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KickStarter Who will buy CD Projekt Red?

The Wall

Dumbfuck Zionist Agent
Jul 19, 2017
No one can buy what's not for sale. For Bethesda, their "beloved" franchises and IPs, their employees, their Todd Howard and Pete Hines, all of which brought them hundreds and hundreds and hundreds and hundreds MILLION dollars, all of that was for sale. Why? Because fuck you, give me 7.5 billion dollars!

Let's face it, investors and big corporation shareholders and owners are not humans. They have lost their humanity and now they are just agents of GREED.tm. Owners of CD Projekt Red: Marcin Iwinski, Kacinski etc, are born gamers and still humans. Their souls might get corrupted by greed but as long as they love what they do, honest question, why the fuck would they sell company they founded? Company that made them millioners and solved all their financial problems 4LIFE, allowed them to live lives of Roman & Greek nobles and focus only on what they love: making great games

Some people are not for sale. Maybe Iwinski and Kacinski weren't offered right amount yet, but imo fuck soul destroying corporatism

The Wall

Dumbfuck Zionist Agent
Jul 19, 2017
Westerns are truly fucked beyond salvation if they can't believe and demand, ironic or not, citation for claim that some things are not for sale. BTW: What's price of your anal virginity NJClaw ?

The Wall

Dumbfuck Zionist Agent
Jul 19, 2017
Yup! Western morals, ethics, land, history, resources and women - ALL for sale. And I'd buy it ALL for a generous price of 1 DOLLAR!*

*offer expires in 1 minute


Aug 30, 2016
Pronouns: rusts/rusty
Pathfinder: Wrath I'm very into cock and ball torture
Westerns are truly fucked beyond salvation if they can't believe and demand, ironic or not, citation for claim that some things are not for sale. BTW: What's price of your anal virginity NJClaw ?
I wanted a citation on this passage, actually:

Owners of CD Projekt Red: Marcin Iwinski, Kacinski etc, are [...] still humans.
You stop being human once you start exploiting other people's work and lives beyond what's reasonably acceptable.

The Wall

Dumbfuck Zionist Agent
Jul 19, 2017
Oh, ok. They both are very much different from Iwinski and Kacinski who founded CD Projekt. They would NEVER make game with Witcher 1's soul today, thou they can afford 10 such games to be made

One day, they will almost certainly sell out. I just think that day is not tomorrow but 5-10 years away

The Wall

Dumbfuck Zionist Agent
Jul 19, 2017
I just don't get it, what MOAR! one can ask for then: dream job, millions in bank, beautiful wife and family, every 20somethin hot intern is your concubine and looks at you as her personal GOD, community respects and loves you, you make great games played by millions - which was your childhood dream, any food you want - you get, any car you desire - you buy, any woman you see - will at least give a blowjob to Fathers of Witcher. WHAT FUCKING MOAR YOU FUCKIN WANT???

Exactly the same could be asked Todd Howard, if he was one of Bethesda owners

The Wall

Dumbfuck Zionist Agent
Jul 19, 2017
Is 7.5 billion price of true happiness.tm or are people cursed to always want moar, even when moar stops meaning anything? Cause I fail to see what moar people like Iwinski and Kacinski could want from life


Perfidious Pole
Feb 17, 2011
Stealth Orbital Nuke Control Centre
No one can buy what's not for sale. For Bethesda, their "beloved" franchises and IPs, their employees, their Todd Howard and Pete Hines, all of which brought them hundreds and hundreds and hundreds and hundreds MILLION dollars, all of that was for sale. Why? Because fuck you, give me 7.5 billion dollars!

Really, 7.5 billion? I'll need a citation on that.
Jan 14, 2018
Codex Year of the Donut
No one can buy what's not for sale. For Bethesda, their "beloved" franchises and IPs, their employees, their Todd Howard and Pete Hines, all of which brought them hundreds and hundreds and hundreds and hundreds MILLION dollars, all of that was for sale. Why? Because fuck you, give me 7.5 billion dollars!

Really, 7.5 billion? I'll need a citation on that.

It's one of the most expensive video game acquisitions ever, I think only some mobile acquisition was higher


Jul 15, 2004
the area around my keyboard
tldr: Some stupid VP and a corrupt or inept independent business analyst dropped the ball and made a stupid acquisition. It happens. This deal is total bullshit and no way Zenimax is worth that much.

Some of the money was to triple Microsoft's pool of slave labor community content creators. Phil Spencer said asmuch directly on Bloomberg news and alluded to it on CNBC. Bethsoft has a history of making people fix their games for them.

Because I'm a soulless corpo drone, I can tell you that ON PAPER $7.5 billion looked like a reasonable deal to some pencil-pushing Vice President and his lackeys, especially when you consider all the Intellectual Property. This is simply brain-dead corporate posturing that has manifested as an acquisition. These people do not know the value of a dollar.

'Wah wah but flabby, no way did they spend $7.5 billion on a MISTAKE!'
My response: A corporate executive would have all the incentive in the world to make this deal out to be their stroke of genius, but no company would let it proceed without a second opinion and independent analysis. But those analyses are not always accurate. On paper they can make it sound like the best deal in the world. On paper we can make a dairy farm with 10 cows be worth $100 million. Microsoft likely valued the company at $9+ billion, making this a great value!

If Microsoft ever sheds Zenimax/Bethsoft, a VP will take the fall. It won't be the same VP that pushed for the acquisition. Using VPs as scapegoats is the most basic of executive strategies as they claw their way to the top.
Jan 14, 2018
Codex Year of the Donut
tldr: Some stupid VP and a corrupt or inept independent business analyst dropped the ball and made a stupid acquisition. It happens. This deal is total bullshit and no way Zenimax is worth that much.

