So 3 Games were Greenlit today. Unfortunately none of them were Grimoire. But surely they must have been stellar 5 star games that took months to get on Greenlight and only possessed the highest quality you are saying.
Let's look at the prestigious list:
Game 1 Deer Hunter VR :
Formerly known as ç鹿人 VR. With that catchy title how could you go wrong. It was Greenlit in one day and by the activity on the page, you can see it was well deserved.
I understand there is a cottage industry for Cervidea murder
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8kL9Qhu_W18 so this can't be a surprise.
The next game is stroodle Doodle:
Again another game with a 1 day turn around and a strong showing. I mean who hasn't Stroodled thier Doodle.
The third gane fought long and hard to get greenlit. It wasn't just a shoe in like the first 2 above. Here is the flower of sunset. You have to type the title this way because capital letters are a tool of oppression by the corporate Zoglords.
I would be doing a disservice if i tried to sum up the game so here is the game in the devs own words.
"《the flower of sunset》
The story of the leading role, woke up and found herself sitting in a murder scene, her hands
covered with blood, while the front is a strange body, because the corpse dead too strange,
so this made her was heresy of the judge as a witch and was arrested specifically
imprisonment witch prison, and sentenced two days after the execution of the fire.
In order to know the truth, she decided to escape from the prison. Then in the process will
meet the two, Witch and Judge who has contrary position. To compose a love(?) story with
and the devs mission statement
About Yurif:
Yurif is a new group of making Yuri(Girls' Love) Games. Our target is promotion the games about Yuri(Girls' Love). Thought we are only 6 people but there are professional designer and music producer.
Well they do have 6 times the people that worked on Grimoire so it makes sense.
If only the Golden Baby had a Male to Female transition and had a relationship with Little Rosy and an Aeorb in VR while killing 2 or 3 deer, we wouldn't even have to try.
As you can see this is why we need to keep up the pressure on Steam. Let's just say their priorities are aligning "slightly" different thaqn ours at the moment.
Hopefully we can get a Friday Greenlight for the game and celebrate the Weekend of Incline as it will forever be known in the history books.