Most trustworthy slavic man
I do not think that it is fair, but it is what it is. A law that cannot be enforced is no law and DU can't police you for gossiping outside the forums even if he wanted to. I do find it ethically questionable to have tabs on random users, but even other users with no administrative privileges can do that with the information available on the general forums. As long as the admins do not divulge data that they've obtained through their forum privileges to those who do not have direct access to the same information, then it's as fair as it can get in this regard. Infy wasn't spreading that info in the general forums. He just shared it with those who could've reached it by themselves were they so inclined.If it's fair for us to "gossip" about users in the Admin forum and post personal, completely non-related-to-their-Codex-activities info therein
The payment data should be only available to a person who process the payment, ie. owner of the Greg Martin enterprise, his accountant or the employees of the company who are responsible for handling this data for payment, tax and other state mandated activities. So only DU, not Crispy, infinitron or Roguey, Roxor or who else.