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Video Games Can Never Be Art -Roger Ebert


Aug 9, 2020
The only sensible system of learning has always been the apprenticeship.

There's been talks for years of this to become the norm in the games industry but its only a pipe dream of the union movement and it comes with so many caveats because of how many are pro-marx/lenin. Can we just have the apprenticeships and the anti-wage theft anti-crunch policies without the affirmative action please. I do think the natural stage for the industry is to move to apprenticeships I think the free for all approach we're using now has lead to some cut-throat attitudes from newcomers.

The younger students have absolutely no respect at all no matter how much I tried to guide them you always got the whole "that'll never happen to me" or "I'm better than you anyway old fart" the few people that actually listened to me ended up with some modest roles in the industry the ones that didn't ran for glory got their "dream job" only to lose it like I said would happen and now because of coronachan its unlikely they'll ever get out of the rutt they're in plus the fools moved to super expensive cities so enjoy being homeless as well. There's a reason I stayed in Adelaide. Definitely Apprenticeships are needed it is a logical step for our industry but it'll need reform for it to happen.

also wall of text sorry.


Sacro Bosco
Sep 14, 2019
Videogames are art if they are created as art by artist, not as "proper industry cadaver with micro-transactions".
They could be bad art or first-grader's art, but still.

Pathologic is art.
Death Stranding is art.
Disco Elysium is art.
Kentucky Route Zero is art.
The Norwood Suite is art.

Assasin's Creed, Outer Worlds or nuDOOM is not.

Ol' Willy

Zionist Agent Vatnik
May 3, 2020
Reichskommissariat Russland ᛋᛋ
so you don't like anime, it is okay
The problem with Japs is that they don't possess what we call a "чувство меры". They like to throw everything possible into a one vinaigrette of story/setting and claim how deep and artistic it is, while it's just a mishmash of loosely connected bits and pieces making little sense. You can look at some Western settings like Planescape D&D setting which is quite complex, but logical and solidly interconnected; I guess it's some kind of racial inferiority that prevents Japs from being able to achieve that.


Dec 4, 2019
"It's only art if I personally like it and get something from it" is the kind of argument someone makes when they think they're super smart but actually have the philosophical depth of a puddle.

You're right. I just don't appreciate the depths of Michael Bay.


Sacro Bosco
Sep 14, 2019
so you don't like anime, it is okay
They like to throw everything possible into a one vinaigrette of story/setting and claim how deep and artistic it is

noooo you wrooooonng




I like Thief THIS much
Jan 4, 2007
Steve gets a Kidney but I don't even get a tag.
Art and Professionally Trained:

Not Art also Kicked out of Art School. But did well in politics until the winter:

Art schools are a waste of time. I went to one. They're utterly pointless. I learned more about drawing from Game Art than I did in a traditional setting.
The worst part of art school was the cryptic as hell briefs that made no logical sense and no one was going to give you a hint. Everything was left up to interpretation and your interpretation assuming you weren't a degenerate was normally wrong. Anything taken for face value was wrong. Anything involving heavy heavy amounts of cryptic thought was praised and encourage. The entire point of modern art is alienation. Instead of putting art out in the plazas and the fields like they once did they now hide art in the galleries and put their prices so high that no one can afford it. Modern art is elitist.

The reason why video games are shunned is entirely down to the fact that the every-man can have it. This is why hipsters saw the industry and thought hmm that's one thing that the every-man still has we need to take that from them as well. Thus the indiepocolypse. I do really worry about our future if it means we're going to have these groups constantly wanting to mutate video games into something else. Games are not Art because Art is pretentious wank we have no reason to mimic. Lucky for us Art doesn't sell.

A friend told me a fun story about that, from when she had art as her focus subject in high school. They went to an art school's gallery to look at the artworks made by the students there, and to get an impression of what studying at art school is like. Most artworks were some abstract bullshit, a bunch of colors slapped willy-nilly onto a canvas, with some bullshit long-winded explanation on what it all means.

There was one painting that was somewhat abstract, but still depicted something: an airplane. An abstract airplane, but you could see that it depicts something. It was more than just a bunch of colors without meaning. The art professors all rated it the lowest because it's "too figurative", as it actually depicted something.

All the students who were visiting the art school gallery rated it the highest... because it actually depicted something and wasn't just a bunch of random colors slapped onto a canvas.


Sep 29, 2007
I know someone who was painting pastel color portraits (professionally) going in —along side other people learning to draw shapes with a pencil. She got a failing grade, because the other students had noticeably improved by the end of the class.


Sacro Bosco
Sep 14, 2019
Who cares? Why are gamers so obsessed with this question?
Because they are sick of being treated aa retarded people by non-gamers who waste their lives watching Netflix 5 hours per day because cinema is art, so it's fine.

apparently somebody needs just to say VIDEOGAMES ARE ART to be proudly quoted elsewhere


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