Economic devastator, Mk. 11
I have to disagree. The amount of stupid biodrones tearing it up on the WL2 forum can't be left unchecked. Every time I go there, it's facepalm after facepalm. If Codexers don't go there and dominate the conversation, no matter how cool and collected Brian is planning to play the whole "consult the fans" thing., he would, ultimately, have to at least compromise to an overwhelming majority of biodrones. I'm not saying that we should go there and troll like a bunch of Andhairas, but we need to take a firmer stance on this. There is already talk and calls for moderation, deleting post, deleting threads. There are even some shitheads volunteering to become moderators (so that they could show those nasty trolls):Don't get me wrong. I lol'd hard at some of the codexian responses in the biodrone threads. But bandwagoning andhaira's threads or creating off-topic bs-threads in their game feedback forum? That's not just not funny, but also counter-productive to the game. Just cuz there's a lot of codexers there doesn't make it a codex playground.