I think games look better than ever. Photorealism is now a possibility without the uncanny valley problem.
Some games still benefit from having their own unique art style - normally, adventure games and JRPGs where the focus is not on providing an "immersive" experience.
The Last of Us: Remastered is probably the best looking game I have played although I haven't played any AAA title from 2017.
The Last of Us has been surpassed, this in my opinion is one of the best looking games at the current moment across all platforms.
Sadly, this video is only in 720p for some dumb reason but playing it on a 1080p screen downsampled from 2160p checkerboard and it's mind blowing.
There were a couple of weird years were Naruto anime games looked and were animated better than the show...or most other shows.anime
All I'm going to say is textures > polygons.
If you are going to have extremely detailed polygons, blurry textures will make your game look like shit. On the other hand, you can get away with low polygons if your textures are sufficiently high res, which in most cases means Deus Ex (2000) levels of quality.