, to enlarge its blast radius. As the mage’s knowledge deepens, to make the Fireball dance around the chamber, seeking out each nearby foe in turn. Or perhaps instead, to burn with a violet aura, which clings to foes longer and with more terrible effect. Ultimately, a mage can craft their own repertoire of unique and powerful runes.

Spells in Underworld Ascendant are also far more diverse than the standard RPG variations on “blast your foe”. There is magic that will aid in your being stealthy, alert you to a variety of dangers, let you levitate or fly, bar a door, to name just a few. These more diverse non-combat spells feed right into the Improvisation Engine, giving spell casters all sorts of clever approaches to solve challenges.

Speaking of spell casters, any Avatar can learn to wield at least some magic. A player focused on, say, combat skills, will never become master of the magical arts. However, they can still learn to cast some less powerful spells if they choose.​

The update also reports that a name has been selected for the game's gelatinous "Tunnel Trapper" monster - Earthclot. No new backer vote has been introduced after the conclusion of this one, so I guess they're done with those.

Zep Zepo

Titties and Beer
Dumbfuck Repressed Homosexual
Mar 23, 2013
Why do they keep talking about things that don't exist?

Like the "Improvisation Engine". It's an idea, not a real thing/it doesn't exist. (for this game yet).

Like my Gramma, Roseanne Roseannadanna, used to say "I got your EarthClot right here" *spreads legs*

Oh...Gramma! You were such a wild card!


Zep Zepo

Titties and Beer
Dumbfuck Repressed Homosexual
Mar 23, 2013
Oh god...if there is a codex backer tag icon for this can it be a variation of this one with some clever alt-text?



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Sep 10, 2010
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Damn, this is still not funded? I am pretty sure it will reach the $600K goal, but I guess Codex fundraiser is probably out of the question at this point.


Jun 14, 2014
Negative Zone
Grab the Codex by the pussy Strap Yourselves In I helped put crap in Monomyth
They should have hired Peter Molyneux.

He'd start babbling that this would be the RPG that would forever define the concept of RPGs. The RPG that would allow you to be a god, to piss and poop. To perform cannibalism, have sex and children. Have sex with your children. Eat your own children. Become evil and manage your own underworld.

Then the game would reach 2.000.000$ and they'd buy the development team behind Kingdom Come.


Nov 6, 2013
Shadorwun: Hong Kong
Feb. 25th tune in to Twitch TV:

Finally, a reminder that this Wednesday from 3-5 pm ET we will be running the second in our series of OtherSide plays LookingGlass Twitch sessions, this time playing the classic System Shock 2:

Might be that some interesting dialogue may slip out about Underworld Ascendant.


The magic update sounds engaging and an interesting development. Have to ask when has barring a door ever been needed outside of a scripted or directed need. Kind of like how early Realm of Arkania games had so many spells that were never useful for anything and never got cast. Unless they are planning all out D:OS type engine + dev tools...well let's hope they can pull it off.

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