I'd like to see a sequel to Armored Princess where the Princess wears even less clothing.
This has been my dream RPG for a long time. One of the most fun things in these open-world simulationist games is manipulating the stock market but most games are set before banking and stock trading and all advances financial institutions took off. Only a few space games have attempted it that I know of.An rpg that focuses entirely on the stock market.
have not played it in many years, but sort of remember thinking EVE online had a market, but not sure if the companies in the game actually traded on a stock exchange or if there was one, or if it was just for the commodities used to build things and which you sold as a trader..I just recall EVE was totally crazy and felt like there was a ton of depth, but I never got far into it because I just don't have the time to do it or play it correctly which felt like it would have taken being retired or a teenager again...
A proper and authentic Underdark simulator.
By that, I mean one that model hundreds of miles of the Underdark to a degree as accurately as can be interpreted from FR canon.
This game should be fully 3D in a modern, competent engine (no Unity) and shouldn't require a hugely powerful PC due to the relatively constrained areas it would be responsible for rendering at any one time, except when encountering one of the large Underdark cities.
Accurate and correct climbing, swimming and spelunking skills should be modeled. The game should of course be fully turn-based and based on AD&D 3.5E rules. If that's not possible, 5E might be okay, but I don't know enough about them yet to know if that would be better or not. Imagine being able to fully zoom in, out, rotate around while viewing the current tunnel or cave system your party is located in, with a sophisticated (and uncompromising) lighting system capable of plunging your party into utter and hopeless darkness should they not have come prepared.
Illithid, drow, svirfneblin, derro, beholder, cloaker -- all the favorites should be included.
The name of the this glorious RPG should be...
Descent Into The Underdark