Dragon Slayer 4: Drasle Family was arguably made with the Famicom in mind. Konami's PC (MSX, mainly) games were usually made with the view of having a Famicom parallel alternative (famously Akumajou Dracula, Metal Gear, arguably Contra). Likewise HAL and the Lolo series of games. Koei were also definitely thinking about both the Famicom and Super Famicom when designing their primarily PC based strategy games.Nobody cared about adapting games for NES and SNES when developing PC games
Tho you are right that it wasn't the Nintendo platforms, but rather the Sega Mega Drive and NEC PC Engine that had more games developed with "both PC and console" in mind. The former due to sharing the same chip as the Sharp X68000 and the Amiga hence you get Wolfteam and Technosoft in Japan and Bitmap Brothers and Rainbow Arts in the West making a bunch of PC and Mega Drive cross platform games. As for the PC Engine, I assume it's due to NEC handing out big money to develop PC Engine versions of games alongside PC 88 and PC 98 versions -- a business strategy Microsoft would replicate a decade later in the West with the XBox. Speaking of "first party" porting efforts, Sega made a huge investment bringing over Falcom PC games to the Mega Drive themselves, but ofc. this is different to them being developed with the Mega Drive in mind in the first place.
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