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Decline Witcher 2 is awful.


Sep 29, 2007
i will take a bizarre system that is tailored to the specific fiction of the game (in the case of witcher 1 the fighting was based on how witcher combat styles are described as dance-like in the books) than a boring copy pasted and half-hearted attempt at SOULSLIKE combat
Click, click, click. That was TW1 combat. Remove your nostalgia blindfold.
Actually no, Combat relied upon Geralt's abilities, the clicking was simply indicating what to attack; Neverwinter Nights—and for that matter Fallout and the Infinity engine games had essentially the same concept. The optional mini-game (clicking while the orange aura was displayed, to get a combo) is a neat bonus that (try as one might) is never guaranteed or assured—it never gets old.

Its outrageous that anyone would think W2 is a bad game, the overall narrative is interesting with all the political intrigue and kingslayer themes and its got lots of hot sorceresses with big breasts. What more do you need?
I got tired of it quick. I think I abandoned it after the Kraken fight—not intentionally, I stopped playing it one night, and just didn't go back. So many things were irksome about that game. Aforementioned peeves aside, I did not like the dialog roulette that happened every time you gambled at picking one of Geralt's replies—that are never what the text actually says. I really disliked having had Geralt's pragmatism done away with, where instead of a bandoleer of potions at the ready, in Witcher 2 Geralt kneels in the mud (and water sometimes) to —guess— what concoctions might—just maybe prove useful against whatever unknown threat is around the next corner, or past the trees.

In The Witcher (1) Geralt is a professional swordsman, and it is impossible to have him attack anything that isn't a valid target. In Witcher 2, Gerralt flails at whatever is in front of him, including rocks, trees, walls, curtains. The combat system has him hamstrung by the player's abilities rather than his own. He can be trounced by peasants.
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Jul 25, 2011
South Africa, Cape Town
i will take a bizarre system that is tailored to the specific fiction of the game (in the case of witcher 1 the fighting was based on how witcher combat styles are described as dance-like in the books) than a boring copy pasted and half-hearted attempt at SOULSLIKE combat
Click, click, click. That was TW1 combat. Remove your nostalgia blindfold.
Actually no, Combat relied upon Geralt's abilities, the clicking was simply indicating what to attack; Neverwinter Nights—and for that matter Fallout and the Infinity engine games had essentially the same concept. The optional mini-game (clicking while the orange aura was displayed, to get a combo) is a neat bonus that (try as one might) is never guaranteed or assured—it never gets old.

Its outrageous that anyone would think W2 is a bad game, the overall narrative is interesting with all the political intrigue and kingslayer themes and its got lots of hot sorceresses with big breasts. What more do you need?
I got tired of it quick. I think I abandoned it after the Kraken fight—not intentionally, I just stopped playing it and just didn't go back.
Its a pity you stopped because the narrative evolves in an exciting way, I realize the Kraken fight was annoying but its not an accurate reflection of the overall game


Sep 29, 2007
Well the Kraken fight is not why I quit, I just drifted away from the game sometime soon afterwards. I always intended to complete it... I just never resumed play. I don't doubt the writing, but if a game is mechanically boring, an excellent script won't save it. (The reverse is not also true; an excellent game will obscure the most banal plot, the same as excellent inking does for a comic book with terrible writing. Having bad mechanics in a game is like having bad art in a comic... it kills the interest in even a great story.)
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Jul 25, 2011
South Africa, Cape Town
Well the Kraken fight is not why I quit, I just drifted away from the game sometime soon afterwards. I always intended to complete it... I just never resumed play. I don't doubt the writing, but if a game is mechanically boring, an excellent script won't save it.
Fair enough, I have played games with bad combat mechanics, like Inquisitor the Czech RPG, but an exciting narrative and that was enough for me to continue playing. But its a personal choice and I can understand your decision


Sep 29, 2007
Well the Kraken fight is not why I quit, I just drifted away from the game sometime soon afterwards. I always intended to complete it... I just never resumed play. I don't doubt the writing, but if a game is mechanically boring, an excellent script won't save it.
Fair enough, I have played games with bad combat mechanics, like Inquisitor the Czech RPG, but an exciting narrative and that was enough for me to continue playing. But its a personal choice and I can understand your decision
I have Inquisitor; I played it for a while, but the game didn't pull me in [fast] enough to want to learn the story.

And yet I had a blast playing Eisenwald; the first time I played Disciples 2, and also multiplayer Quake, both sessions lasted about eighteen hours for each.


