a vampire played by the kind of woman who would play a vampire in D&D
a vampire played by the kind of woman who would play a vampire in D&D
Then one day my father came home with Ultima III and we realized that we never have to talk to each other again. And we all still enjoy playing single player cRPGs to this day.
Silicon killed the paper star.
I had a huge story written up but I sort of realized it's too emo to post here.
Elves are cool. Too much hate. I'm playing a QUICK 8 / CHA 7 she-elf in Shadowrun atm, I'm a glass cannon with wired rflexes, 7 firearms, 5 Interrogation (I use it for negotiation too...) and a bunch of etiquettes. Even if I'm a jerk most of the time my group loves me (sheer usefulness, I also bring a lot of other skills). I actually died once and they went as far as decline a 500.000 NuYen reward (wich without my cut would have been quite fat a share) to have me resurrected, since I happened to die at the end of an adventure, wich had us bring a powerful artifact to a dragon.
Playing female PCs is also cool, you get a lot of "hidden benefits" from it (that's if your GM isn't totally dense) like that time I was disarmed and at distance, while our troll was surrounded in melee by about half a dozen trolls/orcs. I just kept my cool, waited for my inititive and anounced "I flash them my tits". Our troll and mage did the rest while our rigger exctracted me using a drone just before 3 horny orcs reached me... Good times.
Nah bro. I'm 35 and man enough to know my virility isn't affected by RPG. If you think anything sexual can be related to that, then I'm sad for you...faget
They all thought...
... joy and happiness into my life.
I don't know, Drog. Should you?or should I just make a II account?
Who is drog?
I tried to PM her but it won't let me. I guess she blocked me or some shit