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Incline Witcher game series is one of the hallmarks of gaming


Feb 14, 2017
As a series it certainly hits more than it misses.

Personal opinion is:
  • Witcher 1 - Good little RPG, weighed down by the Swamp level and combat in general. But overall has a very nice blend of elements, and captures the Witcher feel well. :4/5:
  • Witcher 2 - Hard work to get in to, hated the first 10-15 hours, once past that absolutely thrived on the game. Combat's better but still lacking, but the C&C is stunning and the overall plot, questing & characters are superb. Everything intertwines very nicely to create this lush feeling of an everyday monster hunter being caught up in massive events, and being forced to go on a journey he'd sooner avoid. Perfect blens of gritty low-fantasy, & epic high fantasy too. :5/5:
  • Witcher 3 - Wank. Despite superb cut-scenes, it's a dull, lifeless affair which regresses in almost every department from the previous 2 games, and waters everything down so much the lack of flavour stands out miles. One of it's biggest failings lies within it's setup (quick! the Wild Hunt are after Ciri! Hurry to her!) and it's execution (actually, take your time & do loads of random, pointless shit. no rush), plus it has mostly absent & characterless main villains. Worth playing though for a handful of quests such as the Bloody Baron, Carnal Sins & Fools Gold though :2/5:
  • Witcher 3 Expansions - Far better than TW3. Enemies actually add challenge now, the stories are way more interesting, and the tighter world size works FAR better. :4/5:

Triss is better than Yenn for me in everyway. I prefer redheads, more submissive women, bigger tits & that extra 5-7lbs too. Yenn would do my fucking head in, Triss knows her place. She plays the perfect partner in TW2, supportive enough to be there to lean on, but out the way enough so you can crack on with business, and bang a few other slags in the meantime too. Yenn's like a real wife, and annoying as fuck.


May 13, 2007
Castle Rock
Anyone who is bashing Witcher 3 while prising popamole, choose your own adventure Witcher 2 is fucking retarded. Witcher 2 is basically broken by all "new" trends Tomasz Gop(can't stand that guy) wanted to inject into it. It also licks "american audience" asses like no other part, being all epic and shit. Also, it has terrible maps, which are never ending corridor. There are good parts, but those are overwhelmed by bad combat, qte, cinematic structure, strange dialog system and other terrible ideas( like controlling npcs). I would still give it 7/10 as a game, but it's bad Witcher game. It got little in common with Witcher 1 and 3.


Oct 5, 2010
New Vegas
Combat in 1 is literally terrible, with no real redeeming feature. Combat in 2 and 3 is just kind of boring action melee, rather than "bad." I don't like the equivalence there.

Witcher 2 is my favorite. More focused and contained, great C&C, amazing writing and cool characters/settings. Witcher 3 is all of that but placed in a tediously massive open world with Assassin's Creed quest design which broke my resolve halfway through. Someday I'll try again though.


Apr 8, 2015
What the fuck? Fourteen people agree with this shit post? The Witcher games are complete garbage. A consoletard series that runs headfirst into the decline with each progressive game. They're literally third person Bethesda walking simulators. What did I expect though, half the people on this forum thought FO:NV was a great game.

Still trying way too hard kid.

It also licks "american audience" asses like no other part, being all epic and shit

The entire game's plot is just Geralt chasing after the guy that "framed" him all the being constantely pulled into shit he doesn't care.
W3 is the one where you have end of the world threats, "emotional engagement" shenanigans, banging every piece of pussy under the sun, deciding the fate of an entire continent's political landscape, epic battles against the wild hunt and a happy ending for the hero.


Apr 8, 2015
Geralt hanging out with kings

Oh mean exactely like in every damn Witcher book and game?

fighting dragon

Kinda like a monster hunter.
Besides he did confront a dragon in one of the books.

Seriously? Where? Witcher 3 is Geralt's personal story. All epic shit is about Ciri.

The personal story where Geralt actions have a profound impact on the politics of the entire continent, chooses his waifu and saves his daugther (muh emotional engagement), helps her to save the world from the apocalypse and defeats, by himself, the big bad wild hunt riders.