Sep 11, 2022
cretin I agree Withcer 2 sucks, but what amazes me is your titles. Dude, you have 2 "dumbfuck!", one "douchebag", one "posibbly retarded" and one "ow, the edge!"... I'm afraid to check your message history and opinions on games.


Sep 6, 2022
Stop fucking worshipping Glitcher already.
It's nothing more than a third person glorified action-adventure hack/slash with very minor rpg mechanics.
A legitimate RPG? Get outta here.
It's time to see Glitcher for what it really is.


Apr 20, 2019
cretin I agree Withcer 2 sucks, but what amazes me is your titles. Dude, you have 2 "dumbfuck!", one "douchebag", one "posibbly retarded" and one "ow, the edge!"... I'm afraid to check your message history and opinions on games.
The plethora of titles actually has nothing to do with my general posting and is exclusively because a mod was butthurt that i made him look like a fool in some internet slapfight. Yes, seriously, that.


Apr 20, 2019
... not even the basics of a 3d action system like orientating towards the enemy you are actually targeting, not even with a fucking lock on. ...

So you're one of those people who need the game to automatically turn them towards enemies so they don't run into a wall to get raped from behind? :D

No, I need the character to orientate towards the threat so I can do sensible stuff like side step, backpedal, and so on. Instead, we have a lock on that seemingly has no actual function because there is already a soft target lock and geralt can't actually make incremental turns and cant move laterally and can't backpedal.
Jun 6, 2010
Milan, Italy
Also, with all its (gigantic) shortcomings in the gameplay department, crisp textures and clean visuals were one of the game's strongest points at the time it launched. It you are seeing "muddy textures" you are probably fucking up something on your side.


Jul 25, 2011
South Africa, Cape Town
Devs mentioned Gothic as inspiration too

I can't think of a single similarity between the two (other than the most superficial stuff, i.e. they're third-person with a fixed protagonist etc.)
I agree, I cant see the similarities. The Witcher series is based on the iconic books and has a grand and overarching narrative like The Wild Hunt and the search for Yennefer

Gothic is about the nameless hero and his separate adventures in the land that PB created. They both great RPG but I dont think they have much in common
Jun 6, 2010
Milan, Italy
I agree, I cant see the similarities. The Witcher series is based on the iconic books and has a grand and overarching narrative like The Wild Hunt and the search for Yennefer

Gothic is about the nameless hero and his separate adventures in the land that PB created. They both great RPG but I dont think they have much in common
The story isn't the issue here.
They are mechanically and structurally different and they couldn't be more different in terms of philosophy about interfacing the user with the game's world.


Jan 16, 2017
My problem with Witcher 2 was it seemed to partially abandon the bizarre tone of the first game. Its okay overall, gameplay is weak, but it is in every Witcher game. Witcher 3 actually recaptured some of the atmosphere from Witcher 1.


Aug 17, 2006
Perhaps in that TW2 is consistently boring and linear the whole way through

You have shit taste if you find the generic "ancient evil" main quest of W3 more interesting than the MQ of W2. Also, how can the game be "linear the whole way through" when there's literally two different Chapter 2s?

doors that auto-closed behind him.
you can thank the crappy consoles and their limited memory for these. this entire game was designed for consoles first and foremost

Nah, it wasn't consoles. The Xbox 360 port didn't get released untill Enhanced Edition version came out, a full year later.

Old Hans

Oct 10, 2011
Nah, it wasn't consoles. The Xbox 360 port didn't get released untill Enhanced Edition version came out, a full year later.
there is no way that UI was designed with a mouse & keyboard user in mind AND the tiny little explorable areas, and the quick time events..its all there, you just have to connect the dots. this goes straight to the top. I do admit it was very clever of them to release it for the PC first to work out all the bugs.


Feb 20, 2021
The UI is peak xbawks awfulness.
Nigga, please. The game was made first and foremost for the PC with graphical options they knew nobody at the time could run the game on. It took a full year for them to port the game xbox360 and they were not exactly shy about admitting that they had to downgrade it visually to make it run. Even Witcher 1 had a shitty UI on launch and it only really got fixed with the enhanced edition. CDprojekt simply sucks at UI design and you would have known that if you bothered to open up wikipedia page on the games.
I don't know if the game gets better after the prologue, but based off this shit now I don't care to see if it does.
The prologue is literary the worst part of the game and basically has nothing to do with the rest of the game. The combat however does suck donkey dick. No argument there.

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