Some of the money was to triple Microsoft's pool of slave labor community content creators. Phil Spencer said asmuch directly on Bloomberg news and alluded to it on CNBC. Bethsoft has a history of making people fix their games for them.

Because I'm a soulless corpo drone, I can tell you that ON PAPER $7.5 billion looked like a reasonable deal to some pencil-pushing Vice President and his lackeys, especially when you consider all the Intellectual Property. This is simply brain-dead corporate posturing that has manifested as an acquisition. These people do not know the value of a dollar.

'Wah wah but flabby, no way did they spend $7.5 billion on a MISTAKE!'
My response: A corporate executive would have all the incentive in the world to make this deal out to be their stroke of genius, but no company would let it proceed without a second opinion and independent analysis. But those analyses are not always accurate. On paper they can make it sound like the best deal in the world. On paper we can make a dairy farm with 10 cows be worth $100 million. Microsoft likely valued the company at $9+ billion, making this a great value!

If Microsoft ever sheds Zenimax/Bethsoft, a VP will take the fall. It won't be the same VP that pushed for the acquisition. Using VPs as scapegoats is the most basic of executive strategies as they claw their way to the top.
it probably takes microsoft like 3 days to make $7.5 billion lol


Aug 30, 2016
Pronouns: rusts/rusty
Pathfinder: Wrath I'm very into cock and ball torture
tldr: Some stupid VP and a corrupt or inept independent business analyst dropped the ball and made a stupid acquisition. It happens. This deal is total bullshit and no way Zenimax is worth that much.
How do you know that $7.5 billion is not a reasonable price? Everybody talks about Bethesda all the time, that might be enough in the eyes of shareholders. There are so many variables involved: what does owning Bethesda implies for the new generation of consoles? What if they keep acquiring every single major videogame publisher/developer in the world? What if they plan to compete with Steam, Epic and GOG with a new digital distribution platform (very unlikely, but what the fuck do we know)?

Facebook spent something around $20 billion for WhatsApp. Was it worth it? I mean, we are talking about amounts of money that don't even exist in the real world.

Sam Ecorners

Mar 19, 2012
Gallbladder of Western Civilization
I think it would make more sense to make a number of larger purchases of CDPR stock and/or try to get a voice in the boardroom. Then, if, eventually, it was time to make a big move you could have an easier time to sell it. Anyway, CDPR seem to be doing very well right now and are not in the position to sell, rather to buy and grow. They have a good decade or so to build their company


Jan 26, 2014
You stop being human once you start exploiting other people's work and lives beyond what's reasonably acceptable.
Spoken like a true commie

This deal is total bullshit and no way Zenimax is worth that much.

Skyrim sold what, 30 million copies at last count several years ago? Fallout 4 some 20 million? Then there are all the other IPs like Doom, Wolfenstein etc. Like it or not, Bethesda makes blockbusters that make hundreds of millions of dollars with each release in pure profit. It will take some years to make that money back, but it's not a bad deal. It will convince lot of people to subscribe to gamepass or even get Xbox when they wouldn't otherwise. MS has made much, much worse deals in the past. They can afford it, trillion dollar company that it is.
Last edited:


Mar 22, 2017
So essentially walking the full circle? Atari published The Withcer 1.

In reality tho, CDPR are in position to harvest other smaller studios, not to be consoomed by Microsoft, that era ended with The Witcher 2 release.


Thought Criminal #3333
Apr 18, 2005
On Patroll
Codex 2014 PC RPG Website of the Year, 2015 Codex 2016 - The Age of Grimoire Make the Codex Great Again! Grab the Codex by the pussy Insert Title Here RPG Wokedex Strap Yourselves In Codex Year of the Donut Divinity: Original Sin Project: Eternity Torment: Tides of Numenera Shadorwun: Hong Kong Divinity: Original Sin 2 BattleTech A Beautifully Desolate Campaign My team has the sexiest and deadliest waifus you can recruit.
Let's face it, investors and big corporation shareholders and owners are not humans. They have lost their humanity and now they are just agents of GREED.tm.
But sin in an integral part of what makes men human. It's why we live on Earth. Haven't you heard of the Bible?


Mar 1, 2013
North of Poland
Pillars of Eternity 2: Deadfire
That kind of dough for Bethesda of all things?!
The Elder Scrolls and Fallout are among the best-selling, most popular and beloved game franchises out there. Yes, Fallout 76 flopped, but it was a huge outlier after 12 years of mainstream success. There is an active The Elder Scrolls MMORPG that is apparently successful, and Fallout is getting a TV show. These two IP's and the people behind them makes it a lucrative purchase on its own.

And then you get the whole ZeniMax umbrella of studios. Most of these IP's are household names and should make any businessman's mouth water: Doom, Quake, Wolfenstein, Dishonored, Prey.

If there's any game company worth buying for a gazillion dollars, it's Bethesda.


Perfidious Pole
Feb 17, 2011
Stealth Orbital Nuke Control Centre
That kind of dough for Bethesda of all things?!
The Elder Scrolls and Fallout are among the best-selling, most popular and beloved game franchises out there. Yes, Fallout 76 flopped, but it was a huge outlier after 12 years of mainstream success. There is an active The Elder Scrolls MMORPG that is apparently successful, and Fallout is getting a TV show. These two IP's and the people behind them makes it a lucrative purchase on its own.

And then you get the whole ZeniMax umbrella of studios. Most of these IP's are household names and should make any businessman's mouth water: Doom, Quake, Wolfenstein, Dishonored, Prey.

If there's any game company worth buying for a gazillion dollars, it's Bethesda.

Compared to Disney's 4 billion Star Wars deal? Nope, not worth it.

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