Truly not the kind of epic shit american audiences (and casual audiences in general) haven't been lapping up since blockbusters like Star Wars and games like Ass Effect..



May 13, 2007
Castle Rock
Geralt hanging out with kings

Oh mean exactely like in every damn Witcher book and game?

Remind me, I have read Witcher saga 15 years ago. I don't recall Geralt being so close to kings.

fighting dragon

Kinda like a monster hunter.
Yeah, it's so off.

Besides he did confront a dragon in one of the books.
Don't you think your trying a little too hard? Give me a break.

helps her to save the world from the apocalypse and defeats, by himself, the big bad wild hunt riders.

How exactly did he help her saving the world from apocalypse? White frost trope is like 10 minutes of a game. I didn't like Wild Hunt either, it was the worst part of the books and the games, but fighting with them is not exactly equal to saving the world


May 13, 2018
Grab the Codex by the pussy Insert Title Here Strap Yourselves In
Battle of Kaer Morhen and revenge on the crones and what's his face under the tree was pretty cool. The rest of vanilla game sucked hard.

It's the little moments CDPR know how to capture really well, so even of the game as a whole may not be great, memorable moments make it worthwhile.

That being said, first game is the only one I've liked in full and they're all faggots for selling out to consoletards.


Apr 8, 2015
Remind me, I have read saga 15 years ago. I don't recall Geralt being so close to kings.

He personally dealt with all of them more than one time.
If it wasn't for him, the Emperor of Nilfgaard would've been long dead.
Damn in the first game he's almost on a first name basis with Foltest and Radovid.

How exactly did he help her saving the world from apocalypse?

By finding her and the that elven dude.

I didn't like Wild Hunt either, it was the worst part of the books and the games, but fighting with them is not exactly equal to saving the world

They wanted to take Ciri which without her the world would've ended.
Besides they are the clear bad guys in the game which you do end up having massive battles that spam armies all the while the world is starting to be consumed by the apocalyptic event.

You can give all the dumb excuses in the world, but the fact remains W3 is much much more epic in scope than W2 and meant to capture the largest audience CDPR could. Even the devs said as much that was their intention with W3.


Jan 25, 2016
Wandering the world randomly in search of maps
Witcher 1 - lol we can haz aurora engine lolooolzzzzolz
Witcher 2 - Here's a skill tree. Oh, we forgot to give you skill points tho. What do you mean you're dying from a nekker?
Witcher 3 - Fine here's your fucking skill points, get all the fucking points you want. (but all the skills are crap and combat is button mash popamole trash)

Witcher 3 proves the Ubisoft principle, put enough content in a game and it will succeed no matter how mediocre the quality.


Jan 29, 2019
Neriak Third Gate
Aside from loving the stories so much, it always struck me that the concept of Witchers and the world they live in is just the perfect setup for an action RPG.

CDPR have said that TW3 is the definite end of Geralt's story, but I'm convinced that we'll see more games from them like TW3. Either playing as Ciri, or I think more likely just a completely disconnected scenario were you make your own Witcher and choose your school etc.

I'd like a prequel, the story of Geralt becoming a witcher, his early adventures. Love the trilogy personally.


May 13, 2007
Castle Rock
You can give all the dumb excuses in the world, but the fact remains W3 is much much more epic in scope than W2 and meant to capture the largest audience CDPR could. Even the devs said as much that was their intention with W3.

You know whats dumb? You defending Witcher 2 while being attached to such undefined word nowadays as "epic". I don't know what this word reflects in your imagination, but it's not always "bigger in scale". Witcher 3 told the story in much more subtle way, while having bigger scope.


Feb 14, 2017
Anyone who is bashing Witcher 3 while prising popamole, choose your own adventure Witcher 2 is fucking retarded. Witcher 2 is basically broken by all "new" trends Tomasz Gop(can't stand that guy) wanted to inject into it. It also licks "american audience" asses like no other part, being all epic and shit.

It's not broken, because it works, and makes for a better game.

I'd sooner they have kept more depth from TW1, but there's no doubt that the combat was a huge bind on the game and, even though TW2 combat isn't great, it's at least less of a slog.

Witcher 3 isn't bad because it's popamole, it's bad because it's trying to be an open world sandbox game and full of bloat + mundane-ness. Plus it's main questline is a ridiculously boring set of people fetch quests, topped off by a confrontation with a load of villains that have no depth or backstory to them. Whereas in TW2 you interact with your enemies throughout, whichever path you choose.


Dec 15, 2018


Dec 13, 2019
Witcher 2 [...] the C&C is stunning and the overall plot, questing & characters are superb. Everything intertwines very nicely to create this lush feeling of an everyday monster hunter being caught up in massive events, and being forced to go on a journey he'd sooner avoid. Perfect blens of gritty low-fantasy, & epic high fantasy too.
What kept me engaged in TW2 was the C&C and how plausible the events were. It's a shame that TW3 literally ignored all of that, but I guess it should've been expected, given how they managed to ignore all the links between TW1 and TW2 (I think there is only a single line from Foltest to Geralt about his daugther in the tutorial/prologue?). In this aspect TW3 is actually a decline.

Witcher 3 told the story in much more subtle way, while having bigger scope.

DJO is right on this one - TW3 is way more epic than TW2 was. TW3's big open world might be masking it by being filled to brim with more mundane stuff, but in TW2 we operated in a border town and decided the fate of the North (or which kingdom gets the upper hand). In TW3 we operate in the whole world and decide not only the fate of the North and its kingdoms, but also the whole clash between North and South AND the fate of the world.


Feb 14, 2017

What's so sad about this is that the mainstream brainwashing seeped into areas which are usually resistant to it.

The Codex is strong with the force, and usually immune to such bullshit, but in The Witcher 3 they got a popamole, sandbox/open world game laced full of choice-less cut-scenes and having more in common with GTA & Assasins Creed than proper RPGs, and loads lap it up like it's anything but that.

Last edited:


Oct 5, 2010
New Vegas
The Codex is strong with the force, and usually immune to such bullshit, but in The Witcher 3 they got a popamole, sandbox/open world game laced full of choice-less cut-scenes and having more in common with GTA & Assasins Creed than proper RPGs, and loads lap it up like it's anything but that.

It's an extremely good fantasy world simulator with cool characters and stories, so it makes sense many storyfag RPG fans would love it. Maybe I'll even love it, in the right mood someday. I just wish they didn't defend the rather meh gameplay as if it's something stellar.


Feb 14, 2017
The Codex is strong with the force, and usually immune to such bullshit, but in The Witcher 3 they got a popamole, sandbox/open world game laced full of choice-less cut-scenes and having more in common with GTA & Assasins Creed than proper RPGs, and loads lap it up like it's anything but that.

It's an extremely good fantasy world simulator with cool characters and stories, so it makes sense many storyfag RPG fans would love it. Maybe I'll even love it, in the right mood someday. I just wish they didn't defend the rather meh gameplay as if it's something stellar.

See I think the characters & stories are mostly shit tbh. Some good in there, but the bloat drowns a lot of the quality out. If they trimmed the fat like they did for the expansions then it'd be amuch better experience overall. But that is subjective.

You're right about the gameplay though. It's average at best, and doing the same average shit over 100 hours is grating.


Oct 5, 2010
New Vegas
See I think the characters & stories are mostly shit tbh. Some good in there, but the bloat drowns a lot of the quality out. If they trimmed the fat like they did for the expansions then it'd be amuch better experience overall. But that is subjective.

It would absolutely be better if cut down to the good parts, but I do think the overall plot, writing, setting and characters are very good. It's just all buried in Assassin's Creed style busywork.


Feb 2, 2018
Just like CDPR made a masterpiece with W3, I'm expecting the same with Cyberpunk. When they said in the delay announcement that they need to take the time to make a game that comes once a generation, I have no reason to doubt them. That's pretty much what they did with the Witcher series. Successful enough to get some Polish author's work thrust into the global mainstream, US tv show with a superstar actor... CDPR did an incredible thing. It just grates my balls that I hate first person so much, but for CDPR I'll bite the bullet. Hopefully we get more 3rd person witchery one day...

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